Hate Turned Love

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]

Final Chapter


“How do I look?” Yuri asked Mina. It was her wedding day. The day she’s going to marry Kim Jonghyun, her dinohead.

No one answered her question and she got more nervous if that was possible. She can’t look that bad on her wedding day right? “Mina...?” She looked at her best friend who was still looking at her.

“You look perfect Yuri!” Mina said at last. “Oh I can’t wait for everyone to see you!”

“We can’t wait for Jonghyun to see you,” Sohyun said. “You’re the prettiest bride I’ve ever seen.”

“The most beautiful,” Mina said.

Yuri felt her eyes grow warm but she can’t cry or her makeup would be ruined. “Oh you girls are just too kind,” Yuri said and looked at herself at the mirror. She looked radiant, her happiness is showing.

“Hey there,” a very pregnant Hana came inside the bride’s room.

“Hana!” the other three girls exclaimed when they saw her. Just three months ago Hana married Myungsoo they had a very simple wedding but everyone felt that though the couple is just starting love is unmistakably written on their faces.

 “I’m so glad I made it before you walk down the aisle Yuri,” Hana said and gave the bride a quick hug. Her tummy had grown bigger and rounder and she gets tired easily. “Myungsoo would not drive fast enough, said that it’d be bad for me and the baby.”

“And he was right you know,” Yuri said to her.

“You’re so beautiful, I think the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen.” Hana said. “I can’t wait to see Jonghyun’s jaw drop later.” They all shared a good laugh with this. Yuri would not let Jonghyun see her gown even before the wedding. And he got curious as the wedding day approaches. He even tried to bribe Mina and Sohyun to help him see the gown but of course he failed. Two days ago Yuri spent her time with the other three girls in her small apartment for her bridal shower. The girls brought gifts and they talked all night while drinking except for Hana of course. Myungsoo called every 20 minutes to check on her, which resulted to Hana telling him that if he didn’t stop she’ll get a divorce. He worries too much about her, Hana finds it annoying sometimes but the girls find it sweet.

“Are you ready?” Mina asked her best friend before they enter the church. She wouldn’t have had to ask that question the look on Yuri’s face says it all. She’s been ready for a very long time. She knew Kim Jonghyun was the one for her.

Yuri nodded her head. Hana was already inside waiting just like the others. Sohyun is her bride’s maid while Mina is the maid of honor. The other two girls walk before her each looking very pretty as well. Yuri felt her knees weaken for a while, she got so nervous and forgot that it was her time to enter. Everyone looked alarmed when they didn’t see Yuri but it nothing could compare to Jonghyun’s fear. He thought Yuri changed her mind about marrying him, he was about to take a step forward, he wanted to go check on Yuri and what’s going on but Taemin was quick to stop him.

“Hyung, calm down.” Taemin whispered, he stood next to Jonghyun as his best man. “Look.”

And Jonghyun was greeted with a perfect vision of white. He was all smiles when he saw Yuri walking down the aisle and he wished the aisle was shorter and that she’d get to his side faster before she changes her mind. He wants to make her his wife as soon as possible. All else vanished, the only person he sees is Yuri.

Taemin let out a soft chuckle when Jonghyun took five quick steps to get to Yuri. He was not fast enough to stop him, his hyung is just too excited and can’t wait for Yuri to get to him so he walked towards her and took her hand and together they walked towards the altar. He saw Mina looking at him and they shared a smile, he winked at her which resulted to a giggle from her. Sohyun raised both her eyebrows at him when she saw this.

It didn’t take long for the wedding to finish, and everyone almost had tears in their eyes when the couple exchanged their vows, well the girls cried especially Hana which is understandable, she’s very emotional given that she’s pregnant and she also remembered her own wedding with Myungsoo.

The reception followed afterwards, Mina was the one who made their wedding cake. She spent weeks just perfecting the cake with Sohyun’s help. Kevin serenaded the newlyweds, everyone was surprised to hear Kevin sing and Minho had a feeling that his very own girlfriend is starting to have a little crush on Kevin.

Everyone was also surprised to see Dongho, Yuri especially invited the guy and he brought along his girlfriend which is Taemin’s old friend, Ji Eun.

“Congratulations!” Dongho greeted the newlyweds.

“Thank you,” Jonghyun said. “I’m glad you could come.”

“You look beautiful Yuri,” Ji Eun said. “A very lovely couple.”

“Thanks Ji Eun,” Yuri said. “Have you seen Mina and Taemin?”

“Yeah we saw each other earlier,” Ji Eun said. “And Taemin was hinting that they’ll be next too.”

“Not if we can beat them babe,” Dongho said and pulled Ji Eun closer to him.

