Chapter 38

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]

It's been two days, two days since Taemin left for the camp. Mina could still not contact him and he had not contacted her as well. Just when she had the courage to talk to him. Missing him is an understatement, she dreams, thinks and remembers him every hour of the day. No amount of schoolwork could drown out the thought of him. She wanted to hear his voice very badly.


"You like him? Now I know why you keep on watching their games and practice, it's not because of Taemin then", Key said with a chuckle.

"Yah do you mind not shouting it out to the whole campus!", Syohyun glared at Key. It's amazing how obviously she now resembles Taemin. Mina could still not believe that the girl she was so jealous of is actually Taemin's sister. She saw Sohyun blushed as Key kept on teasing her about Minho. They just found out that Sohyun has a crush on Minho, Yuri and Key keep on teasing her about it since yesterday, they found out about it by accident Sohyun left her phone in Key's car and when Key checked who it belonged to he saw Minho's picture as the wallpaper.


"Is that why you always follow Taemin then?", Mina asked suddenly which reminded the two that she was still there.

"Well... sort of", answered Sohyun with a grin.

"Don't worry Sohyun I'll help you out with Minho", Key declared with a determined look in his face. 

"You don't have to Key... I mean, I like him but I don't think he likes me back", Sohyun said.

"Nah, just leave it to me", Key answered. With Onew and Yuri's help we'll let you two get closer. It'll be just like before."

"What do you mean?", Sohyun asked.

"Well, we kinda played matchmakers with Taemin and Mina here", Key answered and both of them turned to look at Mina who was lost in her thoughts again. 

"Oh were you asking me a question?", Mina asked once she noticed her two companions looking at her.

"No", Key replied quickly. 

"Sorry, I've been spacing out all day", Mina apologized. 

"Don't think too much about Taemin", Key said. "He'll come around."

"Key's right you know", Sohyun said. Sohyun then told her that even she can't contact her brother so it does not really mean Taemin is avoiding her. Maybe they were not allowed to use their phones while in camp or something. Taemin called home only once to inform his mom he's arrived at camp and safe.

Sohyun still lives alone in her apartment though she now spends more time in Taemin's house. She also hangs out and eats lunch with them now mostly with Mina and Yuri. Mina found out they had a lot of things in common, cooking, sewing, baking and reading.

"Isn't that Yuri?", Sohyun suddenly said. "Who's that she's with?" Both Mina and Key turned to look and saw Yuri with Kikwang. "Hey, that's the guy who acted as Romeo in the play with Yuri."

Key nodded slowly as the three of them watch Yuri and Kikwang disappear from their sight.






"What do you mean go with you?", Yuri asked Kikwang.  He had been following her all day just to talk to her and now that they are talking, she's not liking what she's hearing.

"I really need your help", Kikwang said. "I know you're still mad at me but I don't really know anyone who could help me with this."

Kikwang was wrong, she's no longer mad at him. He does not affect her at all in any way. "Why me?", Yuri asked. They stopped walking now, it was lucky Jonghyun is not around he got a call from his dad asking him to go to their branch company in Busan and he won't be back until the day after tomorrow.

"You were my last girlfriend", Kikwang replied and Yuri raised one eyebrow. "Well the last one I mentioned, in fact the only one I mentioned to her."

Yuri doubted if that's true but she did not question him. "Why don't you take Julie with you?"

"We're through, and I don't think mom would like her. Come on Yuri, it's just for a day."

Yuri thought that he is really not making any sense at all. "You do Know that I already have a boyfriend."

"Of course but he does not have to know", Kikwang said none too gently. "I promise you after this I won't ever bother you again."

"Why should I help you?", Yuri kept on asking him questions. She's not sure about this. She learned her lesson with him.

Kikwang turned soft eyes to her. "I know I've been a jerk to you", he started. "It's just that my mom... she really wants to meet you. I've told her about you before." Yuri is now curious as to what he had been telling his mom if he really did tell her about Yuri. "You're a top student, good grades, good student, you're smart and nice too."

Yuri can't help but show her sarcastic face at what Kikwang said. 

