Chapter 31

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]


Jonghyun and Minho waited for the others so they could eat lunch together. They were already at the canteen. Onew just walked in waving at them.
"Hey where are the others?", he asked Jonghyun.
"Taemin can't make t. He said he has something to do", Jonghyun answered.
"Oh, how about Yuri and Key?", Onew asked again.
"We're here", Key answered as he slumped on one chair.
"Hey", Yuri said to the others.
"Any luck?", Minho asked and Yuri shook her head.
"Aish, those two!", Key said. "They're spoiling my appetite."
"This can't be happening to the cutest couple in Seoul!", Onew muttered.
"We need to get them together", Key said.
"But Mina won't talk to Taemin", Yuri said.
"Well let's put them in one place where they could not avoid each other", Onew said.
"What do you have in mind hyung?", Minho asked.
"Let's kidnap them!", Onew grinned.
"Yah! Let's not joke about this", Yuri said getting frustrated.
"I'm not joking", Onew protested glancing at Jonghyun for help.Jonghyun cleared his throat. "Well Onew has a point. If we could just let them stay in one place. Mina can't avoid Taemin forever."
"I have a plan", Minho said and everyone leaned closer onto the table. Once he had laid out his plan they ate their lunch.
"The play's just an hour so everyone should be ready". Yuri said.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of our maknae", Onew said.
"Yuri and I will be with Mina", Jonghyun said.
"Good, I'll get the apartment ready", Minho said. "Key you have the most crucial job."
"Yah, I know that. Leave Sohyun with me", Key said. "This is so exciting."
"Hey don't forget why we're doing this", Yuri said to Key.
"I know, but it can't hurt to have fun while doing it", Key said. They went on eating. Key kept on taking Yuri's food which irked Jonghyun.
"Key, can you stop doing that", Jonghyun finally said.
"What?", said Key who had just swallowed another bite.
"Taking Yuri's food", Jonghyun answered.
"Nah, it's okay with Yuri..."
"But it's her food, she needs to eat", Jonghyun reasoned.
"It's okay Jonghyun geez, you don't have to get mad", Yuri said defending Key. "Besides there's a lot of food here."
"Jonghyun ordered all these for you", Minho said. "He said about getting you fat or something..."
"Bwoh?", Yuri said turning a suspicious look to Jonghyun.
"He said about some outfits that it can't fit you if you get a little fat..."
"Yah Minho stop talking I never said that..."
"Oh I must have heard wrong then..." Yuri glared at Jonghyun still.
"Yah you two... is something going on that we don't know about?", Onew asked.
"HUH?!?", both Yuri and Jonghyun said.
"You two have something to tell us???", Key asked.
"W-what are you talking about?", Yuri said glancing at Jonghyun.
"You two seem too close. I saw you walking together yesterday", Onew said.
"What's wrong with walking together?", Jonghyun said.
"Nothing, it's just weird you know. The two of you can't stand each other before and now you seem pretty close...", Onew said.
"Are you together?", Key asked.Both Yuri and Jonghyun stared at him. Yuri was trying to kick Jonghyun's leg but to no avail.
"Hey guys!", Mina arrived just then.
"Oh Mina!", Yuri and Jonghyun were the first to stand up and relief were written on their faces.
"Done with lunch?", she asked.
"Not yet, sit down", Yuri answered and pulled a chair for her.All talk about Jonghyun and Yuri were forgotten when Mina came. Mina told them all about the play and avoided any topic about Taemin.
Saturday came and everything is ready. Mina was more nervous than Yuri. Jonghyun and the others would be watching of course Taemin would be there.
"Hey are you okay?", Yuri asked Kikwang.
"Kinda", Kikwang replied.
"DOn't be, just think of it as if we're practicing", Yuri said and smiled at him. He had been good the past two days that they'd been practicing. He didn't bother her at all and only talked to her about the play and school stuff.
Meanwhile Jonghyun, Key, Onew and Minho and Taemin were all seated in the front row. Jonghyun selected their seats. He wanted to watch Kikwang so if he does something out of the line he could grab him right away and beat him up.
"Yah Jonghyun loosen up", Key said looking at Jonghyun. "It looks like you're planning on killing someone."
"You bet he is, Kikwang's here", Onew remarked.The play started and they were surprised to see Yuri act like a pro. She looked so serene and beautiful, her face is just perfect as Snow White. Jonghyun could feel other guys drooling onto his girlfriend. But he can't really say that outloud since they have not told them they're together.
", this is a play and these guys look like they're watching ", Jonghyun can't help but voice out his thoughts.