“Oh so you two are planning to tie the knots soon?” Yuri asked.

“I’ve proposed already!” Dongho proudly announced and JI Eun let them see the very expensive ring she got from him.

Meanwhile Key and Onew both opted to drink, they could not find a single lady in the party and he blamed Jonghyun because it seems like he only invited couples for their wedding.

“Who would have thought that Dongho and Ji Eun would end up together?” Key remarked as he saw the newlyweds talking to Dongho and Ji Eun. “Funny how love works right?”

“Well Dongho went to Japan to study didn’t he?” Onew said not really paying attention to Key. He was especially eyeing a very pretty girl sitting alone at the corner.

“Yeah, but we all know their history with Taemin and Mina.” Key said not detecting that Onew is not really listening to him. “Look at how in love they are at each other. And look at how alone we are.” At this moment Onew drank up everything in his glass and stood up. “Hey hyung where are you going?” But Onew was already too far before he could stop him.

“Still sulking because you’re not my best man?” Jonghyun went to sit with him a while later.

“I’m not,” Key said. It was just fitting for Taemin to be his best man since Mina is the maid of honor but of course he hoped it would be him but the wedding is over and he’s glad they’re all happy for now.

“Why are you all alone here then?” Jonghyun asked and got a drink from the bartender.

“Well Onew hyung just left me and went to that girl over there,” he pointed and Jonghyun saw Onew now talking to a very pretty girl indeed.

“Ah I invited her especially for you Kibum but I guess you’re too slow that even Onew hyung beat you.”

“Why does everyone think I need a girlfriend?” Key would never admit he needs a girlfriend not when everyone is feeling in love and loved.

“Of course you do.” Jonghyun said ignoring Key’s remark. “Believe me Kibum once you meet that one special girl you’ll never want to let her go. You’ll always want to be by her side, make sure she’s fine and you’ll do anything just to keep her happy.”

“Yeah, yeah I know you’re all in love and happy as a clam, you don’t have to rub it in you know.” Jonghyun’s cousin was Key’s ex-girlfriend. She lives in Paris while Key’s in Korea.

“Actually there’s someone here who wants to meet you too,” Jonghyun said.

Key’s eyes light up once heard this. “Really?”

“Yeah, but I don’t know you said you didn’t want someone right now…”

“Hey when did I say that? Come on where is she? What’s her name?”

“Oh I think you’d know once you see her,” Jonghyun said and patted Key’s back.

“What do you mean?” Key asked but Jonghyun had moved to leave him. “Yah! Kim Jonghyun!” Jonghyun just waved his hand at him. “Aish, dinohead.”

“Kibum?” A soft voice which is all too familiar called his name.

Key froze for a moment thinking that he’s hallucinating, not daring to look behind him.

“Kibum,” she called again but Key remained still. “Yah! Kim Kibum!” She shouted and this time Key abruptly and bravely faced her. He could not hear anything or see anything except her. She was smiling at him. Her hair had grown long too.

“Do I look that horrible that you can’t even speak?” she said and pouted her lips. She waited for a few seconds but Key still did not say anything. “Kibum – ”

Key pulled her for a hug. “What took you so long? I’ve been waiting forever for you.”

“I was waiting too you know,” she replied. “Jonghyun said you’re a complete mess after we broke up.”

“I miss you so much,” Key mumbled burying his face on her hair.

“I miss you too Kibum,” she said. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, before Key withdrew from the hug. “They’re playing our song.”

“I know,” he said. “Can I have this dance?” he held out his hand and she took it at once. Together they went in the center of the dance floor eyes still on each other. “Amber, I still love you –” but Key never got to finish what he wanted to say ybecause Amber had captured his mouth sealing it with a kiss.

Jonghyun and Yuri watched them, it was Jonghyun’s idea to surprise Key. He knew his cousin would be back for his wedding a month ago. “That’s so sweet,” Yuri said when Amber kissed Key.

Jonghyun gave her a quick peck on the lips. “Sweeter than that?”

Yuri chuckled and slapped his arm. “You’re so silly you know.”

“Of course I am, how else would you have liked me if I’m not?” Jonghyun replied encircling his arm on her waist. “Hey aren’t we leaving yet for our honeymoon?” he whispered so only she could hear.

Yuri blushed when she heard this and didn’t reply.

“We can leave now if you want.” But Myungsoo and Hana chose to appear at that moment.

“Not planning on leaving the party soon are you?” Myungsoo teased.

“Of course not!” Jonghyun denied quickly.

“Give them a break Myungsoo, I’m sure they both want to leave for their honeymoon. But Yuri you’ve got to throw your bouquet first.”