"She's sick Yuri, really sick", Kikwang said now with pain in his eyes. "She wanted to see my girlfriend, I know we're through but I can't just let any other girl meet her. She'll know it's fake."

"You're still gonna lie to her."

"Yeah I know that, but she knew you were my girlfriend in fact she still thinks you are my girlfriend. She'll want to know you more and I'll be assured she won't find anything wrong with you." They fell silent for a while, Kikwang knows Yuri has a soft heart despite the tough girl look. He knows she can't stand not helping others if she knows she can. 

Yuri sighed. "I don't know Kikwang, lying to someone who's sick is really a bad idea."

"We're only gonna visit her in the hospital and after that everything's good", Kikwang said. "Please Yuri, help me with this."

"I won't promise you anything, but I'll think about it."






"Do you even miss me at all?", Mina whispered to nothingness looking at the dark sky. She can't sleep at all, it's already past 1:00am but her mind and body refuse to rest. Just five minutes ago she dialed Taemin's number only but still to no avail.  She still could not contact him. Is it possible that he really does not miss her at all?

She fell asleep with her heart still aching for him.






Mina woke up with a heavy heart, another day without Taemin. Her mom noticed this but did not make a comment. She left for school without even saying goodbye to her mom. She attended her classes with a half heart and felt bad about it. She really need to fix her self. She had lunch with Sohyun, Key and Onew. Key seems very fond of Sohyun, treating her like his own little sister. Onew was just happy that Sohyun , like him, loves chicken though not as much as him.

The day went on without them seeing Yuri, Jonghyun was out of town. Maybe she was just busy with school stuff as what Key said. 

Mina got ready to go home, Sohyun and Key decided to go shopping, she was suppose to go with them but backed out at the last minute. She decided to go home directly and not pass by their restaurant. 

She was almost at their house when she noticed someone standing a few meters from their gate. 

"Dongho is that you?", Mina said and the guy turned around. He really is Dongho! She ran to him with a smile on her face. A rare thing these past few days.

"Mina", Dongho said admiring how lovely she looks just wearing a simple dress. She really did not change at all. "It's good to see you again."

"It's good to see you too", Mina said and gave him a quick hug much to his delight.

"It feels like I've been gone for ages! I missed Seoul", Dongho exclaimed. "I missed you."

Mina smiled warmly. "I missed you too Dongho. Have you seen Yuri? She'll be happy to see you too."

"Are you happy to see me?", he asked.

"Of course", Mina answered right away. 

"Do you have anything to do right now?", he asked.

"No, nothing really."

"Good, let's hang out for old times sake. Why don't you call Yuri too see if she's available", Dongho suggested.

"Sure", Mina replied and dialed Yuri's number.






"You're friend?", Kikwang asked and Yuri just nodded in answer. They were buying some fruits and flowers before going to the hospital to visit Kikwang's mom. Yuri had decided to help Kikwang out though she still feels uneasy with what they're going to do. Just this once, she kept on reminding herself.

"She wanted to see you?", he asked and Yuri again just nodded. The lady was done with the flower arrangement and they both thanked her before leaving the shop. "Heard something about her and Taemin breaking up -"

"Look, don't talk about things you don't know. Let's just get this over with", Yuri said and Kikwang shut up. She is really getting nervous as they got nearer to the hospital. She's not really good with this, this is the first time she's gonna do this!

"Don't be scared Yuri", Kikwang said once they were outside his mom's room. "My mom's nice you know, you'll like her. And I'm sure she'll like you. Just be yourself and stop fidgeting."

Yuri took a deep breath, she hopes everything would go according to plan. She's only gonna act as his girlfriend for today. Just talk to his mom for a while and after that everything is done. She'll go home and never see Kikwang again.

"Ready?", Kikwang asked.

"Yes", she answered and Kikwang slowly opened the door...






updated finally ^^ taemin would be up for the next chapter ...

Dongho is back! kekeke.. this just came up guys,,,,, Taemin where are you?? LOL



it's PALM SUNDAY... i think i won't be able to update til next sunday since it's gonna be holyweek, gonna take a good rest from everything ONLINE ...

you guys enjoy your weekend 'k?? ^____________________^

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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D