Chapter 43

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]


"He's not here", Sohyun said when she opened the door to Taemin's room. 
The bed is empty and Taemin is gone.
"He was sleeping when I left him", Minho said to no one in particular.
Yuri took a glance at Mina and saw that she was disappointed, she really wanted to see Taemin. Where could he be?
"Can you call him?", Yuri said to Sohyun.
"No use, his phone's broken", answered Minho. 
"But you said he was injured", said Sohyun.
"He is that's why I thought he'd stay in bed and rest", Minho stated.
"We'll just have to wait then", Yuri said.
"Why don't we look for him?", Key suggested. "He might just be around the block."
"I'll go look for him", said Onew and Key followed him.
"Why don't you three wait for him here", said Minho who was also leaving to look for Taemin.
"Uhm, I want to go find him too", Sohyun said with a touch of pink on her cheeks.
"Okay", answered Minho. "So Yuri, you and Mina will stay here?"
"Yeah of course", said Yuri. Mina just stayed quiet and we both followed Minho and Sohyun to the door. The two were already gone for a while but Mina stayed outside. "Mina, it's kinda cold here. Let's go inside."
Mina shook her head. "I'll wait for him here."
I was so excited to see Mina again that I did not even think of my injured foot. Minho hyung told me to rest and wait for tomorrow so I could see her. He was so serious about it that I did not dare go against him. So I waited for him to fall asleep before I got out of the house. I was lucky enough to get a taxi right away since my foot is really hurting now. I stopped at a flower shop first and bought a lot of flowers. Mina loves them and I really wanted to make it up to her big time. I don't even know what to tell her first, all I want right now is to see her. 
I stood outside waiting for the door to open, I checked the time she should be home now since it's almost 9pm.
"Oh good evening auntie", I greeted Mina's mom.
"Good evening. Come inside. Oh what lovely flowers you have here."
"Yeah, is Mina here?", I asked.
"She's been out all day."
"Oh is that so..."
"Uhm are you okay?", she asked looking worried over me.
I nodded my head. "Auntie, can I just leave the flowers here?"
"Of course, I'll put it in Mina's room."
So I left their house with my heart down. Where did she go? It felt like my injury got worse and every step hurts. I need to get home now and rest. Maybe Minho hyung is right, I should just see her tomorrow.
Where could Taemin be? The others are not back yet and I'm stuck here waiting for them. Where would he go at this time? Yuri had stopped convincing me to go inside, and I'm still here sitting outside. 
I hope it won't rain tonight.
A cute brown little puppy ran passed me. What's it doing out tonight? I followed the puppy who ran very fast I and to run too just to catch up. I finally caught the wiggly thing in my hands but he was barking mad right now. "Omo don't be too loud or the neighbors will scold us." I tried to keep it quiet but he still barked. It seemed like it wanted to get away from me so I put on the ground, maybe the owner is now looking for it. But just to make sure that it would be safe I followed it.
I stopped on my tracks when I saw the guy picked the puppy up. It's Taemin.
I ran to him as fast as I can. He was surprised to see me too.
He let the puppy go and it sat up just beside him. Does he own it? He took two painful steps forward and pulled me into a hug. Everything seemed a blur to me and my eyes are already getting wet, tears that I've been trying to fight had fallen. I missed him so much and had been hoping to see him and talk to him but right now no words would come out of my mouth. For now just being held like this is enough.
"Hey are you crying?", he asked gently and my hair like he always do. I buried my face deeper into him. I practiced what I want to say to him a lot but right now all of those had been forgotten. 
"Mina, I missed you", he said and kissed the side of my head. "I missed you so much. I'm sorry for not saying goodbye when I left for the camp. I should have cleared things up before going. I gave you a lot of heartaches and I never got to say sorry properly. The thing about Sohyun, I know you already know. She's my sister, I wanted her to feel safe and secure with us. I'm sorry for my mistakes and for every foolish words I've said."
I said nothing just continued on hugging him.
"Uhm, can you still forgive me after everything? I'm not saying you have to forgive me now. Or you can even nor forgive me yet, I'll ask for forgiveness forever. Just take me back", he asked with uncertainty. How could he think I have not forgiven him already?
"I know saying sorry is not enough and I've cause a lot trouble..."
Taemin is never the one to talk a lot even when expressing himself and for him to say all those words are more than enough. I don't even need him to say he's sorry. He kept on explaining and talking about why he did this or that and kept saying sorry every 5 seconds that I felt I need to stop him I could not think of anything but this. I've never been the one to do this first but there's always a first time.
I pulled away from his hold and looked him straight in the eye. Then just like what I see in dramas, I put my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
here's the puppy? Do you want him to be a part of the family? LOL
look at him
he's about to cry if you don't write comments.. kekekeke...
another update tomorrow. I'm dying here so I can't update another chapter right now...
Yuri and Jonghyun's confessions would be up! 
Enjoy your day/night/time ^^
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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D