Chapter 48

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]



"So what do you think of my girl?", Jonghyun asked his mother. He had sent Yuri home a while back and he wanted to talk to his mom.
His mom thought about what to say for a while. "Well, she's okay."
"Okay?", Jonghyun said trying to make his mom say more.
"She's got the face", his mom answered.
"Mom I know that already, she's beautiful and smart. I want to know what you think of her."
"Well if you're trying to make me say I like her then don't bother. I can't say I like her now."
"What I mean is I still have to get to know her. Meeting her once is not enough."
"You want to spend time with her or something?"
His mother laughed which rarely happens. "You know too well that I'm too busy for that son. But don't worry I have my ways."
"What do you mean?"
"Oh don't frown like that Jonghyun, I'm not going to do something that would hurt her. I swear."
"Mom you're not telling me everything", Jonghyun said and followed his mom when she tried to walk away.
"Well if I tell you everything then where's the fun in that?"
She slammed the door right to his face and he had no choice but to let it go for now.
"How did it go?", Mina asked Yuri over the phone. 
"Well not bad."
"Not bad?"
"Well I don't know how to say it but I feel like she does not want me as her son's girlfriend. She told me that Jonghyun has someone that he's meant to marry but won't force us to end our relationship."
"Then what happens next?
"His mom said that she'd have another girl as my competition."
"Oh the girl that Jonghyun met?"
"Yeah that one", Yuri answered. She had told Mina about Hana and about her worries over the whole meeting.
"Does Jonghyun know?"
"No, his mom told me about this when we were alone. I don't know what I'm gonna do once this Hana girl interferes."
"Don't worry about it now. Just try to sleep it off. You haven't met her so you don't know what she's really like. Just keep in mind that Jonghyun loves you."
"I don't know Mina I'm really worried about this."
"Why do I have to do that?"
"Hyung just help me with this."
"Taemin, I can't pretend that I like her. What if she finds out?"
I knew he'd say that. But I was hoping that he'd fall for her so we won't have any problem. I'd rather have him be Sohyun's boyfriend than Dongho. And I got to act fast since Dongho and Sohyun are getting close.
"She won't find out hyung, I'm not saying you tell her you like her. Just act like you do."
"You do understand that it's your sister we're talking about right?"
"Of course."
"Then why are you making me lie to her?"
"Hyung, just be nice to her. Like you are with Yuri."
"I'm still not comfortable with this."
"So you agree then?"
"I don't know."
Well that's a good start. As long as he does not say know "I don't know" sounds promising. I know if I play this right they might end up together. Of course I don't want my sister to get hurt too.
"Please hyung, just try it. Just help me with this so I won't have to worry about her being with Dongho and I can concentrate on getting better so I could go back and play ball."
I know hyung would support me when I use basketball, he wants the team to win badly.
"Alright I'd do it."
"Really! Wow thanks!"
"But it's only for a while."
"Yeah of course." Ha-ha I win.
I still don't know what to give Jonghyun for his birthday. It's 2 days away and I still have not bought anything. What do you give someone who practically has everything? I ask Key about it and he said that Jonghyun would be happy with whatever I'll give. But I wanted to give him somthing. I want him to remember me whenever he sees it. But I don't know what. He likes cars but I can't afford one.
I'm now waiting for Mina so we could both go find something for Jonghyun. I don't have much money for expensive stuff so we need to find something he'd appreciate that fits my budget.
"Hey Yuri", it was Onew calling me. 
"Hi", I greeted him.
"Waiting for someone?"
"Yes. It's Mina actually", then I decided to ask Onew too. "Uhm Onew it's Jonghyun's birthday in two days."
"Oh yeah, now I remember."
"Well I don't know what to give him do you have anything in mind?"
"I don't know, let's see..."
Mina arrived at that time. 
"Sorry, did you wait long?"
"No, it's okay."
"Are you going to come?", Mina asked Onew.
"We're going to buy a gift for Jonghyun", I explained but Onew was thinking deeply. I hope he gives me good answers.
"I got one!", he even shouted out of excitement.
"What is it?", both Mina and I said.
"Why don't you give him a baby?!?!"
"I thought Mina's going to be here", I said to Taemin. The practice game has just started. Dongho is still part of the practice. I don't know why but I feel like my brother does not like him that much.
"She had something to do", he said not taking his eyes off the court. Soon halftime came and all the players took their time to rest. Dongho and Minho are still playing against each other. But Dongho sat with us too.
"Dongho, do you mind helping me go to Mr. Kang?", Taemin asked Dongho, he's still using crutches and Mr. Kang is their assistant coach.
"Sure", Dongho said and both of them walked off leaving Minho and I alone.
Should I say something? The last time I tried to open up a converstation, it felt like talking to my self or something. What should I say? I'm not really good with sports that's why I try to ask Taemin about basketball and read about it too.
"So how is it so far? Living here in Seoul?"
Did he just ask me something? Was it really his voice?
I turned towards him and yes he is looking at me. I can't stare at his eyes for more than 2 seconds. So I look away quickly.
"It's fun now. I got friends. I'm glad I'm here."
"You miss home?"
"I just miss my mom actually, home is here now."
"I'm sorry about your mom", he said with his deep voice.
I just smiled at him. I still feel a lot of pain whenever I remember my mom. It's something I can't really talk about for now.
Silence followed. I've got to say something now.
But Mr. Kang had blown the whistle reminding everyone that halftime break is over. Minho got up to play again and I felt like I just blew my chance to get to know him.
"Sohyun", he suddenly called me.
"I'm glad you're here too."
Hope u guys like my updates....
Seems like everyone is playing tricks...
And are you ready for Jonghyun's birthday? 
Do you want to go to his party?
PS: I got really happy for having 100 subscribers... it took a while but thanks for clicking "subscribe"
you ALL made me this  ^___________________________________________^  happy


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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D