Chapter 32

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]

Monday morning came, Key, Yuri, Jonghyun, Onew and Minho all waited for Mina and Taemin for lunch but the two never showed up.

"Have you tried calling them?", Onew asked.

"A lot of times", Jonghyun answered.

"They won't pick up! Mina won't even take my call", Yuri said.

"I think our plan failed", Key said sadly.

"We need something to cheer us up!", Onew said.

"Yah! What we need to do is think of another way to help them", Yuri said.

"But Yuri we've done it. If they can't sort it out I don't think we can do anything", Jonghyun said. He knows Yuri is just worried for Mina.

"Jonghyun is right. I'm so tired of seeing sad faces", Key declared. "Why don't we go to the amusement park?"

"I don't want to", Yuri whined.

"Watch movies?", Key suggested and Yuri shook her head.

"Eat chicken?", Onew said and all of them shook their heads.

"Karaoke?", Key beamed. "That's a great idea!" But none of them agreed with  him.

"Let's just go home and sleep", Minho said and this gave Onew an idea. His been trying to do this ever since that night at the bar.

"Yes, we need to sleep", Onew said. "Let's have a sleep over at Yuri's place."

"Hey that's good. Let's buy some food. I know! Let's all go to the supermarket and buy ingredients. Let's make Yuri cook for us", seconded Key.

"Yah! You two are insane!", Jonghyun interrupted.

"I like that too. Let's do a sleep-over", Minho agreed as well. He just wanted to annoy Jonghyun more. "What do you think Yuri?"

Yuri gave them an awkward smile. "You guys must be kidding", the three of them shook their heads. "My place is no fancy hotel."

"Come on, it'll be fun!", Key said.

"Let's play games and whoever wins gets to sleep on Yuri's bed!", Onew announced, proud of his idea.

Jonghyun had enough when he heard the word "bed". "Yah! Are you guys crazy? I won't allow it!"

"Who do you think you are?", Onew said.

"That's okay, you don't have to join Jonghyun", Minho said.

"What - ?", Key cut Jonghyun off.

"That's good. Let's play games. Oooh... I have a lot in mind. We'd do games with punishment!", Key said even clapping his hands with excitement.

"Yah! The three of you are not allowed in Yuri's apartment!", Jonghyun said but they ignored him. Yuri was just amused at them.

"I'm sure I'd win. I have skills and I'm lucky with games", Onew said. "I'd definitely get to sleep on Yuri's bed."

"Don't be so confident", Key said.

"Where would you let me sleep?", Yuri asked also enjoying Jonghyun's discomfort.

"You can sleep with the winner!", Onew answered. "I'm so excited. Let's do this every week!"

"STOP!", Jonghyun yelled now. "I told you, you're not allowed in Yuri's place."

"Says who?", all three asked challenging Jonghyun.

"Says I", Jonghyun answered with confidence.

"And are you her boyfriend?", Minho asked.

"Yah that's not your apartment!", Key said at the same time.

"If Yuri allows it then you don't stand a chance!", said Onew. All of them turned to Yuri. She was actually waiting for Jonghyun to tell them they're already a couple.

"Well... if you three insist - ", Yuri said but Jonghyun interrupted her.

"YAH! I said no already!", Jonghyun whined. "You can't let anyone in your apartment!"

"But I really want to sleep at your place", Onew is pleading now. "Come on Yuri please..."

"YAH Onew get a grip of yourself", hissed Jonghyun. He was really serious about going to Yuri's place.

"I'll think about it, don't worry", Yuri said much to Jonghyun's disappointment. The bell rang and she got up right away. "See you later guys", she walked away before Jonghyun can stop her.

"YAH! What's wrong with you three?", he directed his anger to his friends instead.

"What? We just wanted to have fun!", Key reasoned. It was really fun teasing Jonghyun. He can't believe he can be this protective.

"I really want to sleep at her place", Onew continued mumbling. Minho was just contented in seeing Jonghyun pissed off.


Mina went home early after class, she didn't want to talk to anybody. She's not yet ready to tell anyone of what happened between her and Taemin. It took all her energy, thinking of him is slowly breaking her heart. She even saw him and Sohyun earlier walking together to class like nothing bad happened. How could he carelessly walk around with her? He didn't even try to call her, not even a simple message on her phone. She was forgotten. If he just ran after her or called her name or told her to come back she wouldn't have hesitated.

Is Sohyun more important to him than his girlfriend. She felt neglected and abandoned. Is this how Ji Eun felt before? Is fate playing with her? He just met Sohyun and yet she'd caused them to argue like this.

Her phone rang and it was Yuri calling. She was hesitant at first but after the 7th ring she finally picked up. "Hello", she weakly said.

"Hey... uhm Mina are you okay?", Yuri said on the other line although she already knew the answer to the question.

"No, I'm not okay", Mina answered honestly. "Taemin and I fought about Sohyun."

The two friends fell silent for a while. It was Mina who spoke again. "Uhm Yuri, thanks for everything..."

"Yeah...", Yuri just said, she didn't know what to say.

"I'll see you in school", Mina said and hung up. She crawled in her bed and buried her face in her pillow. Tears fell continously, she doesn't care if her eyes would be swollen tomorrow. Is she doing the right thing? Should she just call Taemin and tell him she's okay with everything? What if he leaves her? What if this time she won't be the one he'll choose?




sorry for making you all suffer... promise i'll make another update tomorrow...




can you all like recommend it to your little friends...? kekeke... please^^


and please do leave comments guys, you know i love reading it right? just as u want my update i want ur comments too.. just tell me if u still like the story or what.. ^______________^





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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D