Chapter 56

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]



Yuri watched as Sohyun kissed Minho goodbye. The new couple had been very careful not to show too much display of their affection whenever Taemin is around. Taemin insisted that his sister is still too young to have a boyfriend even though they are just of the same age.

“Bye Yuri,” Minho said before leaving and she waved goodbye as well letting Sohyun into her apartment where Mina is already waiting. She invited them over for a movie marathon. She missed hanging out with them.

“Hi Mina,” Sohyun greeted the other girl. Sohyun had finally agreed to live with the Lees. It was actually Taemin’s idea. He told Sohyun that he’ll only agree to let her and Minho be a couple if she moved in with them. Mina knows that Taemin had other reasons, it’s clear to her that Taemin wants to keep an eye on his only sister.

“Mina why don’t you get the movie ready while I get the popcorn?” Yuri said and went to the kitchen. She checked her phone but there was still no message from Jonghyun. He promised to send one message each day but he missed two days already.

“Yuri,” she heard Mina call and she immediately grab the bowl of popcorn and returned to the living room. They two girls made room for her, letting her sit in between them. Once seated Mina played the first movie and Yuri found herself enjoying the night even making her worry about Jonghyun disappear even for a while. They finished two movies, on the third one Sohyun had already fallen asleep so Yuri decided to call it a night. After she cleaned everything she joined Sohyun and Mina in her room. The two girls would be sleeping on her bed while she’ll be sleeping on the floor.

“Sohyun’s already dreaming of Minho,” Mina commented with a smile on her face seeing how deep Sohyun is sleeping.

“I’m so glad the two of them are finally together. I was wondering what kind of girl Minho would like and when he’ll finally have a girlfriend.” Yuri settled herself on her makeshift bed for tonight while Mina remained sitting on the bed.

“How’s Jonghyun doing?” Mina asked all of sudden Yuri debated for a while whether to tell her or not of her worries.

“Well the last time he called he told me London is too beautiful and that he’s very busy with whatever there,” Yuri decided to tell her.

Mina knew something is wrong and that’s why she decided to ask her that question. “The last time he called…?”

Yuri sighed and sat up facing Mina. “He has not called for two days, not even a message. I know he’s busy and he’s doing his job out there but I just can’t help feeling uneasy.”

“Because Hana’s with her?” It was more of a statement rather than a question. Mina knew how it felt to not know what was going on with your loved one especially when he’s far away having experienced it with Taemin before.

“It just doesn’t feel right you know,” Yuri confessed. “I don’t want to sound like a jealous girlfriend but I really am you know. Key said not to worry but I just can’t help it. Jonghyun’s mom had told me before that Hana’s the one for Jonghyun and if he ends up liking her then I’d have to just let him be with her and give up.” Just the mere thought of losing Jonghyun is making her cry.

“But Hana is now a friend. I mean, she’s nice and all.” Mina said being the nice girl she is.

“But what if she’s only doing that so we could all trust her and won’t suspect anything? That she really likes Jonghyun and that she’s out to get him,” Yuri said sounding helpless by the minute. “I don’t know Mina, I’m just too paranoid sometimes. I just don’t know what to think of especially now that they’re both in another country and Jonghyun has not contacted me for two days!”

“I understand Yuri,” Mina knew Yuri is a strong person and would not really panic easily but seeing the look on her face right now makes her worry too. What if Hana is really doing something to make Jonghyun fall for her? But she’s certain Jonghyun loves Yuri. Would that be enough to keep him faithful? They all know Jonghyun’s history with girls.

“I just wish he’d call me so I won’t need to wonder like this,” Yuri said with a defeated look on her face.

Mina managed to smile and reached out to pat her friend’s back. “Don’t worry Yuri. I got a good feeling he’ll call you tomorrow.”

“I hope so Mina,” Yuri said. They both fell silent with Mina hoping Jonghyun would really call and Yuri wondering when Jonghyun would call. It’s true that they love each other. But being in a different country for a couple of days with a beautiful girl may make a difference. Yuri’s mind went back to the days when Jonghyun would talk non-stop about how amazing Hana is at work. Hana is more experienced than Jonghyun and she had helped him. They seem to match each other and she could sense Jonghyun enjoys her company. If only he’d stop at that and not fall for her as well.

