Chapter 23: cats and dogs

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]


i don't know how to say this but...i'm too sad seeing my subscribers decrease...OUCH THAT HURT! 
if ur gonna unsubscribe in the end then don't subscribe at all... it'd just ruin my mood since it feels like u no longer like the fic... 
T_________T huhuhu.....
i have stopped writing the fic for now... but i did make a lot of chapters that i haven't posted yet..just drafts waiting to be typed and all...i'd wanted to update last week but when i saw the number of subscribers.....
i was too upset to type...
sorry guys.... i know this is just me  with my lousy talk... but seriously i'm hurt.... T_______T
Practice is over for Taemin and Minho they took a quick shower and was ready to go home when Sohyun showed up. 
"All done?", she asked smiling at Taemin.
"Yup, uhm why are you here?", Taemin said. They didn't have anything planned until tomorrow for their project.
"Uhm... I've got some data we need to go over, I thought I could do it alone but I need your help on it", Sohyun explained just then Mina came. She was surprise to see Sohyun there with Taemin and Minho.
"Ready to go?", she asked Taemin after she greeted the other two.
"Oh so you made plans with her?", Sohyun said. Mina looked at Taemin.
"Do you have other things to do?", Mina asked Taemin but it was Sohyun who answered.
"I came to ask for his help on our project. We don't have much time since Tae needs to practice almost everyday."
Was that right? She's calling him "Tae"? Mina avoided Sohyun's eyes and looked at Taemin?
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?", Mina said softly but still disappointed. Taemin asked her to eat out earlier.
"It wasn't really planned", Sohyun again answered for Taemin. "It's okay I'll take care of it, you two go on."
Sohyun was smiling but Mina's not liking it. She ddin't want Taemin to think she's getting into his studies.
"Uhm no you can go with her, after all this for your major", Mina said.
Taemin smiled at her. "Sohyun...I'll just meet you at the library okay?". Sohyun nodded then Taemin grabbed Mina's hand. "See you tomorrow hyung", he said to Minho.
"I can go home alone Taemin, just go with Sohyun", Mina said but Taemin insisted on walking her out of the school and to the bus stop.
"I'll make it up to you Mina, I promise", Taemin said once they got onthe bus stop. He knows he's been too busy these past few days.
Mina felt his sincerity and smile up to him then kissed his cheek. "I'll call you later 'kay?", Taemin said as Mina got on the bus waving goodbye at him.
" you're Taemin's friend right?", Sohyun asked Minho. He just nodded and walked away from her. He's not comfortable with her. Something's not right. "Wait, I'm Sohyun."
"I know", he said and continued walking.
"Really?", Sohyun smiled following him. "Uhm... so you're Minho right?"
He stopped walking and faced her. "You better go to the library don't waste time here. Taemin gave up his date with his girlfriend fo this." Minho left her after that.
Jonghyun decided to go to their study group. He did not show up for the last two meetings 'cause Yuri had been avoiding him so he gave her time. He did not expect for her to say those things. It was not easy for a guy like him who always get girls easily to chase after one gril who's playing hard to get. He can tell Yuri likes him, he's not being cocky or something but he just knows.
On the way to the study room he saw Sulli struggling with some books. "Here let me help you", he took all the books from her.
"Oh thank you oppa", she said smiling.
"Why do you have all these?", he asked as they walked to the room.
"I'm gonna give it back to Yuri unni", Sulli said. 
'So all the books belonged to Yuri", Jonghyun thought. "All of you study too much", Jonghyun said smiling at her. They mae their way to their study room not aware that Yuri saw both of them.
"He's flirting again!", Yuri said to herself. "Once a playboy always a playboy." She saw Jonghyun sitting with Sulli and Kevin when she entered the study room. He didn't even notice her arrived, too occupied with talking to Sulli. Kevin saw her and waved at her. She smiled at him and greeted the others. She'd been avoiding Jonghyun and he seemed like he didn't want to see her as well. He didn't even show up until now.
Study time was over without Jonghyun and Yuri talking.
"Hey unni", Sulli approached Yuri as she was busy putting her things back to her bag.
"Oh hey Sulli", Yuri said not looking at Yuri she didn't notice Jonghyun standing beside Sulli.
"I want to return your books", Sulli said handing the books to Yuri. "Thanks a lot unni."
"Don't mention it", Yuri said finally looking up and saw both of them Jonghyun just standing there as waiting for them to finish talking. "Uhm are you sure you won't be needing them?"
"Neh", Sulli said. "I'll help you carry them."
"I'll do that", Jonghyun spoke at last taking the books. "Just go and enjoy the night with your boyfriend."
"Boyfriend?", Yuri was surprised to hear this. "Who?"
"Uhm, it's Kevin", Sulli said and as if on cue Kevin appeared by her side.
"Wait, you two?", Yuri gasped. "But..."
"I'll tell you the whole 'love story'", Jonghyun said.
"We'll go then, bye unni bye Jonghyun oppa", Sulli said.
"Bye Yuri, see you next time Jonghyun", said Kevin taking Sulli's hand, they went hand in hand.
Jonghyun took all the books that Sulli returned. "Yah! I'll carry them", Yuri said. She only just noticed  it's only the two of them.
"Are you sure?", Jonghyun said amused at how Yuri was acting.
"Of course, just leave them here", she said.
"Okay", Jonghyun said simply then took his bag and left Yuri.
"Stupid dinohead", Yuri muttered. She picked the books that Sulli returned together with 2 others. "Aish, so heavy." She struggled with carrying the books, she didn't even make it outside the room.
Jonghyun went back inside the study room when he heard a loud carsh. He rushed to Yuri's side, she was down on the floor with books around her.
"Are you okay?", Jonghyun asked as he helped her up.
"Do I look okay?", Yuri replied. Jonghyun just ignored her and picked up the books. He left the room without saying another word.
"YAH JONGHYUN!", Yuri called him and made a rud to follow. Jonghyun did not stop even when Yuri was yelling for him to. He kept on walking until he reached his car.
"Who told you to bring my books!", Yuri said snatching the books from Jonghyun.
"Do you really wanna do this?", Jonghyun asked her with his so serious face. Yuri was taken aback seeing how he looks.
"W-what are yo s-saying", Yuri said mentally hitting her head for stuttering. "These are my books of course I want to carry them."
"You know too well I'm not talking about your books."
Yuri just stood there waiting for him to continue.
Jonghyun sighed. "You're acting as if you don't know me. You're ignoring me. I'm not telling you to like me back right away. For the first time in my life I'm actually willing to wait. And you can't even acknowledge my feelings for you..."
"No one asked you to do this", Yuri snapped. "You think I'd be happy just because the famous Kim Jonghyun is telling me he likes me?"
Jonghyun was not expecting that from her and it annoyed him. "YAH! I know you like me too!"
"WHAT? You're really a dinohead for thinking that!", Yuri said.
"Do you really want to believe that? WOuld you want me to prove it?", Jonghyun said advancing on Yuri.
"What will you do? Kiss me?" HAH!" Yuri almost laughed at him. "You think you're the only guy I've kissed?"
"I may not be the only guy you've kissed but I know I'm the best!"
"BWOH? You're so full of yourself. You're crazy! I would never like you. So don't ever say you like me again!", Yuri stomped and left Jonghyun.
"YAH!", Jonghyun ran after her.
"WHAT?", Yuri glared at him as if daring him.
"Do you really mean everything you said?"
"Of course!", Yuri said still furius at JOnghyun.
"Fine! I would never bother you again", he gave Yuri one last look before leaving her.
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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D