Chapter 10

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]


Jonghyun's POV
I was waiting for Yuri at the parking lot of the campus where she told me to wait, when I heard some girls talking. I really didn't want to eavesdrop or something but I can't help it since they're talking real loud for me to hear them. Then I heard them mention Yuri's name.
"I don't know why Kikwang oppa fell for Yuri in the first place", said one of them.
"Maybe he was just playing with her", one of them answered.
"Duh... Kikwang oppa was just playing a bet", said another one.
"What do you mean Julie?", asked one of them. I took a peek and they were Maya and Shin Rae talking to Julie.
"He told me the other day that he played gams with his pals and Yuri was the target. And the stupid fell for it", Julie said laughing now. "Why would a guy like Kikwang oppa go for someone like her?"
"You mean everything was for fun?", Shin Rae said.
"Of course. Kikwang oppa haven't told me the rest of the story but from what I know Yuri really liked him. He said when they broke up she begged him to come back to her", said Julie. Then some guys arrived and I easily recognized Kikwang. He kissed Julie on the lips and they went off. A few minutes later Yuri arrived wearing her karate outfit.
"Did you wait long?", she asked when she saw me.
"Nope, just arrived", I lied. She looked like she ran to get here. "What do you want?"
"YOU", she answered simply.
"WHAT?!?!" Is she kidding me?
"Don't give me that look dinohead. I need you to join the practice with us today", Yuri said. "Come on follow me." She did not even wait for my reply and walked ahead. I didn't have a choice but to follow her.
When we got to their practice hall it was already full of other students. There were about 25 guys and just 3 girls Yuri being the 4th one. She bowed to her sensei and introduced me to everyone.
"Is he a new member?", one guys asked.
"No he's just here to observe and be my partner. But let's see if we can get him to join us", Yuri said. She handed me a pair of uniform and told me to change. Everyone was looking at us and I just obliged. It only took me a couple of minutes to change and the unifrom just fits me. When I came oy everyone was seated forming a big circle.
"Yuri will do a demo today and will teach you some moves. Here comes Jonghyun", their sensei said when he saw me and Yuri stood up. I really didn't wanna do this especially with Yuri but hell I lost the bet so I entered the circle facing Yuri. Then I heard their sensei say something I saw Yuri bow down her head and I did the same but before I can even get ready she already attaced me. I can tell she's really good at this and she kicks real hard for a girl.
After the practice my body ached all over. The pest made sure all her kicks connected. It took a lot of courage and endurance not to shout in pain.
"Enjoyed your first day?", Yuri asked after. We've already change to our own clothes and we were the last to leave the room.
"Are you kidding me? You kick like a horse", I said rubbing me back.
'Good thing you know", she said and walked ahead of me again, she walks too fast I could hardly kep up with me aching body.
"Hey pest where are you going next", I asked her.
"That's it for today. I have other things to do", she answered not even stopping.
"Are you sure?", I asked not believing her.
"Yes dinohead. Why? Do you want more slave work?", she asked and stopped walking to look at me.
"No thanks", I told her. She turned to leave but I stopped her. "Where are you going anyway?"
"None of your business", she said then pulled away.
"Yah why do you so fast?", I yelled and followed her.
"Don't you have better things to do? Why are you following me? I said you can go", she said.
"I'm not following you, I'm going this way too", I said. Then I askher something out of the blue. I don't know why I did but it already came out of me mouth, loud and clear. "Are you still mad about the kiss?"
Yuri suddenly stopped walking and kept quiet.
"Com eon it was just a kiss and it's not like I stole your first one".
"Hey dinohead if you don't want me to kick your for real stop asking me about the kiss", she said without even turning to look at me then she started walking again.
"Where are you going anyway?", I continued to follow her.
"I said it's none of your business and as my slave I command you to stop following me", she said and abruptly stopped walking.
"Why did not you join the karate club?", I still asked her.
"Because I'm good at it", she answered right away.
"Why do you study with thos students?".
"For fun", I did not expect that answer. I mean I never see studying as fun.
"Why did you fall for Kikwang?", that question surprised her. "Why did the two of you broke uo?"
"It's not or your damn business. Now stop following me an go find another girl to play with. I went closer to her, I wanted to . It maked me happy for some reason when she's pissed.
"What if I wanna play with you?", I said using my seductive voice. Her eyes widened and her gaze went down on my lips. "Come here", I was about to grab her waist when some called me.
"YAH! KIM JONGHYUN! Is this the reason you never called me again?", I turned and saw Vivian. I dated her for two months. Well we did more than date.
"Hey Vivian. Haven't heard from you."
"How could you when when you did not even give me your number", she said and turned her annoyed face to Yuri. "Is she the reason you're avoiding me?"
"Let's not talk here", I said and tried to pull her away.
"No I wanna talk here", she said and turned to Yuri again. "Are you his new girlfriend?"
"Are you kidding me?", was Yuri's answer.
"I know you, you're Jung Yuri", she turned to me. "You left me for her?"
"Vivian, you were never my girlfriend", I reminded her.
"And she is?!" She turned to Yuri again. "What did you see in her anyway?"
"Hey listend I'm not - ", Yuri said but Vivian cut her off. 
"I'm gonna get you for this!", Vivian said and walked out dramatically.
"Who was that crazy girl?", Yuri asked me once Vivian was gone.
"Don't mind her", I told her.
"Don't mind her? Have you seen the way she looked at me? I wanted to kick her .'
"Why didn't you?", I said trying not to smile. Yuri's face is red with anger now.
"Cause I realized I shoudl kick your first", she said. "Stop following me or your crazy fangirls would attack us again."
I stopped following her, I watched her walk away. Little did I know that Vivian meant business.




HI guys... i'm so sleepy right now... I just wanted to update. 
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2 days of  holiday here... pls don't get tired of waiting for my updates...
Thanks to my subscribers ♥


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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D