"Calm down Jonghyun, it'll be over soon", Onew said and controlled himself from laughing. 20 minutes before the play ends Key stood up
"Hyung the play is not over", that was the first time Taemin talked and Key even forgot he was there. 
"Uhm sorry but I need to pee", Key said lamely and left right away. He spotted Sohyun and sat beside her.
"Hey", Key said to her.
"Oh Key, hi", Sohyun said glancing at him for a while before turning her eyes back at the stage.
"Do you have anything to do later? I mean after this", Key said still looking at Sohyun who had her eyes glued on the stage.
"Uhm actually I wanted to talk to Mina", she admitted. "I know she and Taemin are having problems and I wanted to explain to her."
Key was silent for a while thinking if Sohyun was on their side or just pretending to be good. "Do you really wanna help them?"
Sohyun turned to him with her full attention. "Of course."
The scene that Kikwang had been waiting for has come. He's gonna kiss Yuri for real unlike what they had pracited. They'd rehearsed this many times and was told to fake the kiss but he had something else in mind. He still could not get over being beaten by Jonghyun. He'd wanted to beat him up but he knows this would be more effective and fun. Kissing Yuri in front of Jonghyun and a lot of audience.
Yuri was already lying down on a bed of flowers with the other characters acting as dwarfs surrounding her. It was his cue to enter and he walked towards Yuri. He stopped down and kneeled beside her. He held both of her hands and spoke his lines. He looked at the audience and found the one he wanted to see the most, Kim Jonghyun, then he turned to Yuri again and slowly lowered his face to hers. He felt her stiffen beneath him but she can't push him off anymore. He didn't join this play for nothing. He deepened the kiss and Yuri started to stir as what they had practice. He could hear whispers from the crowd now and even from other students included in the play but he still didn't move.Yuri managed to grip his hand hard and she opened her eyes glaring straight at him. He just smirked in return and stopped kissing her. He turned towards Jonghyun and smirked at him.Taemin and Onew had to hold dow Jonghyun so he wouldn't be able to go on stage and break Kikwang's face.
"YAH! Jonghyun don't make a scene here. The play's about to end", Onew said struggling to keep Jonghyun on his seat. "Why are you so mad anyway?"
"Hyung just punch him later, Mina would be sad if the play is ruined", Taemin said. Minho just continued watching the play as if he couldn't hear or see the three of them.
The crowd applauded and cheered which woke Jonghyun from his rage. The play is over. He stood up abruptly sending Onew off of his seat as well.
"Yah hyung wait", Taemin called him but Minho grabbed his arm stopping him from following Jonghyun.
"Let him be", Minho said.
"Come on Taemin", Onew said and grabbred Taemin's arm.
"Where are we going? I need to see Mina first", said Taemin trying to get out of Onew's hold.
"Aish, do that later. Just come with us", said Onew.
"Yah hyung!", Taemin kept on struggling but Minho held his other arm now and he can't fight both of them.
Jonghyun went straight to the backstage, he found Kikwang right away but he was with the director and some professors. He couldn't just land a punch on his ugly face.
"Jonghyun what are you doing here?", Mina asked behind him. "Yuri's on the other end."
"Oh nothing, just checking on somethin", he answered. "All done?"
"How I wish", Mina said smiling a little. "We still have some cleaning to do."
"Yah Jonghyun!", Yuri came with flowers in her arms. "Where's yours?"
"Where's my what?", Jonghyun asked totally clueless. 
Yuri expected some flowers from him but turned out he has none. 
"Aish nothing!"
"What do you mean? Come on tell me", Jonghyun asked.
"I said nothing. Here take this", Yuri shoved all the flowers to Jonghyun. "Just wait for us outside. Come on Mina director is calling us!"
Minho and Onew managed to get a struggling Taemin inside their hang-out place. Key called them and said everything is going as planned. They just need to wait for Mina."Hyung what's up with this?", Taemin asked for the nth time.
"We're trying to help you", Onew answered simply.
"Help me?"
"Yes, we know you wanted to talk to Mina so we'll bring her to you", Onew said.
"What?", yelled Taemin. "Are you crazy?"
"Yah! Taemin - ."
"She'd be more mad at me if you force her", Taemin cut Onew's words.
"How many times have you approached her? How many times have you tried and failed?", Onew reasoned.
"I appreciate all your help but Mina and I had to sort this out on our own", Taemin answered. "I don't want her to feel that I'm forcing her, I'm willing to wait 'til she's ready."
"No point in arguing", Minho spoke at last. "Jonghyun and Yuri is bringing Mina here as we speak."
