Chapter 49

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]


"Finally we're here", Sohyun exclaimed as she breathe in fresh air. The sea looks fantastic under the clear blue sky.
Key took little Minnie from Mina and as expected the puppy ran out of his hands and he ended up chasing it.
"Yah hyung! You're going to tire him", Taemin reminded Key which made Mina chuckle. Looks like Taemin is even protective of little Minnie.
Jonghyun and Yuri were the last to arrive since they got on Jonghyun's car with Onew and Dongho. Yes Dongho is included in this trip, Key invited him without telling Jonghyun or the others. It was actually okay with everyone except for Taemin. 
"Is that where we're staying?", Onew was pointing at a villa not far from where they parked. 
Just as Jonghyun was about to answer a woman wearing a bikini came out of the villa. "Hey guys! What took you so long?", the girl said and she was all smiles to everyone.
The guys were clearly admiring her body except for Key who was still chasing Minnie. 
Mina tugged on Taemin's arm to stop him from staring at the girl.
Jonghyun recovered and greeted the girl. It turns out this was the girl he met last time. 
"I'm so glad you all came", Hana said as if it was her idea to have a beach party to celebrate Jonghyun's birthday.
Yuri gave Jonghyun the look, silently asking him why Hana is here.
"Uhm, we should get in first so we can put our things in our rooms", Jonghyun said after he introduce Hana to them.
"Yah hyung!", Taemin yelled for Key who already got Minnie in his arms. Key handed the wiggling puppy to Mina.
Hana and Jonghyun led the way inside while the girl was talking non-stop to Jonghyun. He did not notice that Yuri had let go of his hand.
"We got 5 rooms available, so you guys can choose", Hana said.
"Mina and I will stay in one room", Yuri said before anyone could say anything. She mouthed sorry to Sohyun who will have no choice but stay with Hana.
Jonghyun and Onew would stay in one room then Key and Dongho in another leaving Taemin to stay with Minho.
"Why don't you guys change first", Hana suggested. Mina got inside their room but Yuri pulled Jonghyun away from the others.
"Why is she here?", I asked Jonghyun once we were alone.
"Sorry Yuri, I wanted to tell you this morning before we left but I honestly did not know how. My mom invited her, I told you before that mom wanted to have a big party for me. But I just want to be with you guys for my birthday."
"But she's here", I said.
"She's actually the condition. I'd only get to have this if Hana's invited", Jonghyun confessed.
So this is the beginning of the war for us. I didn't know Jonghyun's mom would move this fast. This is supposed to be a happy day for Jonghyun but I just can't help being uneasy now that Hana is here. And when I saw her earlier I have all reason to be uneasy. She was gorgeous, like a model from a magazine. And the bad thing is she knows it.
"I wanted to cancel it but I didn't want to disappoint the others...", Jonghyun explained further. I knew he only wanted for everyone to have fun with this little vacation.
"I'm sorry Jonghyun", I whispered. "I was just surprised to see her."
"Yeah me too", he said and I punched him lightly.
"You didn't tell me she's gorgeous", Yuri said.
"Really? I did not notice", Jonghyun replied and pulled me by the waist. 
"I don't like her", I said. I better be honest.
"She's okay", he said. He looked at me with amusement. "Are you actually jealous?" He sounded amused.
I pouted at him. I didn't tell him about what his mother said about having Hana as a competition.
"Yuri, Hana is just a girl -"
"A y, gorgeous girl in bikini", I cut him off.
"You're my girlfriend and I love you", he said. "You don't have to be jealous of her. She does not affect me at all."
But Jonghyun had a lot of girls before. Girls he dated and probably slept with. I'm not actually going to bring up the girls in his past but I knew what he was back then and I'm afraid he might fall for Hana.
"Yuri...", Jonghyun whispered next to my ear. He pulled me even close and trailed kisses on my shoulder. "Do you want me to show you just how much I love you?" He put my arms around his next neck and kissed me full in the mouth. I gladly returned his kisses.
"Uhm guys...?", someone behind me said and I knew that it was Hana. "Sorry to disturb you but the others are already outside. You might want to go down too." And with that she left them, the moment is already ruined.
"Go change, I'll wait for you downstairs", Jonghyun said and gave me a slight push on my back.
It only took me a short while to change into my swimsuit. It's nothing fancy but I like the color but I can't help comparing it to Hana's outfit. Well she has the body and the guts but I can only afford to wear this one.
Jonghyun whistled as I go down the stairs, I punched him lightly when he tried to grab my hand.
"Have I told you my favorite color is red?", he joked and pulled me by the waist. 
We found Key waiting for us outside with a beach volleyball.
"They wanted to play a game", Key said. 
"Let's play first while we wait for our lunch", Hana yelled at us. I think she was the one who suggested this.
Mina was with Taemin who had his arm around her shoulder, keeping her close possessively. Onew was talking to Dongho and Sohyun about his summer vacation last year while Minho was just sitting on the sand playing with Minnie.
"Gather up everyone!", Key yelled. "We're going to play beach volleyball. " Jonghyun and Key played rock-paper-scissors and they'd choose the players who'll play for their team. Key won and his first pick is me. 
I can't believe he did that!
Key gave me sly smile while I just glared at him.
Jonghyun chose Minho. Then Key chose Dongho.
When Jonghyun was about to choose another player Taemin coughed hard enough for everyone to notice and Jonghyun knew what he wanted him to do. He chose Mina for his next player.
Key chose Sohyun.
Jonghyun chose Taemin.
Key chose Onew.
And Jonghyun had no choice but to choose Hana.
I have not updated until today because I could not think of anything to write .... 
SORRY about that...
Don't worry I've got my brain back so I'll do another update tomorrow ^^
So it's going to be Key's team versus Jonghyun's team.
Too bad Key chose Yuri first.
It would be Key, Yuri, Dongho, Sohyun and Onew in one team
Then Jonghyun, Minho, Mina, Taemin and Hana.
This is going to be fun!
Who do you think will win?
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Thank you!
Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D