“Oh yeah, of course I’ve got to do that,” Yuri said with a laugh they both know who wants to get the bouquet.

All single ladies gathered in a small circle, there are only a few of them Mina, Sohyun, Ji Eun, Amber and Hyerin, the girl that Onew just met. Yuri winked at Mina before turning her back at the girls but she threw the bouquet too high that the girls did not even had a chance to get it. And it ended up on Taemin’s hands.

All the guests laughed and clapped when this happened while Key and Minho pushed Taemin forward towards the girls and more specifically to Mina.

“Well I guess we know who will get the bouquet,” Jonghyun commented.

Taemin walked with purpose towards the blushing Mina. Both their parents are present too. He stopped just two steps from her and everyone was not surprise when Taemin went down on one knee. Mina gasped and without knowing her tears had started to fall.


Taemin cleared his throat before getting the small white box from his pocket. Both Yuri and Jonghyun had known about his plan for tonight and he was glad the newlyweds shared this big moment with them.

“Mina, it’s been five years, eight months, two weeks, and four days since we shared our first kiss. I still remember that day like it was just yesterday. You were crying that time too, not that I’m a bad kisser or anything,” the others laughed at this. “But I know from that moment my heart belonged to you. I want to spend my lifetime with you. Will you marry me and be my wife?”

“Yes! Of course I will, I love you Taemin!” Mina said all at once and helped Taemin up. He wiped the tears on her face and pulled her to him.

“Thank you, I love you.” Taemin said and gave her a quick kiss on the lips but the others all whined and cheered for more and since Taemin does not want to let them down he held her close and with his hands on her waist he kissed her with all intensity and passion leaving her breathless after he was done.

“Congratulations!” they were greeted by everyone after and they all partied some more. Jonghyun and Yuri left for their honeymoon the next day much to Jonghyun’s dismay he wanted to leave sooner.

Dongho and Ji Eun went back to Japan two weeks later but promised to be back on Mina and Taemin’s wedding. They were happy to see their old friends and gain new ones.

Onew started dating Hyerin right after the wedding, he said she’s a gift sent from above but Jonghyun insists it was him who sent her.

Minho and Sohyun were a couple for a long time, they had their ups and downs especially when Minho became very busy with his basketball career he became a professional basketball player after college add to that the thousands of fangirls who constantly want to date her boyfriend.

Key and Amber were married a year after Jonghyun and Yuri’s wedding. The couple had been travelling around the world for their very long honeymoon and Key is not complaining.

And as for Taemin and Mina, well of course you know what will happen right? Do I have to tell you the details dear readers? LOL

They were engaged for two years before they got married, the wedding plans went on for too long before they finalized everything and set a date for their wedding. But two months before they tied the knot, Mina surprised Taemin by telling him he’s going to be a father. Everyone was very happy especially Key who placed a bet with Jonghyun years ago that Taemin would be the first one to experience fatherhood.

Jonghyun vowed never to play bets with Key and convinced Yuri on getting pregnant as well. But Yuri was actually pregnant already in fact she was two months pregnant. Now the bet became complicated, but all were cleared when Mina gave birth first. She went in labor seven months on her pregnancy which was like torture to Taemin, he wished he could take all the pain that Mina was going through. But all this was worthwhile when Mina saw her little angel for the first time. They had a baby girl with Mina’s eyes and Taemin’s lips. She was the most beautiful girl in the world for Taemin of course next to his wife.

Should I continue with Jonghyun and Yuri? LOL

Jonghyun became a proud father of a baby boy two months after but Key was still the happiest because the baby was born on his birthday. But nothing could dampen Jonghyun’s spirit, and he kept on bragging to everyone even those he didn’t know at all that he had a son.

Oh and who said only our two-legged friends had a love life? Remember Minnie, the puppy? Key got him a partner because he feels like it’s time for Minnie to have a family of his own too. LOL Key. And yes he now has six puppies and Jonghyun wants to have five more children.

Their story continues just as it should, problems arise from time to time but this would only make them stronger. Couples fight and tears fall sometimes but with kisses and hugs all pains are outdone. As the song goes, love moves in mysterious ways, and it moves to make the world go round.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


I hope you enjoyed reading this story, as much as I enjoyed writing it. It’s been a long journey for me and the characters and you too readers. Thanks for sticking like glue even if I don’t update for months. Thank you for all the comments and for everyone who subscribed. I’m forever grateful to everyone who read this story, I’m thankful that you gave it your time and even bothered to leave comments. And my silent readers, thank you as well! Bye for now!

"Hate To Love You Love To Hate You"

Created April 18, 2011. Finished July 21, 2013 at exactly 2:36AM.


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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D