Chapter 60

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]



Hana and I had a talk. My mind is now clear. It was crazy how I got into this mess. Kikwang really made me believe something happened between us. How could I possibly think so too? It was stupid of me to even think of it.

Julie who dated Kikwang for a while was the key to finding out the truth. I bumped into her in the hallway on my way to class. She made a comment at my not so classy outfit and my messy hair and told me I don’t look better than the day I got drunk. And of course it hit me. How would she know how I’d look when drunk? Being her usual y self she narrated just how small my apartment was and that Kikwang should have left me in the club. She told me how she was the one to clean my mess of a self and didn’t even bother putting clothes on me. I asked her what happened next after she took off my dirty clothes. She said she wanted to make out with Kikwang but Kikwang was not interested so she left.


Now that it’s clear to me that nothing happened between us all I need is to explain to Jonghyun again. That is if he still wants me. Well I just need to get the courage to talk to him. Jonghyun could be really difficult especially when he’s hurt.

I sent Key a message about my plans but he said I can’t go see Jonghyun yet. Jonghyun is not in the mood and we’d probably just end up fighting. Key refuses to tell me anymore when I asked for details. But he told me that Jonghyun had a fight with Kikwang. Well if I can’t talk to Jonghyun I’d better deal with Kikwang first.

Which is why I’m waiting for him here in the coffee shop just near my apartment I came earlier than the time I set though and I’m now on my second cup of coffee.

“Yuri,” Kikwang finally arrived and his face looks awful.

I tried not to laugh. I couldn’t find the heart to pity or worry about him. Serves him right for lying. “Jonghyun did that?”

He was surprised that I know but nodded as his answer to my question. He sat opposite me and ordered tea.

“That crazy guy really is crazy,” Kikwang said.

“I want to know everything,” I said. “Just be honest, or I’ll add your injuries.”

“So you’re doing Jonghyun’s style now?”

“Please don’t make me do it Kikwang. You know I can.”

He smirked but didn’t say a word until his tea arrived. He took a sip and started talking. “You were too drunk. I figure you wouldn’t like it if I bring you to a hotel or to my place. So I brought you to your apartment instead. When we got in you vomited all over the place. You smell like hell and well I didn’t have a choice but to take off your clothes.”

“I said you have to be honest with me,” I warned him and the guy just laughed.

“You really are serious huh?” He took another sip of his tea. “Okay then. There was another girl. If you want you can call her. She actually knows you. Julie that’s her name.”


“Yeah, I dated her remember?” Kikwang reminded me. “She got as far as getting your clothes off. And I ended up cleaning your apartment. She left saying I was crazy for doing what I did, said I was a fool that would only get a broken heart if I continue to do what I plan to do.”

“And that is?”

“To get you back of course. But the whole night all you ever talked about was Jonghyun this and Jonghyun that. So I made you believe that something happened between us. That was the only way I could think of to make him leave you. But it seems that’s not even working.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well I’m no cupid Yuri. And I hate Jonghyun even more so now than before. So I’m not telling you more. Your friend Key knows something too but I doubt if he’ll tell you anything now.”

“You’re really not making sense.”

“Have I ever made sense? I’m just a jerk who dumped you first but ended up losing. I was never the sentimental type but you really did broke my heart you know. The good thing is I found out something because of this.”

“And that is?”

“That I have a heart to begin with,” Kikwang said looking straight into me.  “I shouldn’t have let you go. But I know you’d still end up with him even if we didn’t break up before. I was just too stubborn.”


“Oh you think I didn’t know? You were too obvious back then, you like him for a long time.” Kikwang stated and Yuri could not deny a thing. “I got to go, I’m not going to chase you again. That Jonghyun bloke is probably going to kill me if he sees us right here.” Kikwang stood up and patted my head before leaving.



It took a lot of effort for Key not to laugh when Jonghyun told him what he was about to do. He looked so serious, like what he’s going to do is saving all mankind and the future. He could not bring himself to just tell him what he found out about Kikwang. So he nodded his head and patted Jonghyun’s back like the good friend that he clearly is.

“Do you think she’ll take me back?” Jonghyun asked in his still so serious face.

Key rubbed his chin with his left hand but in truth he was suppressing the urge to laugh. “I don’t know, it’s really complicated but what I know is that Yuri still loves you.”

Jonghyun smiled. “Thanks Key.”

“Uhm, do you want me to come with you?” Key even had the nerve to ask.

“No it’s okay. I’ll call you though.” Jonghyun got into his car and even waved goodbye to him before leaving with his ever smiling face.

Key ended up laughing. It’s not that it’s really so funny, he just can’t imagine Yuri’s reaction when Jonghyun asks her later. And he even prepared a speech for her.

He wanted to witness the epic moment.



I think I’m going crazy. This is all Key’s fault. He told me I should give Jonghyun more time when all I wanted to do is talk to him. But Key insisted that I should just wait. So here I am still waiting. When am I going to have a chance to talk to that dino?

I called Mina, asked her if we could hang out but turns out she’s busy with the restaurant since they’re one waiter short. Taemin is even there helping as well. I swear those two would get married right away when they finish college.

I pace around my small apartment for the nth time, called Sohyun but it was Minho who answered. He said Sohyun’s in the bathroom, and yes they’re in his apartment watching some movie and just spending the afternoon together. He even invited me to come over but of course I said no. then he made me promise without even trying that I should not mention this to Taemin.

So I’m still here in my apartment. Nothing to do, no one to talk to. I was even tempted to call Onew. But no, I don’t want to eat chicken for dinner. Another thirty minutes passed. It’s now officially 7:30pm and my stomach is growling. Okay I’ll just order pizza.

Ding dong!

I jumped out of bed, grabbed some bills opened the door expecting to see some random guy holding out a box of pizza for me. But no, it’s not just random guy and he didn’t bring pizza with him. It’s Jonghyun standing outside my door. And then he got something out of his jacket, a small red box.

My heart started to beat faster just seeing that box.

And when he opened it my heart literally stopped beating.

It was a ring.

“Yuri, will you please marry me?”




Another short update from the not so tired author, I got new readers of Because of Bet and are now reading this fic. Thank you all for still reading the fic even if I don’t update it much.

Key is still the naughty friend who likes to watch other people’s drama. Still got no bias in Shinee, and yes I’ll still use them to write fics. I don’t think I’ll ever use other idols. And now I’m admittedly a Park Sunyoung a.k.a. Luna fan. She’s the only female idol I like. If you have time please check my other Shinee fics. The one with Taemin&Luna "A TUNA Fanfic: How Taemin Became An Oppa" and

“My Unwilling Fiance” with Minho&Luna. Still don’t know the latter’s couple name. MinLu? Lol.




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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D