Chapter 13: First dinner together

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]


YURI is not used to all the attention. Somehow the rumour about her and Jonghyun is still on. Students whisper behind her back and some staring at her when she walks along the corridor. But she never let them get to her. She goes on with her activities at school with the karate club and their study group.
One night while walking out of the campus she bumped into Kikwang and his pals. His always surrounded with his friends.
"Hey Kikwang isn't this your ex-girl?", one of them said. In all the time Kikwang and Yuri are together she never bonded with them. Yuri didn't really care who it was who spoke. She wanted to get home since she's all tired and it's really late plus she's hungry.
"She's Kim Jonghyun's girl now from what I hear", another one of them said.
"Looks like she found a new one right away. What can you say about this bro?", asked another. Kikwang came closer to her as if expecting this would happen but he did not touch her.
"Where's your boyfriend?", he said in a soft voice somehow irritating Yuri.
"I don't have time for bull", Yuri said and tried to pass thru them but was blocked. "Think you're so good now being Kim Jonghyun's girl? Ha! That jerk...he's all face. I can kick his anytime."
Yuri's blood started to boil when she heard Kikwang talk about Jonghyun.
"Just get out of my face", Yuri said. She's really tired and hungry. She wants to kick their right now but she injured her right leg earlier and the school nurse told her to take it slow and rest it for a week.
They just laughed at her. "Did you do it with him?", Kikwang said wearing and evil grin. He even scanned Yuri's body, going from head to toe.
For all the time that they were together Kikwang never got what he wanted which was to get her to his bed.
"Shut up", Yuri hissed. She stood there ready to do some action. 
"Woah, easy there. She's really a tough girl. How many days did it take you to get her to have with you again", Kikwang's friend ask.
"What did you say?", Yuri snapped. She glared at Kikwang but his face remained blank. He told them they ahd ?
"I wanna check if she's as good as you said", the one who spoke moved a step closer to Yuri while the others chuckled. Another one grabbed Yuri's arm but before she can react an unexpected voice shouted from behind them.
"LET GO OF HER NOW!", Jonghyun yelled. His face was so angry you can see some veins on his face. If looks could kill this would be murder. He grabbed Yuri's arm and made her stand behind him. "You got a problem with my GIRL?", he said as he continued to glare at them.
I could not believe what I heard. Did he just call me his GIRL?
Kikwang look at Jonghyun, it was 4 against one well 4 against 2 if you count me in as well. I could really protect myself from these idiots but I admit it feels good when someone's protecting you. Kikwang did not say anything.
"Come on Yuri", Jonghyun said as he held my hand and pulled me along. It's really rare when he calls me by my name that I didn't protest. Kikwang and his friends did not attempt to follow us. He led me to where he parked his motorbike.
He only had one helmet so he gave it to me. I took it without saying anything.
Jonghyun's rich. He drives different cars everyday depending on his mood. And from what I know he never lets anyone ride with him on his motorbike. So why now?
"Hold on", he said. I wasn't really planning to hold onto him but the bike jerked off and automatically I grabbed the only thing I could hold on to and that's Jonghyun. I hugged him from behind thankful that he couldn't see my face since for sure it's all red now from blusing too much. Then my stupid heart started beating so fast, I think I could even hear every beat it makes.
I don't know if it's from the shock or from being this close to him. He drove me straight to my apartment. 
"Are you okay?", he asked when we got off his bike. I just nodded and gave him back his helmet.
"Uhm.. I got to go", I said but he followed me. "What do you want?"
We stopped walking. "I need my pen", he answered suddenly as if that's the reason he's here.
"The pen you borrowed last time. I need it", he said.
"Oh that", I said as I remembered it too. "It's in the house. I'll go get it." He still followed me and even went inside my apartment.
"Your place looks....", it took him a while to say what he wants looking all over my small place. "...neat", he finished.
"It's in my room. Let me get it", I told him. "And stay here", I added as he made a move to follow me. When I got back Jonghyun was no longer where I left him. He's in my small kitchen checking my fridge for food.
"I'm hungry, let's eat", he said to me simply. When he said this I remembered I was hungry too.
"Here's your pen", I said and placed the pen on the table. "I don't have food here just instant noodles."
"That would be great!", he said to my surprise and sat like a child waiting for his mom to cook his favorite dish. What's up with this guy? "Yah, I'm waiting here."
"I'm not gonna cook for you", I said.
"I helped you out earlier, this should be your way to thank me", he countered.
"I never asked for helped", I said but moved to get the noodles. It took me a while to get everything done. I was aware of Jonghyun following my every move which made things awkward and delayed my task.
"WOW looks delecious", Jonghyun said getting excited. I laughed at his reaction. "What?'
"It's just noodles...", I told him taking my seat.
He started to eat. "Hmmm.. it's good." I watch him eat for a while. "Hey aren't you gonna eat too?"
I quickly got my chopsticks and got some food but completely lost my mind when I put it straight to my mouth. "Ahh... it's hot."
"Of course, silly", Jonghyun said trying not to laugh he got his own chopsticks and got some noodles then blew on them. "Here...", he said holding out the food for me like it was the most natural thing in the world.
I was speechless and I can tell even Jonghyun was surprised by what he did. 
"Uhmm.. are you gonna eat this or what?"
We ate silently after that. Talk about awkward. I just hope he didn't notice me blush when he fed me earlier.
"Let me wash the dishes", Jonghyun offered once we're done eating.
"No just leave them there. I'll wash them after you go", I said and glad that he did not argue. He grabbed the pen and made his way out.
"I better go", he said and I walk him to the door.
"Hey Jonghyun", I called him and forgot to call him dinohead. "Why were you there?"
He was hesitant to answer, just looked at me for a while. "I told you, I needed my pen. This is my favorite." He looked away right after he said that.
"Well... thanks." I said finally and he snapped back his eyes on me.
"Don't get use to it', he said before turning around and got out of my apartment.
so happy that i was able to update today!! ^_____^ hope you like this chapter...
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thanks to the ones who left comments, i'm always glad that you guys took time to leave those
thanks always for reading and waiting for my updates ^______^
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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D