Chapter : The dino head and the bird

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]

Chapter 2

"He did what?", shouted Mina when Yuri told her Kikwang broke up with her. She's Yuri's bestfriend. "What did you do then?", she asked and when Yuri said nothing Mina began her rant agains Yuri's ex. She was not really sure why Yuri liked Kikwang. She knows her bestfriend is sad right now but somehow she felt relieved that Yuri broke up with the jerk. Her best friend deserves someone better.

Yuri and Mina are both in college but they met and became bestfriends in highschool. Yuri is seen as the tough one while Mina is the shy girl type. Just yesterday both of them have boyfriends, now Yuri is single while Mina is still with Lee Taemin.

"Just have lunch with us then", said Mina. Yuri usually eat lunch with Kikwang ever since they got together. When they got to the canteen, Taemin was already there sitting with his friends. He stood up when he saw both of them coming and offered them seats.

"Hey Yuri!", Key said excited to see Yuri. "long time no see". Yuri just smile at him and the others except to Jonghyun who did not even bother looking at her. The others already know that they don't get along and they're use to it.

"Ok, time to order", Onew said standing up. Taemin said he'll get Yuri and Mina's food and followed Onew.

"Yah Jonghyun get our food", said Key.

"Why me? You go get it!", said Jonghyun.

"I was the one who got it yesterday!", protested Key like a child.

"They still fight like this?", Yuri whispered to Minho who was just silently observing them.

He nodded. "Of course, you've not been around much with us lately but everything's pretty much the same".

Key lost to Jonghyun in their little game. He used rock while Jonghyun used paper.

"YAH! You said you'll use scissors!", complained Key.

"Just go get the food. I'm hungry", said Jonghyun. Key stood up still complaining.

"Finally the war is over", said Minho and Mina chuckled. "SO what's up with you?"

"Me?", Yuri was not sure why Minho is asking her this. "Nothing much".

"So you just decided to eat lunch with us again?", Minho said.

"Yes", Yuri answered simply and luckily Minho stopped asking.

The others came back with their food. Yuri realized how much she missed eating lunch with them. Key was still loud while Minho usually just listens to whatever they say. Onew still likes chicken and Jonghyun is being his usual self, ignoring Yuri.

Everyone was almost done when he saw Kikwang who just got in the canteen with someone.

"Yuri isn't that your boyfriend?", he asked unconsciously pointing at Kikwang.

Yuri did not answer him instead she turned to Taemin. "Mina told me you have a game next week and that your opponents tough".

Kikwang walk passed their table just after Yuri spoke, everyone was silent and their gaze followed Kwikang except for Yuri.

"Hey, that's Julie", Key said referring to the girl who was with Kikwang. "Yah Jonghyun didn't you date her before?"

Jonghyun did not answer him. "I'm done here. I still have a class. See you later" He left just like that.

"Maybe we should just go too", said Mina when Jonghyun was gone.

"Are you okay", Mina asked when they met up after their last class. They did not have time to talk earlier.

"I'm fine. Don't worry, this is not the first time", Yuri said. She had 2 other boyfriends before who broke up with her.

"You'll fine someone better, besides you're much more beautiful than Julie", said Mina.

Yuri chuckled. "Of course I am".

"I don't know what you saw in him. I never really like him", said Mina before she can stop herself. "Oh I'm sorry Yuri that was - "

Yuri cut her off. "It's okay. I knew you tried to like him. And it's not like I'm that in love with him. It's just that... well... guys always end up leaving me..."

Mina gave her a hug. "Don't worry I'll never leave you. And I'm sure there's someone out there who's just right for you".

Yuri just smiled. It's true that she's not that in love with Kikwang but still she liked him.

Mina left first since she already had plas with Taemin today, she left after Yuri told her she's all okay. Before going home Yuri decided to take a walk and ended up going to the rooftop. She was admiring the sunset when she saw a bird on the railing. It was injured. She tried to reach for it but failed so she had no choice but to climb up to the railing to get the bird.

"Got you", Yuri said when she finally laid her hands on the injured bird. Poor little angle, don't worry we'll get your wing fixed". She was about to down when someone shouted.

"Yah, Jung Yuri!", all Yuri saw was a guy running towards her. Everything happened so fast. She fell on top of the guy.

", you're heavy".

"Kim Jonghyun?", Yuri said. "What are you doing here?"

Jonghyun ignored her question and pushed her off of him. He stood up without even helping Yuri get on her feet, not that she minded. "I shoud be the one asking you that! Are you crazy?", yelled Jonghyun.

"What? You're the crazy one pulling that stunt! And don't you yell at me", Yuri said yelling as well. "You almost killed me!"

"Killed you? You were gonna commit suicide! I was trying to stop you pabo!"

"NO I AM NOT!", Yuri snapped. "!", she just remembere the bird. She picked it up again. "Oh I'm sorry Mr. Bird. A dino head just came jumping like a stunt man and made more damage to you".

Jonghyun was dumbfounded. She was just rescuing the bird? She's really a pest. "Don't call me dino head. I thought you're gonna jump off!"

"Oh yeah?", said Yuri. "And why would I do that?"

"Cause you're boyfriend broke up with you and you look suicidal earlier".

Yuri stood there just looking at him.

"Why are you here anyway?", she asked after after a couple of seconds.

"None of your business. You just ruined my mood", said Jonghyun and left first.

"Stupid dino head"




lol am i boring you guys to death? promise this will be interesting. (i hope ^^)



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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D