Chapter 61

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]



Yuri just stood there for a few seconds, not doing anything but staring with mouth wide open at Jonghyun. He seemed troubled after a good 15 seconds had passed with Yuri still not saying anything.

“Uhm yeah I should have done this,” and to her horror Jonghyun got down on his knee.

“Jonghyun get up! What are you doing? Are you crazy?” the words immediately came out of before she could even think.

“No I’m not crazy,” Jonghyun replied. He stood up still looking at her with the ring in his hand. “Marry me.”

Yuri pulled him in before any of her neighbors saw them.

“Okay now tell me what got into you and you’re suddenly proposing?” Yuri asked still not believing that Jonghyun just asked her to be his wife.

Jonghyun took a deep breath before opening his mouth. “I know everything.”

Yuri was surprised to hear this. She thought Key would have let her explain everything to Jonghyun, but still it’s Key so she should have seen this coming.

“I love you Yuri,” Jonghyun continued. “I don’t care if you’ve been with another man. I don’t care if you kissed another guy or you liked another guy other than me. It does not matter. I don’t want to live without you. I want to wake up every day and see you. Hear your voice whenever I want to and just kiss you when I feel like it. I promise I’ll take care of you, and the baby –”

Yuri’s heart was melting because of the words coming out of his mouth and then it suddenly stopped. “What baby?”

“Your baby, I mean our baby.” He took her hand and slid the ring onto her finger. He smiles seeing just how it perfectly fits. “I promise I’ll be the best dad ever.”

Yuri pulled her hand out of his grasp which startled Jonghyun. “Wait! You’re saying I’m pregnant?”

Jonghyun took her hand again. “I heard everything Kikwang said. That you’re pregnant and that he does not want you anymore. That bastard, I’m going to kill him someday. You don’t have to worry about him bothering you any more or the baby. I’ll make sure he can’t get near you.”

Yuri can’t helped but be amazed. How could Jonghyun be this stupid and yet so darn perfect at the same time?

“So even though I’m pregnant with another man’s child you still want me? You still want to marry me?”

“Yes, I love you. I love everything about you. Every strand of your hair, your not so pretty hands, your average cooking skills, everything. and it’s no longer another man’s child but it’s mine. The baby’s ours.”

What led him to think she’s pregnant Yuri would not even care. The important thing is she knows just how much Jonghyun loves her. More than she ever thought he would. She could not help but hug him and tears just came out.

“Hey, don’t cry.” Jonghyun pulled her close and kissed the side of her head.

“Pabo,” Yuri said. “You’re really stupid you know.”

“Of course I am,” Jonghyun chuckled.

“But I love you,” Yuri said. “I love you because you’re a stupid dino.”

“Okay you can call me dino or anything you want because you’re pregnant I’ll let that pass,” Jonghyun said.

Yuri let go of him and wiped her tears.

“Jonghyun, I’m not pregnant.”


“I’m not pregnant,” and Yuri went on telling him what really happened. Jonghyun’s face was unreadable and he slowly sat down on her only couch after she finished. “So you don’t really have to marry me.”

“So you mean –” Yuri nodded even if he didn’t finish what he wanted to say.

“Key knows as well,” Yuri confessed.

“Now I’m going to kill Kibum! Forget about friendship!” Jonghyun stood up but Yuri immediately grabbed his arm preventing him from taking another step farther.

“You’re not killing anyone okay? I’m actually thankful Key did this. Now I know you love me as much as I love you.”

“What? Of course I love you, more than you love me.”

“No I love you more than you love me,” Yuri countered. It’s so good having stupid conversation with Jonghyun again.

“Absolutely not! Don’t you know just how much I love you? It’s way more than you could ever love another person!”

Yuri laughed at this. “You’re silly!” Then someone knocked on her door. She went to get the door with Jonghyun following behind her. And the second surprise of the evening came.


Onew, Mina, Taemin, Sohyun, Minho, and Key were all outside with balloons and a cake.

“I can’t believe you’re getting married!” Sohyun said and ended up pulling Yuri and Jonghyun in a hug.

“I’m so happy for you,” Mina was next.

“Okay guys, the wedding’s not happening.” Yuri had to tell them before things get out of hand. They could really exaggerate at times.

“What?” both Onew and Minho said. They were all inside now, her apartment getting smaller by the minute. The food they brought were now on her small table ready to be eaten.

“But you’re wearing a ring!” Sohyun said even pointing at her finger.

“Yeah, well it kind a just got there,” Yuri mumbled. “But don’t worry, we’re okay now. Everything’s good with us but we’re not getting married.”

“Of course we are,” Jonghyun said which caught everyone in the room to turn to him.

“What?” Yuri said.

And the answer she got was a kiss. A sweet, soft, quick kiss.

“Marry me,” Jonghyun said.

“Uhm w-well, uhm…”

Everyone in the room fell silent waiting for her to say yes. Onew even had a hand over his mouth.

“Y-yes…” Everyone clapped and celebrated but Onew decided to jump out of excitement and ended up stepping on Key’s foot. Poor Key, his cry of pain was not even heard because everyone was now singing a congratulatory song for the couple even though they're clearly not in tune.

No one paid him attention. He should have not told them what would happen tonight. They’re completely forgetting that it was he, the genius and almighty Key who got them together again.

“Hey Kibum,” later when the party was over Jonghyun called him before he could get into his car.

Key smiled and stopped Jonghyun from getting any closer. “Yeah yeah, I know what you’re going to say. You’re very welcome. And it’s my job as your friend.”

Jonghyun almost laughed at this but didn’t. “What are you saying? I’m just here to tell you that, you’re seriously not going to be my best man!”

“WHAT?” Key yelled after Jonghyun but the latter got into his car without even looking back at him.

“You should have seen that coming you know,” it was Onew who was just around waiting for him. He didn’t bring a car as usual and would just rely on Key to get him home. “You let him believe Yuri’s pregnant.”

“But it worked! They got back and now everyone’s happy.”

“You forgot one thing. This is Jonghyun we’re talking about. If it was Minho maybe you’ll get a punch or two. If it was Taemin, maybe you’re not even invited to the wedding. But since it’s Jonghyun, he’s just going to make you suffer while still being a good friend.”

“You absolutely don’t make sense hyung,” Key said.

“What I’m saying is, I’ll be the best man. I’m sure he’s bound to pick me.”

“No he’ll change his mind when he sees you being clumsy and all on his wedding.”

“I’m not clumsy, and you’ll probably steal the limelight and go around telling people just how you got them together again. Jonghyun would choose me!”

They continued arguing even when they’re inside the car.

Meanwhile Taemin and Mina were the last ones to say goodbye to Yuri.

“What do you think they’re talking about?” Mina asked Taemin. They just heard Key and Onew arguing about something.

“Clearly have no idea,” Taemin said.

“Oh I saw Jonghyun talking to you just before he left. What did he say?”

Taemin smiled and looked at her. “He said I’m best man.”




It's okay Kibum... you can still attend the wedding!

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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D