Just then there was a knock on the door all three of them stopped talking and looked at each other. It was Onew who opened the door but it was just Key.
"Yah! What are you doing here?", Onew asked at once.
"I wanted to be here too", Key answered. "Where's Mina?"
"Not here yet", Onew said. "But what about Sohyun?"
"Sohyun?", both Key and Taemin said at the same time.
"What about Sohyun?", Taemin said his face getting mad. "Hyung what did you do to her?"
"Relax we just talked", Key said surprised at Taemin's reaction.
"What did you tell her?", Taemin continued asking. "Why did you even talk to her?"
"We just wanted her out of the way", Minho said harshly. He couldn't understand why Taemin is making a fuss about Sohyun.
"Out of the way? What's that suppose to mean?", Taemin turned to Minho.
"You should be more concerned about Mina", Minho said. 
"Of course I am, but leave Sohyun out of this", Taemin said.
"What is she to you?", Minho can't help but ask. "You're always nice to her. You've only met her Taemin but you're treating her as if you've known her for a long time. She calls you often and don't tell me it's about your project. She watches you practice basketball and even waits for you."
"We're not doing anything wrong", Taemin yelled. "Leave me alone!"
"Taemin we just want to help", Key said calmly. Another knock came ad this time when Onew opened the door it was now Mina with Jonghyun and Yuri.
"Hey guys", Yuri said smiling at them all not aware of what happened. "Get in", she pushed Mina lightly inside.
"We'll go now Taemin, just talk you two", Jonghyun said and signaled for the others to follow. One by one all of them got out leaving Taemin and Mina alone in the apartment.
Taemin didn't say anything he didn't even look at her. This made Mina worry and she spoke first. "Taemin..."
"Is it really so hard to trust me?", Taemin said still not looking at her.
"I just needed time Mina", Taemin continued. "I'm not saying lying to you was the right thing to do but I was not ready to tell you."
"Tell me what?", Mina said. "Why can't you just tell me in the first place? Is Sohyun so special to you? Is she that important that you have to lie for her?"
"She is", Taemin answered softly.
"What? Taemin... what are you saying? Do you like her or something? I knew it, she confessed to you! All those time she'd been flirting and you allowed it 'cause you like too!"
"What are you talking about?", Taemin yelled for the first time to her and it made Mina furious.
"See! You're changing because of her. Don't you know I was jealous everytime you'd ditched me for her?"
"I never ditched you", Taemind said.
"Oh really? You've cancelled our dates for her and that stupid project!"
"Stupid? Am I really hearing this from you?"
"Yes you are!", Mina raised her voice. She wasn't even aware of it. She was consumed with jealousy. "Tell me Taemin, were the two of you really doing your project or have you been cheating with her?", she finally said it. Taemin's eyes grew big in shock as what she said.
"I can't believe I'm hearing this from you", said Taemin after a while. Disappointent was written all over his face.
Mina ignored his words. She has a right to be angry. He was the one  who took her for granted. Even if the two of them had been having this problem he continued on seeing Sohyun. She'd even see them in the corridor talking, she'd see them all over the campus together. How could he not consider her feelings?
"I know I've done something wrong...", Taemin spoke again. "I'm sorry for hurting you Mina. How many times do you want me to repeat myself?"
"I don't need your sorry", Mina said coldly.
"Then this talk is useless. I thought you'd understand", Taemin said.
"Understand? How could I when you're keeping things from me? How am I suppose to trust you?"
"If you really love me, you would trust me."
"No Taemin! If you really love me you should trust me enough to tell me everything!"
Taemin looked at her but she can't read his face. "You know I love you - "
"Then prove it!", Mina cut him off. "If you really love me. Stop seeing Sohyun. I won't ask you to tell me anything or what secret you have. Just avoid her. I'll forget everything."
Taemin lowered his gaze "I ... I c-can't..."
Mina can't believe her ears. "What do you mean you can't?"
"Mina... please... Sohyun is - "
"STOP!", yelled Mina covering her ears. "I've heard enough! All you say is Sohyun this and Sohyun that!"
"Just give me time..."
"What for, when you already made your choice?", with that said Mina took a last glace at Taemin and left. She was grateful that not one tear escaped her eyes when she was talking to him. She'd cried a lot for him and to fight for him. She'd always been the last choice. First with Ji Eun and now with Sohyun...
Another not so good chapter... I hope you'd still hang on guys... thank you for all your support...
I'm thinking of what is next for our two couples... break-up or not to break up? KEKEKE   ...  ^^
keep your love coming for my fic!!!!
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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D