Mrs. Kim’s words suddenly pops into her mind. "Are you afraid you can't keep him once this other girl enters the picture?" She willed herself not to think of it anymore or else she’ll end up looking like a zombie tomorrow. Mina had said her good night minutes ago but Yuri remained wide awake, thinking what Jonghyun is doing right this very minute.




Yuri was startled and woke up from the continued buzzing and noise. It was her phone and she quickly took it pressing the answer button not caring who was calling.

“Hello…?” she yawned and waited for the other person’s reply.

“Hey baby are still asleep?” It was Jonghyun of course. Yuri immediately sat up completely wide awake now. “Yuri are you still there?”

She rubbed her eyes with her free hand before answering. “Yeah I’m still here sorry about that.” She heard Jonghyun chuckle like he’s just sitting beside her.

“I’m sorry for waking you up,” Jonghyun said. “And I’m sorry for not calling you. We had a meeting outside of London and I forgot my phone in the hotel. Hana was out with other clients and I was left alone. I only got back today.”

“Oh is that so?” Relief was written all over her face now. All those worrying she made had been for nothing. “That’s okay, I know you two are busy. Are you eating well?”

“Ani, I miss Korean food,” Jonhyun whined and Yuri could imagine him pouting. “I miss you so much Yuri. I wish you were here with me.” His voice turned serious now.

“Me too Jonghyun, I miss you too.” Jonghyun was about to say something when someone called him. Yuri recognized Hana’s voice right away.

“Sorry Yuri but I got to go. I’ll call you later though,” he said.

“Yeah, take care. Bye.” Jonghyun ended the call. Yuri stared at her phone for a few seconds more wondering if the call just happened. Suddenly the door opens and Mina came in.

“Oh you’re awake,” Mina said. “I prepared breakfast Yuri.” Yuri just nodded her head feeling just slightly relieved that Jonghyun had called at last.



“Aish! I just wish they’d stop that!” I heard Key complain again. We again witnessed how Minho and Sohyun take care of each other. We were watching the players practice. Mina still had a class so she’s not here with us.

“Come on Key they’re just in love,” I nudge Key and he just rolled his eyes dramatically.

“You look much better now,” Key commented after a while the basketball coach just yelled for practice to resume and they watched as all the players scrambled to get back to their place.

“I do?” I said looking at him with hurt in my face. “Yah Kibum are you saying I looked ugly the past few days?”

“Ani, what I mean is you look happier today. Jonghyun must have called you.” Sohyun joined us again with the same sweet smile on her face she screamed when Minho scored.

“He did,” I answered. “Actually he called to tell me they’d be there for another two days.”

“Bwoh?!” Both Key and Sohyun asked.

I chuckled at their expression. “He said they’d have to finish something there.”

“And that’s okay with you?” Sohyun asked. They all knew about Yuri’s worry. “I mean –”

“What could I do? They went there to do their job. I just have to wait and trust Jonghyun.”

“That’s the spirit!” Key cheered me on.

I smiled at Key but the truth is I’m very worried right now. Jonghyun sounded okay with everything. He said he misses me but I can’t feel it in his voice. It sounded like he is enjoying himself there. Who am I kidding? I wanted to act cool about it so I pretended to be okay with it.

At last practice game is over and Key asked us to go watch a movie. I really wanted to go home. It didn’t feel right that Jonghyun is not here.

“Yah Yuri! You can’t abandon me with these lovebirds. You will be my date instead.” Key grabbed my arm and never let it go until we reached the cinema. Mina chose the movie this time. Taemin insisted to sit in between Minho and Sohyun. We all tried to stop him but he still won. I ended up sitting between Minho and Key while Mina is beside Sohyun.

“I wish Onew hyung is here,” Minho muttered and I almost said that I also wish Jonghyun to be here.

If there was one person who was glad that the movie is over it was Minho. Taemin had been bothering him and Sohyun always getting in between. It was funny watching them.

“I want to go with them,” Sohyun burst out saying when it was time to go home.

“But we both live in the same house. We can drop off Mina first,” Taemin insisted.

“Taemin you can send Mina home and Minho would send me home.” Sohyun would not be defeated as well.

“But it’d be more convenient if you go with us. Key hyung could drive Minho home first and send Yuri after.”

Sohyun was about to argue again but Minho stopped her. “Taemin’s right Sohyun. Let’s just do it like that okay?” He leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. “I’ll call you later.”

We all said our goodbyes. I sat in front with Key while Minho was at the backseat busy texting Sohyun.

“Key you could drop me off at the drugstore right there,” I told Key.

