warm and cold

Junsu's POV :

I had a long day at work and hyung said he wanted to have dinner with me since mom and dad are having a little date night tonight and Suyoung is having dinner with Jihye. Hyung said he will be a little late so I went to a restaurant that me and hyung really like. I wait and wait and wait. "Jeez what's taking him so freaking long?" I muttered then I got a text from him. "Junsu, im really sorry but I can't make it tonight. I'll be having dinner with an international client. Hyung is very sorry T.T" I wanted to be mad at him but then, it is an international client. If he rejects it, dad is going to kill him. I wanted to just leave but then Im already here so I should just eat here. I ordered my food and I just played with my phone ignoring what's happening around me until someone screamed my name. It came from the table next to me. "AH! LEE JUNSU!" That voice..I looked at the person who screamed my name and it was Chanyeol. He's not alone. He's with EXO. "Hey there." I said to him and to be honest, it's awkward since the rest of EXO is with him and all of them are staring at me. "Annyeonghaseyo Junsu-ssi." Suho said and replied back to him and the rest of them greeted me. I looked at Kai for a while and looked back to Chanyeol. "So, what are you doing here, alone?" "Im just having dinner." "Junsu-ssi, why don't you eat with us? The more the merrier." Suho said while smiling. I can't just reject him like that. He looks too nice.. "Uh.." "Aww come one Junsu! You guys can get to know each other better!" Baekhyun said and I accepted it. I sat next to Kyungsoo. We talked about alot of stuffs. At first, I just listened to what they were saying but then Kyungsoo talked to me and both of us started to get closer and then I started talking to the rest of EXO. Except for Kai. He didn't really talk with me. Then, Baekhyun said that he met Suyoung today and they had lunch together. "Only you two?" "No,no Suho hyung and Kyungsoo was there too!" "Wait, she went by herself?" "Nope~ she came with.." He said that and then glanced at Kai. "Kai-ssi, you brought my sister for lunch?" I asked him curiously but he looked kind of nervous. "Yes. Actually, our moms wanted us to have lunch together but then we accidentally met with them so we had lunch together." He said while trying to stay calm. I sighed while saying "Moms." The rest of EXO just chuckled and then I felt like there were people burning holes at me. I looked up and realised that Baekhyun and Chanyeol were glaring at me. "Don't you think you need to tell us something?" Oh yeah, they probably know about Suyoung and Kai. "Oh, Im pretty sure you two know about it by now. Sorry for not telling you." "How could you Junsu? I thought we were friends" Chanyeol and Baekhyun said while acting like they were crying. "Look,Im sorry about that. Can you not act like you're that sad." I said to them and they laughed it off. We told the rest of EXO about how we met and stuffs but we never talked about mafia related stuffs. Even though we didn't talked about that, all of us know that we're involve in this type of thing. I was sipping my drink when Sehun patted me. He whispered, "Hyung, since you know about Kai and Suyoung having lunch together today, why don't you ask him how it went and all?" He said while grinning. I looked at everyone else except for Kai who was eating non-stop. They all grinned at me and had this face. They want me to but I guess this would be fun so I nodded and they all looked excited. I didn't really want to ask him about lunch instead, I want to ask him about what he thinks of Suyoung. "So Kai, what do you think about Suyoung?" I asked him while looking at him. He kind of choked on his food a bit and the rest of EXO wanted to laugh but they tried to hold it in. "She's a nice person." "Of course she is. She's my sister. I meant do you LIKE her?" Im actually curious about this myself and he was hesitating to reply.


Kai's POV :

So, Suyoung's brother is here at the restaurant and sitting beside our table. Suho hyung invited him to eat with us. The rest of EXO had fun talking with him but I didn't really talk with him. I don't know why but I was nervous around him. Maybe it's because his her brother or something. I was focusing eating my food when he asked me "So Kai, what do you think about my sister?" I didn't expect that and I choked my food a little. I could see that the others wanted to laugh but they held it in. "She's nice." I replied hoping that he will stop asking me questions about Suyoung >.< "Of course she is. She's my sister. I meant do you LIKE her?" He asked me and I mentally panicked. What should I say? Someone help me~ T.T "Um-" I was about to reply but then I got a call from mom. Thank goodness! "Excuse me. Hello?" "Jong in, are you still having dinner?" "Yeah. What's wrong?" "Oh, can you come home now? There's a little suprise for you. Actually, go to this address okay?" "Huh? Oh,okay." "Hurry! Bye bye~" "Bye mom." I hung up the phone and Baekhyun asked me. "Did something happen?" "Yeah, I need to go now. Something came up. Um-" "It's okay. I was joking. You should go now Kai." Junsu said and I bowed to him and left the place. I get to the address to see a huge house and my parents are out of sight. A taxi came and someone came out. It's Suyoung. "Kai-ssi? What are you doing here?" "My mom told me to come here." "Me too. This is a really huge house." She said in awe looking at the house. "You know, a fly can go into your mouth if you don't close it." I said while laughing at her. She glared at me and pouted a bit. She looked really cute. "You don't have to tease me like that!" She said and I laughed at her. "Hey! Come on, stop laughing!" She said and I surrendered because she looked like she's going to smack me in the face. "Okay,okay." I said to her then she got a text. "My mom says we can go in the house." She said while looking puzzled and we walked in the house. There's a note on the wall. It says "Go upstairs to the master bedroom." We both looked at each other and we decided to just go upstairs. "We're not being pranked or something right?" She asked me and I said "Hopefully not. If it is a prank, that person better run for their lives." she chuckled and we opened a door which had an arrow saying it's the master bedroom. Actually, it's the only room on the floor. The other rooms were on the first floor. There's other rooms at the second floor but it's not a bedroom. We opened the door and an unxpected thing happened. "WELCOME TO YOUR NEW HOUSE~!!!"

Another update for you guys! Hope you like it! I'll update again this weekend so stay tuned! Thank you for all the support T.T I really appreciate it! I love you guys hahaha You're always welcomed to comment!! XD



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Chapter 83: its a beautiful story authornim
Chapter 83: Haha the dialogues are daebak. Awesome story!!!!
Chapter 83: OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!! was very beautiful story author-nim!!!! Congrats !!! :)
Jjkyungp #4
Chapter 83: It's so goodddddd!!!! I hope you write the sequel about Kai and suyoung family having a childddddd!!!! ><great job authornimmmmmm :) I really enjoyed it
cheekylittlechubba #5
Chapter 81: It's so good!!! I was hoping for some extreme action with Kai doing something scary to woo bin and gaeul, but I guess you were really busy to write about it^^ nevertheless, The story is great!! I really enjoyed it :) great job authornim :D
_xiuhan_28 #6
Chapter 81: aww it was soo good. ^^ I read this in one day :):):) but I wish it was a little longer :D anticipating ur new stories author-nim :)
megamax #7
Chapter 79: Good luck on your studies! I will always waiting for your update. :)
Chapter 79: I'm still waiting for you authornim ^^ good luck with your studies okeey, so take your time
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 78: No problem studies are way more important. .so take your time.
Chapter 78: Goodluck sis. I trully understand u, since that im gonna be spm candidate next year n its freaking me out just by thinking of it