Chapter 51

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]




I was nervous. I think this is a bad idea. What do you give someone that probably has everything? Onew's idea of a baby really made me crazy. He really is insane sometimes.


The waves calmed my heart somehow and I could feel Jonghyun walking towards me. He said he'd be back right away and here he is.


"Aren't you cold?", he asked while sitting beside me.


I shook my head and held his hand.


"My birthday is going to be over soon and yet you still had not given me a birthday gift", Jonghyun said.


I smiled weakly and continued to hold his hand. “It’s not really much it’s not even something you could use.” I could sense him being more curious. “To be honest I had no idea what to get you.” I pulled out a notebook and showed it to him. “Here.”


“Thanks”, he said right away.


“Open it”, I told him. “It’s my diary.”


“What?”, he said surprised.


I reached for the notebook and opened it on a page I’ve bookmarked. “You can read it from here. Well not all the pages but you could start here.”


“Are you sure?”, he asked and I nodded. He slowly read the page and I waited.


Dear Diary,

Jonghyun still ignores me, I don’t know why but it seems like he does not like me. Am I ugly? Do I smell bad? From what I noticed he does not even glance at me whenever I’m around.


Dear Diary,

Today Jonghyun finally noticed me! I wanted to scream with happiness when he finally talked to me. I never thought this day would ever come. I don’t care how many girlfriends he’s had. I like him and that’s all that matters.


Dear Diary,

I was so upset seeing Jonghyun kissing another girl. The girl was not even that pretty. He was all over her and my heart broke into pieces. Our bickering had gotten worse. I accidently called him a dinohead and it really angered him. How could I love a dinohead like him?


Dear Diary

Jonghyun kissed me, after years of dreaming of it I finally got to kiss the guy I love. He must have done it to annoy me but it felt real to me. I thought I’d gotten over him but my heart still beats only for him.




“I’ve loved you for a long time Jonghyun. Long before you even noticed I existed. I was so glad when Taemin and Mina got together because that would mean I could spend time with you too. I could not bring myself to talk to you without annoying you because I was afraid you’d see right at me, that I like you. You don’t know how much I envy all those girls you’ve dated all through high school. I was jealous of every girl you’ve kissed wishing it was me instead. I wanted to be your girl a long time ago…”


“I didn’t know…”


“Of course you didn’t silly”, I said with a smile. “I was so happy when you said you love me. I’ve dated other guys just to forget you but it did not work.”


“I’m glad it didn’t. Thank you for telling me this.”


“I was afraid I’d be just like the other girls. That one day you’d realize you don’t like me anymore and leave me. That’s why I don’t always show you how much I love you Jonghyun.” He put his arms around me and pulled me close to him.


“You’re not just another girl Yuri. And I’m sorry for hurting you before. I promise I’d stay with you always. No matter what happens, no matter who comes into our lives. I’d always love you. Only you.”


“Really? Not even ten gorgeous girls looking all hot and y just like Hana?”


“Not even a million of them. Don’t ever think for one second that you’re not special ‘cause you are to me.”


“You remember the time when you found my wallet and I did not want you to open it?” He nodded his head. “ Well I got your picture in it that’s why I didn’t want you to see it. There’s not a single day that I did not think of you Kim Jonghyun.” 


“I know that now”, he smiled. “I promise I’d only love you Yuri. Thank you for loving me this much. You don’t know how much this means to me. Why did you like me? I mean I never thought you’d like me at all.”


“Well it’s kind of like a love at first sight”, I confessed. “I first saw you at the library. I know you probably don’t remember this but I saw you in the library kissing a girl. And for the first time I wondered how it’d feel being kissed by you. Since then –“


“You became my stalker?”, Jonghyun joked.


“Of course not! But it can’t be helped that I always see you, you’re Taemin’s friend and we all know how Taemin and Mina is connected. I found out you date a lot of girls. I don’t know how to catch your attention. So I did the only thing I’m good at.”


“The only thing?”


“I studied a lot and got good grades, I joined a lot of clubs so I’d be famous and somehow you’d notice me. But those did not work.”


“You’re wrong about one thing, I did notice you. That's why I always ignore you. You seem like someone who won’t bother with guys like me.”


“It’s not much for a birthday gift but –“


“Of course not, this is the best gift ever. Knowing that someone loves me as much as you do. Thank you Yuri.” He kissed me gently on the lips and I gladly kissed him back. I never thought a day like this would come. That the guy I’d only dreamed of is right here next to me.




“Yah you two where have you been?”, Key greeted both of us when we came back. He was already wearing his pajamas and his toothbrush on his right hand, he must have just finished brushing his teeth.


“Just walked around”, Jonghyun answered him but Key gave us a suspicious look.


“Hyung they’re here!”, he said and Onew came running towards us.


“Hey have you given him the baby yet?”, Onew said all of a sudden.


“Bwoh?”, I yelled at him feeling my face get hotter. Why would Onew ask this kind of question at this time.


“You know your gift, I told you to just give him a baby”, Onew said.


“Baby?”, both Mina and Taemin said at the same time they too like Key are in their pajamas.


“What baby?”, Minho said coming from the kitchen holding Minnie in his arms.


“Yuri’s birthday gift to Jonghyun is a baby”, Onew said with a grin. “So how was it?”


“Hyung!”, this time it was Jonghyun who yelled. “We didn’t – I mean we just talked, we didn’t do any - anything other than that…”


“I ~ don’t ~ believe ~ you~”, Key said in a sing-song voice.


“What’s happening?”, Dongho and Hana have joined them too.


“Oh it’s Jonghyun and Yuri they’re gonna have a baby”, Minho said and I almost wanted to choke him if only Sohyun did not appear at that time.


“Really? A baby!”, Sohyun exclaimed and even clapped her hands. Jonghyun and I looked at each other and sighed.


“We’re not having a baby!”, I said in a loud voice ‘cause Key and Sohyun had started to do a cheer for us. I didn’t know Key could influence her in such a short time.


“Of course we’re not, we haven’t even sle – “, Jonghyun caught himself and stopped midway as everyone including me turned to him. “I mean, uhm we’re not having a baby so enough of this talk.”


“Whew, I really thought it’s true”, Taemin said.


“Wae? You look relieved”, Key said.


“And what’s up with you two coming out from the same room and already wearing your pajamas?”, Onew said and everyone’s attention darted towards Taemin and Mina. Thank goodness everyone had forgotten about the baby thing, I’m now debating whether to kill Onew today or tomorrow.


“Huh? We just –“


“Hyung we – “


Both Taemin and Mina spoke at the same time and both did not get to finish what they were to say. Key snapped his fingers and pointed at them.


“YAH! Did you?”, Key said asking both of them with his eyes bigger than normal.


Taemin glared at him and I almost thought his going to punch Key but I guess he held himself and just continued to glare at Key like looking at Key could make him disappear.


“Aish enough of this”, Minho said at last seeing Taemin so annoyed. It was amazing how much a maknae like him could act so tough in front of his hyungs.


“Why don’t we just play a game before we sleep?”, Hana suggested instead. 


“Oh I got one in mind!", Onew became excited all at once and it made me wonder if his idea of a game is close to normal.





Updated at last! ^________^

i really wanted to update last week but the site had some's a short one but i promise u the next one would be long

i just need to fix this story since i really did not have a plot and just writes whatever comes in mind that's why i'm having a hard time now :(

just a few more chapters before the story ends so i really want to do it right ^^ so please bear with me

is the story turning lame or somethng? i'd really like to hear what you think or i might just end up not wiritng anything :) *LOL KIDDING*


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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D