“Do you want us to wait for you,” Key asked but I shook my head. “Okay then, take care.” Minho waved goodbye to me as well. I was about to go in when I noticed a familiar figure come out. I don’t why but I quickly hid myself so he could not see me. I just could not believe my eyes, I thought I was just mistaken but it’s really him. Jonghyun stopped his car where Hana was waiting. She smiled at him when he handed her something that he clearly bought from the drugstore.

My heart wanted to go to them and demand an explanation why they’re now in Seoul when Jonghyun said they won’t be home for another two days. But my mind told me otherwise. And at this moment I chose to follow what my head says. So I watched them from afar, watched as Jonghyun some hair away from Hana’s face. Watched as Hana closed her eyes, putting one hand on her flat stomach. Jonghyun must have said something because she let out a laugh and he laughed along as well. Nothing could have prepared me for what was to happen next. Hana grabbed Jonghyun’s hands and they looked into each other’s eyes for a moment just staring into each other, then I don’t know who did it first but it was clear to see that the two are embracing each other. Hana resting her head on Jonghyun’s shoulder and Jonghyun caressing her hair. I left them, I didn’t even go inside the drugstore. There was this hole in my heart and I suddenly felt like I ran out of air to breathe.


“Yuri you might be mistaken,” Key said to me when I told him about what I just saw.

“No I’m not, I know what I saw. It was Jonghyun and Hana okay?” I told Key. He agreed to meet me early in the morning when I told him about it.

“It can’t be him, he’s still in London remember?” Key said drinking his second cup of coffee.

“If that was not Jonghyun and Hana, then I might be crazy or they both have identical twins” I said to Key who still did not believe me.

“Well there’s only one way to find out,” Key said once he finished his coffee. “Let’s go see him now.”

I told Key not to call Jonghyun at all. He didn’t agree at once but when I told him that if he didn’t really believe me and insists that Jonghyun’s still in London then it’d be better to not contact him since he might get suspicious.

Both of us went to Jonghyun’s office, his secretary told us that Jonghyun is already inside with Hana. The secretary told us to wait but Key and I decided to dash inside Jonghyun’s office. The door is slightly open, Key held the knob but I stopped him from pushing the door open. We could hear voices and recognized as that of Jonghyun and Hana.

I could tell Key wanted us to just go inside and not eavesdrop but I didn’t want to do that. My feet were glued on the spot.

“What if your mom finds out?” Hana began to speak again.

They heard Jonghyun sigh. “Don’t worry about that. I’ll take care of it. You just need to rest for now. It’s not good for the baby.”

“Thank you Jonghyun,” Hana said. “You’ll be a good father.”

“I’ll be here for you Hana. Just take care of yourself. The baby’s health should be your first priority now.”

Both Key and I looked at each other at the same time, his eyes as wide as mine. So Hana is pregnant.

“Yuri I think –”

I didn’t let him finish. I walked away suddenly not feeling well. All I could see is the path before me. All I could hear is Jonghyun’s words, telling me he loves me. Hana’s pregnant. What should I do?



I hated the look on Yuri’s face when she left. I wanted to make sure she’s okay but the need to confront Jonghyun won. And I unlike them I do not want a lot of dramas. I might look like a drama king but it’s better to handle things as they come. So I pushed the door wide open startling them both. I only had eyes for Kim Jonghyun.

“Key? Why are you here?” he asked when he recovered from the shock.

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” I said to him. “You’re supposed to be in London.”

“Well I got back earlier,” Jonghyun replied. “Wait, did you just arrive? Were you alone?”

“So now you’re asking. No I was here longer than I should have. And I was not alone,” I said. “I was with Yuri actually.” Hana put her hand on and looked at Jonghyun who abruptly stood from his chair.

“Bwoh? Where is she?” Jonghyun demanded right away. “Yah Kibum!” He shouted when I didn’t say a thing.

“Frankly I don’t know where she is right now. But could you just clear things up for me?” I said not intimidated from the look Jonghyun is giving me.

“Aish, there’s no time. I got to find Yuri,” he said and grabbed his coat.  “Hana, I’ll call you. Just stay here and take care of things.” He then turned to me. “Don’t do anything stupid and bother Hana.”

Bwoh? He dare say that to Kim Kibum? “Yah Jonghyun!” I shouted at him but Jonghyun had already ran out of the office.



Happy New Year chingus!!!!



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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D