Chapter 9: Jonghyun is a slave

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]


Jonghyun's POV
That girl sure walks too fast. Luckily I caught up with her. It's my second day as her slave. She calls me dinohead and makes me carry all her things including her dirty bag. Well it's not really dirty but I just like telling her it is. Key and I had a toss coind on who should be who's slave. And I ended up with Yuri. 
"Yah dinohead you're too slow hurry up", the pest yelled and all students around us heard her. I'm really gonna kick her one of these days. I walked faster. She made me carry 7 books plus her dirty bag and her pink umbrella.
"Hey pest why do you have an umbrella?", I ask her.
'I borrowed it from Mina", she said.
"Why?", I asked still.
"Cause I wanna see you carry a pink umbrella. It suits you."
"And these books?"
"Oh I took them from Mina she needed to return them to the library so I volunteered", Yuri answered.
"So you're saying you're just making my life miserable", I said.
"Of course, you're my slave remember?" We got inside the library and everyone turned our way. Yuri walked straight to the counter.
"Hello Mrs. Park, I'm here to return these books", said Yuri. Mrs. Park smiled at her it seems that they're close I only knew the librarian's name yesterday. I placed all the books on top of the counter. Yuri chatted with Mrs. Park for a while and I escaped from her.
"Hey Jonghyun...", someone called me I turned around and found myself being hugged by a very y girl. "You bad boy, you left without getting my number."
"Oh sorry, uhm... what was your name again? Sherry?", I said.
"Shut up ad kiss me", she suddenly grabbed me looping her arms around my neck and gave me a very wet kiss.
"Yah dinohead!", I heard Yuri call me from behind. Damn it I was still having fun! "Excuse me but I have to go."
The girl whom I still have not remembered the name stopped kissing me but did not let go eyed Yuri. "And who are you?"
"Stop fooling around while you're working dinohead", Yuri ignored her question. "Come on."
I pulled out from her grasp. "I'll see you next time."
"But wait, why don't we meet up later."
"I can't."
"Are you dating that ?", the girl asked.
"I really have to go!", I said running after Yuri.
I could  not believe what I saw. Sure I know Jonghyun is a big playboy but doing it in the library? Urghh... he sure knows how to pick the place.
"Yah pest! Slow down will you!", I heardm him yell. I can tell that he's really annoyed right now. 'Where are we going?", he asked walking beside me now.
"I forbid you to ask any questions. Just follow me", I told him.
Where the hell are we goind?", Jonghyun asked after 5 minutes of walking.
"I told you stop asking questions."
"I will, once you tell me where we're headed", countered JOnghyun.
We went 5 floors up. I can tell Jonghyun is tired now but won't admit it. He walked 2 steps behind me, the corridor is almost deserted now. Students don't really go to this part of the campus. 
"We're here", I said and heard Jonghyun let out a sigh of relief.
"Where exactly are we?", he asked almost glaring at me.
I ignored his question and just opened the classroom door. Everyone is already here.
"YURI! We thought you'd never come", I heard some of them say. The classroom is full of students of all levels and courses. More than half are female students and all of them easily recognized Jonghyun.
"I'd never miss our meetings", I told them. "Well let me introduce you to Kim Jonghyun. He'll be joining us for tonight."
"Hi Jonghyun", greeted some of them.
"Uhm... hi", said JOnghyun. "What the hell is this?", he whispered so that only I could hear him.
Once again I ignored him. "Come on let's start." Twice a week we gather for our group study. Most of these students had been labelled nerds or geeks they were outcasts and loners. Aside from studying these students had found friends. Mina comes too if she has free time. She's often busy now since her mom had opened a new restaurant and she helps there.
"What am I suppose to do here?", Jonghyun asked as I sat on the corner.
"Oh just sit and study", I answered as I took out a book from my bag.
"Study? Are you ing kidding me?", Jonghyun sneered.
"No", I look at him seriously. "You lost the bet and I'm ordering you to study. Now."
"Hey Yuri", someone calle dme.
"Oh Kevin", I smiled at him. "I'm glad you came. Are you ok now?"
"Yes. Thanks for your notes", he handed me my notebook.
"You sure you're done with it?', I asked him.
"Yes it helped me a lot", said Kevin.
"By the way this is Kim Jonghyun", I introduced Jonghyun to him ad the dinohead just look at him.
"Yeah I know. Nice to meet you. I'm Kevin Woo", said Kevin.
"Kim Jonghyun", said the dinohead.
"I'll leave you two then. Thanks again Yuri", said Kevin and went back to his seat.
"Did you bring me here to show me your good side?', Jonghyun said trying to annoy me. "Are you trying to impress me?"
"I brought you here 'cause I know you don't want to be here. I'm not trying to impress you. I know a dinohead like you could not appreciate things like this."
"Yah what is that suppose to mean?', Jonghyun said a bit louder and the others turned to look at us.
"Why don't you just shut up and wait for this to be over?", I told Jonghyun and was glad that he listened this time. After a while I went around the room to chat with the others. Dinohead just sat there staring at his phone. I forbid him to use it while he's with me.
"Hey Yuri are you dating him Kim Jonghyun?', Sulli asked me. She's one of the first students to join this group.
"Of course not", I answered right away.
"Then why is he here?", she asked. "He's not even doing anything."
"Let him be. He's here for ... uhm... moral support!", I said with a smile. I wanted to write something down but I can't find my pen. I returned to where I left my bag but my pen is not there. I always lose my pens.
"Yah dinohead, do you have a pen?", I asked Jonghyun.
His eyes are close but I know he's not asleep. "Yes but it's too expensive for you to use it", he said not even opening his eyes.
"I need a pen so can I borrow it?", I said to him. He reached inside his pocket and took out a pen. It does look expensive. I took it right away before he changed his mind.
"Hey pest since you have my pen why don't you let me out for tonight, I forgot that I have to meet my mom tonight", Jonghyun said after a while.
"Ok you can go", I said since I really don't need him. This is just to annoy him, my revenge for the kiss.
"Great!", he stood up right away. "I'm going", he announced to everyone. "Nice meeting you all." They bid him goodbye. After he left the girls bombarded me with questions.
'Is he dating you?'
"Is he your boyfriend?"
"How come you only brought him today?"
"Is he gonna be here next meeting?"
I look at them one by one and said. "Kim Jonghyun is not my boyfriend, we're not dating, he came just because and no, he won't come again."
We all went home and I'm glad that none of them ask about Jonghyun again. I said my goodbyes to all of them and headed for my apartment to deposit some books.
"Hey Yuri", said a voice from behind me. It's Kikwang. I closed my locker before facing him. "Done studying with the nerds?"
"Shut up", I told him.
He smirked and came closer. "Why don't I take you home? Come on just like before?"
I look at him impatiently. "Why are you doing this?"
"What? I'm just being nice come on for old time's sake", answered Kikwang.
"Where's your girlfriend?". He looked down staring at his shoes.
"What if I tell you I broke up with her", he said. I turned to leave him and he followed me.
"Yah Yuri stop!", he commanded with his loud voice but I'm not afraid of him. He ran after me and grabbed my arm to stop me.
"Let go", I told him. He's really pissing me off. "Don't let me repeat what I just said." I glared at him. He knows what I can do so he let go of my arm though he looked like he wanted to say something he did not open his mouth. I left Kikwang right away I at choosing my guy.
SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE GUYS... I went on holiday : )... is this boring or what?
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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D