Chapter 15 Minho interrupts... ^^

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]


"Hey Minho, still awake?", Jonghyun asked still playing and eyes still glued on the screen.
"Yeah, why?", said Minho.
"How did you get this close to Yuri?"
"We always see each other because of Mina and Taemin. She waits with Mina for Taemin to finish practice", Minho explained. "And she eats lunch with us, since we're both athletes we always bumped into each other and have some activities to do."
"Oh", was JOnghyun's only reply.
"Why are you asking? Does it bother you?", Minho asked but Jonghyun just shrugged. "I was actually trying to call Key or Onew but ended up pressing Yuri's number, she offered to help me."
Jonghyun did not say anything after a while Minho fell asleep. He continued playing until he heard Yuri come back. The door to Minho's room slightly opened revealing Yuri's head. "Is he sleeping?", she whispered and JOnghyun just nodded. "Good." 
Jonghyun kept on playing for hours when he got tired he fell asleep on the floor. When he woke up it was already past 7pm. MInho was still asleep so he sat up only to realize someone covered him with blanket. He stood up and got out of Minho's room.
He found Yuri sleeping on the couch. He wen back to Minho's room and took the blanket he used to cover Yuri. He saw the book she must have been reading on the floor.
Minho's place looks neat now some of his clothes were folded on the table.
Why would she do this for him? Does she like him? Jonghyun thought of this while looking at the still sleeping Yuri. Then he heard a phone ringing, definitely not Minho's or his since the ringtine is "BARBIE GIRL". He was smiling as he took her phone which was left on the table but his smile vanished when he saw the name "Kikwang" on the screen. Jonghyun answered the call, he didn't even get to say anything since Kikwang started yelling.
"Yah! Why are you not answering my calls? I've sent a lof of messages too, you can't just ignore me like this! You think that Jonghyun bloke really likes you? Ha! Come on Yuri, you know better than that - ", Jonghyun had enough and cut him off.
"Yuri's sleeping", said Jonghyun. "Stop calling my girlfriend. I don't want you to contact or communicate with her in any other way."
"Yah... is this Jonghyun? Why are with - "
"I'm her boyfriend, stop disturbing Yuri or else", he hung up after this. He then checked Kikwang's messages on Yuri's phone and deleted them he also deleted Kikwang's number. Then he place Yuri's phone back on the table and went to the kitchen. Since Yuri and Minho are still asleep might as well get a taste of the porridge. Jonghyun was about to reheat the porridge when Yuri woke up.
"What are you doing?", she asked still looking a bit sleepy.
"Nothing", answered Jonghyun and gave up on eating the porridge.
"Shoot, it's almost 8pm", Yuri said checking her watch.
"Wae? Need to go somewhere?", Jonghyun asked.
"Nope but Minho needs to eat and drink his medicine", Yuri said. "Let's reheat the porridge."
Jonghyun silently watch her, he sat at the corner just looking at her. He noticed her limping a bit.
"What happened to your foot?"
Yuri turned to look at him. "My foot? Oh nothing, I injured it the last time at practice then I slipped earlier carrying Minho's laundry. I didn't expect it to be that much and I was not careful", Yuri said casually.
"Did you have it checked?", Jonghyun asked trying to hide his worry.
"Yup, the school nurse told me to go easy on practice", Yuri said and continued on fixing dinner. Silence followed for a few minutes.
"Why are you doing this for Minho?"
Yuri faced him, leaning on the sink. "Well... Minho's a friend and I know how hard it is living alone and getting sick without some there to take of you."
Jonghyun just look at her, she felt conscious so she turned away and pretended to clean the already tidy sink. "Did you do this for Kikwang before?"
Yuri fell silent again and stopped what she was doing. "Nope, Kikwang never got sick when we were together. Besides he has his mom. I never got to meet his family though."
Jonghyun thought her voice became sad when she said this. He got up and stood behind her.
"He never really introduced me, kept saying we'll do it some other time", Yuri continued not aware that Jonghyun's behind her now.
"Do you love Kikwang?", Jonghyun asked almost whispering.
"No, I liked him for a while. And I thought I could love him but... well that's all in the past now. That jerk wasted my time. I was just stupid for believing him."
Just then Jonghyu remembered what he heard at the parking lot last time. That Kikwang just played with Yuri, that bastard. Jonghyun felt like he wanted to break Kikwang arm or leg. He's a player but he never promises anything to the girls he hook up with. They know he's not in for long-term relationships or commitment.
"You're not stupid...", Jonghyun said getting near Yuri that's when she felt he was behind her. She got nervous for some reason she didn't know what to do or how to act and ended up turning around to face him. Bad move. She was gonna push him off or something but forgot what she was thinking when she saw his face.
"I'm glad you broke up with that jerk", Jonghyun continued talking and took another step closer to Yuri. He placed one hand on the counter then one hand on her waist.
"Yah Jonghyun what are you doing...?", Yuri said meeting his eyes.
"I don't know. My feet just led me here. Now my head is telling me I need to do something", Jonghyun said.
"Huh? Like...w-what?", Yuri stuttered her heart beating so fast.
"This", Jonghyun pulled her closer then pressed his lips on hers. She gasped at the sudded contact but Jonghyun leaned forward for more. Yuri brought her hands against Jonghyun's chest wanting to push him off but ended up just feeling him up.
"Hmmm...", Jonghyun moaned as he felt Yuri touching him. Yuri opened and Jonghyun took the chance to deepen the kiss.
"Jonghyun...", Yuri said when Jonghyun broke the kiss to breathe. Then he hugged her. Yuri felt her body respond to Jonghyun's embrace and wrapped her arms around him as well liking the way their bodies seem to fit each other. 
I'm standing here in Minho's kitchen hugging Yuri after we kissed. I've never really done thins for someone else. I've never comforted another girl before. I wanted her to forget everything about Kikwang for some reason. Am I starting to like her? I'm glad she didn't push me off and was even hugging me back. I didn't know she feels so good to touch she's all soft and has curves on all the right places. She smells nice too, especially her hair.
It's the first time that I'm this close to a girl but not wanting to have with her. I just wanted to make her feel better.
Just as I was about to kiss her again Yuri pushed me off. "What's wrong?" Her face is blushing now. I didn't know she could blush like this.
"Sorry, I didn't know you guys were - ", I heard Minho explain but Yuri interrupted him.
"Are you hungry?", Yuri asked already getting food and setting the table.
"Kinda... I'll just get my food and eat it in my room", Minho said.
"Good idea", I said silently telling Minho to back off and leave. 
"Nonsense, you're already here", Yuri said and walked over to Minho. She checked his temperature placing her palm on his forehead. "You're fever has gone down a bit. Come on, eat up then drink your medicine. So you can rest after." 
She pulled Minho and made him sit next to her. She got the bowl of porridge and placed it before Minho. I pulled a chair and sat in front of them. I was giving Minho signals to go back to his room.
"What wrong? Don't you want to eat this?", Yuri asked when Minho didn't touch his food.
"Uhm no it's just that - ", Minho tried to explain but Yuri cut him off.
"Fine, you can go back to your room. Just wait there, I'll bring the food for you", Yuri said. Minho was about to say something but Yuri already pushed him away. "Go I'll be there in a minute." Minho eyed me suspiciously before going.
"I'll bring the food for him", I offered.
"No, just eat here", Yuri said not meeting my eyes. Is she still blushing?
"What about you?"
"I'll eat later", she said and grabbed the tray. I sighed as I watched her walk away.
@meganILY here's the update ^^
i hope u like this ^^
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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D