Chapter 37

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]


"Sohyun? What are you doing here?", Mina was surprised to see Sohyun waiting for her at the living room.when she came home.
"Your mom let me in. Sorry I didn't ask you earlier but you were busy... I just wanted to talk to you Mina."
Mina's mom came and gave them more drinks and cooikes. "Good that you're here, Taemin's sister has been here for almost an hour waiting for you. I'll be going now, Mina take care of Sohyun okay?"
Before Mina could stop her, Mrs. Shim had gone out.
Did she just say Taemin's sister?
"W-what... Why? I mean -"
"I'd like to start from the beginning like we never met before. "Hi. I'm Lee Sohyun, Taemin's sister."
"Bwoh? You're kidding right?"
Sohyun smiled and shook her head. Mina took a seat beside her.
"Explain", Mina said. 
"I'm Taemin's half-sister. We have the same father but different mothers. I was born the same year as he was. I'm an illegitimate child Mina. I was never meant to happen. My mom was well she was young and didn't have anyone back then but my dad. It was wrong in the first place since he was already married but as I was told later my dad married Taemin's mom since it was what their parents wanted. They were just arranged to be married. But eventually they fell in love with each other though it didn't happen fast enough. Dad kept on seeing my mom even if he was married already. He only stopped when Taemin's mom got pregnant, but my mom was pregnant too though she didn't tell dad about me since she knew she had lost him to the right woman. My mom raised me alone it was hard for us. She died when I was eight and that was the time I met my dad and his family. They were really good but I didn't want to be a burden to them especially to Taemin's mom. I knew it was hard for her to have me. Well to make the long story short, I got here. I didn't want to tell anyone about me, where I came from and who my parents are. I didn't want to be teased or made fun of. I lived like that when I was child. Kids throw rocks at me since I don't have a dad. It was okay to me but I hated it when they say bad things about my mom. It was not easy, that's why I decided that if I move here in Seoul I want a clean start. I want everything to be new. That's why I made Taemin promise not to tell anyone that we're siblings. Even you, he didn't like the idea but accepted it. He said he'll wait until I'm ready."
Sohyun smiled though she had tears in her eyes. "I saw how much he was loved, he had friends and a family. He had you, to be honest I wanted to be selfish and just keep my brother. I wanted his attention. I saw you and I thought I wish I was you. You have a good family, you have Yuri. You have Taemin and was even good friends with the other guys. I admit Mina I was jealous of what you have 'cause I never had that. I didn't even have one friend. I'm not pretty, nor smart. I had nothing compared to you."
"Sohyun -"
"No, sorry but I had to finish this", Sohyun said. "I've been bad I know that. I made you and Taemin fight just because of some silly secret. I know that you're a good person since Taemin loves you so much. You wouldn't be his girlfriend if you're a snob. I wanted to feel that I belonged. I needed to belong but I can't just seem to fit in anywhere. I didn't want you guys to be nice to me just because I'm Taemin's sister. I wanted you guys to like me as me. I wanted you to accept me. But it didn't work out that way, I didn't make much effort and even made problems. I even thought that you guys don't really like me. But then I realized how could you when you don't even know the real me? I've been living in a lie when in truth I'm just someone's mistake. I can't even tell you who I really am. So how could I expect you to like me. Friendship is base on trust. And I was not honest in the beginning. I've talked so much and yet I never even told you the one thing I've came for."
"I'm sorry Mina, sorry for everything."
Mina felt how much Sohyun is hurting. She never felt unwanted not like she did. She has her parents and Yuri even if you say she's just one true friend. The fact is she had people around her who loves her. And that made her life happy and secure. She might have problems but she has someone who she could talk to and she knows that someone is always there to catch her if she falls. She was never alone. Unlike Sohyun. 
Sohyun felt someone hug her. It was Mina of course.
"I'm sorry too Sohyun, I didn't know", Mina said. "But instead of getting to know you I saw you as a threat. I only see myself and Taemin and I didn't see that I'm hurting another person."
"Of course not Mina. It's all my fault. You just acted on what you feel."
"It doesn't matter whose fault it is. What matters is I now know the truth. Thank you for being honest."
"I should have been in the first place -"
"I know it was hard for you, I understand now", said Mina. "I'm sorry for hurting you too."
"It's nothing", Sohyun smiled.
Mina sat straight and held her hand. "Hello, I'm Shim Mina. And you are?"
Sohyun smiled and took her hand. "Sohyun, Lee Sohyun."
"You have a nice name. Can we be friends?"
"Of course! I've been waiting to be your friend!", said Sohyun and both of them laughed.
"Sohyun, I understand everything you said earlier but I just disagree on one thing."
"Eh? What's that?"
"How could you say you're not pretty? When you're Taemin's sister? Now that I look at you, your eyes are just like his."
"Really?", Sohyun chuckled. "That's what his mom said too."
Mina fell silent for a while.
"You want to talk to him?"
"To Taemin..."
"I don't know, everything is too well I don't know how to say this but I think he won't see me."
"Well, to be honest. I think you're right. I talked to him earlier and tried to convince him to talk to you but he said... well let's just say he's not ready..."
"I really messed up this time", Mina said.
"Oh I almost forgot, Taemin will be leaving tomorrow", Sohyun blurted out.
"Apparently he'll be on a camp with the whole basketball team", Sohyun said.
"For how long will he be gone?", Mina asked.
"For a week maybe", Sohyun answered. "Maybe when he comes back his mind would all be cleared."
i read the previous chapters i posted and there were a lot of errors.. sorry for that dear readers.. i edited it though.. still making the next chapter hope to update soon...
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happy weekend :)
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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D