Chapter 45

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]


How do I start telling him?
I took a deep breath first, I know this is really going to be hard and now I regret ever doing it. 
Jonghyun waited for what I have to say and I gathered up all the courage I have left to tell him.
"Well, uhm actually it's about Kikwang -" The moment he heard the name his face turned into a frown but he did not say a thing. I'm glad he is ready to listen first. If he says anything now I might not be able to tell him everything.
"He asked me for a favor."
"I pretended to be his girlfriend for a day." Jonghyun kept his cool even if I can see him struggling. "His mom's real sick and we visited him to the hospital."
"Why did you have to do it?", Jonghyun asked.
"He said his mom wanted to meet me, apparently his mom still thinks that we are still together."
"Why not tell her the truth then?"
"Jonghyun she's sick and Kikwang does not have anyone to pretend as his girlfriend or time to even look for one. We only did it for his mom, it was just for a day and after that nothing else followed."
Jonghyun looked away and let go of my hands that he'd been keeping warm. I felt cold all of a sudden even though it's warm inside the cafe. Was it wrong to tell him everything?
"I'm not mad Yuri", he stated as if reading my mind and turned to look at me. "It's just that this is Kikwang we're talking about."
"I think he was sincere when he did that. I've met his mom in the hospital besides he promised me that would be the last time he'll ever bother me."
"I know that you only wanted to help him out. And I'm not mad at you for that. I just can't help but think that Kikwang would only bring trouble. I'm not saying this because I hate the guy but I just don't trust him."
"Don't you trust me?"
"It's not a question of trusting you Yuri. I'm always sure about us."
Yuri looked disappointed at me somehow. How am I suppose to react at what she said? Kikwang is a total jerk and I really have a bad feeling about this. It feels like there's more to come from that annoying bastard. Yuri must have helped him because of pity, she tries very hard to be good to everyone.
She helps anyone who needs help and she has a soft heart even if she does not admit it. Anyone who needs help will only just have to ask and if she can she will help that person. 
"Hey, I'm really not mad", I said to her and took her hands again. "I just want you to be careful when it comes to Kikwang. Okay?"
She nodded her head in response but did not look me in the eye.
"I just feel like he's gonna bring you harm in the future so just avoid him. Can you promise me that?"
"And call me if he bothers you again with anything."
I cupped her face and made her look at me. "I trust you Yuri. Don't ever doubt that. I know there are things that you'll do that I may not understand but I know and love you and that is enough."
She smiled at me and I was relieved that she's not mad at what I said on not seeing Kikwang or avoiding him. She's someone who has her own mind and is not used to being told what to do or what not to do.
"Hey I've already said I love you twice but I have not heard any response from you."
"Duh, you know I love my dinohead."
"Yah, why are you calling me that in this romantic moment?"
"Aish you could just say I love you too you know."
"Aish silly, of course I love you too." She scooted close and gave me peck on the lips but I could not just let her go with that. I pulled her close and brought my head down and kissed her not minding the stares we are getting from the waiters and other customers. What's wrong with kissing my girlfriend, especially when my girlfriend is very responsive and even deepens the kiss? 
The thought of Lee Kikwang had totally vanished from my head.
"So what are going to call him?", Taemin asked Mina. They were all in Yuri's apartment just hanging out the next day after he arrived. Everyone is so much into hanging out in her place that Jonghyun had no choice. He even tried to convince them to go to his big mansion but everyone ignored him.
"I'm not really sure..", Mina replied. They're talking about the puppy who is not happily watching Onew and Jonghyun playing a video game. Key and Yuri were in the kitchen preparing some snacks for them. Minho opted to watch his two hyungs play.
"Why don't we call him brownie?", Jonghyun suggested.
"Brownie? That's so common and old hyung", Taemin said.
"How about coffee?", Minho said. "He looks like coffee."
"Chicken! Let's call him chicken!", Onew shouted.
"Yah are you mad?", Key came out of the kitchen with some food and drinks. "Do you want to eat him or something."
"Chicken is cute", Mina said.
"No it's not", Taemin said right away which erased the smile on Onew's face.
"How about we call him Jonghyun?", Yuri said bringing some chips and putting it next to the drinks. Jonghyun shot her a look and she immediately made the peace sign. "Kidding!"
"Jonghyun is good!", said Taemin. "He looks like you hyung."
"Yah Taemin!" Everyone just laughed at him.
The puppy started barking when it noticed Key, it never really liked Key for whatever reason.
"Aish this dog has some temper", Key said and attempted to get the puppy but it quickly run towards Mina.
"I know let's call him po-po", Jonghyun said.
"Nah that's what you always want to do with Yuri, just go get your own dog hyung", Taemin said.
"Why not call him gingerbread or chocopie?", Onew suggested again.
"Hyung enough with food name 'kay? It's a puppy not food", Minho said and Onew had this hurt look in his face.
"How about Minnie?", Mina said.
Everyone thought of it a while then the puppy barked twice.
"Aww... I think he likes it", Yuri said.
"Minnie-ah...", Mina called the little puppy and barked again even trying to stand on it's two legs. "He really likes it."
"Minnie it is then", Taemin decided.
"Po-po suits him better", Jonghyun insisted.
"Nah I think Jonghyun would have been better", came Key's comment.
And the two went on bickering about the puppy's name. 
After eating the snacks the two girls decided to go to the market to buy some ingredients for the dishes they will prepare for dinner. So the boys were left in the apartment with Minnie.
"So hyung any news I missed?", Taemin asked his hyungs.
"Nothing much really", Jonghyun said.
"Oh there's one!", Onew answered. "Dongho came back."
"Yeah Dongho, the one who almost became Mina's boyfriend", Jonghyun added.
"What is he doing here?"
"I don't know, I just know he came to visit Mina and we kinda hangout one time", Onew said.
"You hangout without me?"
"Yeah, you were not here."
"But - "
"Relax Taemin I don't think he's a danger to you now."
"Of course not" Taemin said full of confidence. He was so glad that he and Mina had made up.
"I think he has his eyes on someone else."
"Someone else?", Taemin asked full of curiosity.
"That someone else is Sohyun", Jonghyun answered. They were just trying to mess with Taemin.
"No way!"
"Yes way! And I think Sohyun likes him too", Onew added and Taemin got more agitated.
"I know for sure that she does not!"
"Andy why are you so sure?"
"Because Sohyun likes Minho hyung!"
Minho who was just quietly listening to them all while finishing his fruit juice suddenly had a hard time swallowing and ended up spitting all of it into Onew and Jonghyun.
Litlte Minnie barked happily.
Thanks for all your comments and puppy names... I wanted to call him coffee but Minnie is good too :) But Jonghyun is not bad either. LOL
and @uni_lady2009 idk if i cud make a another story {Minho+Sohyun} out of this but i'll think about it  ^^
Show some love ^^ kekeke...
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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D