Chapter 26: @ the club

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]


The club was packed when Key and Yuri got there. Key was so excited he didn't even notice Yuri's discomfort. She's really not in the mood right now.
"Come Yuri, I see Onew and Minho over there", Key said pulling Yuri along. It was hard getting through with a lot of bodies dancing like crazy all over the place.
"Glad you're here", Minho whispered to Yuri once they all seated together.
"Did Onew drag you here?, Yuri teased.
"More lke carried me", Minho said and Yuri laughed. They ordered drinks while Key scanned the crowd.
"Still waiting for the someone?", Onew asked.
"Yes, they said they're on their way", Key said still looking around.
"Who?", both Yuri and Onew asked but Key didn't have to answer 'cause at that moment Jonghyun and Sohyun arrived.
"Hey! I thought you'd never come", Key said pulling Sohyun to sit beside him while Jonghyun took a sit beside Sohyun completely across Yuri.
It was the first she's seen him after they watched the movie. He looked comfortable in this crowded place while Yuri felt so out of place. He ordered drinks after asking Sohyun what she'll have. Wait, are they two dating? Why did they arrive together?
"Hey Yuri, don't you like your drink?", Onew asked when he noticed her not even taking a sip of it.
"Uhm I like it", Yuri said. "But let's get something else."
"You mean alcohol?", Key asked. "Sure everything for my life saviour!" He ordered some wine and fruits.
"What do you mean life saviour?", Minho asked speaking for the first time since Jonghyun and Sohyun arrived.
"We both have the same major, Yuri helped me study. She's more effective than our professor", Key explained.
"You studied with her? But I didn't see you two hanging out at school", Onew said.
"That's because I go to her apartment", Key answered. Their order arrived. Key poured the wine for them. "I invited you all ofr this. 'Cause I got good grades all thanks to Yuri. Cheers!"
"Cheers", they chorused but Yuri thought Key should just shut up.
"I haven't been to Yuri's apartment", Onew said turning an accusing look to Yuri.
"Uhm... I didn't know you want to come", Yuri said.
"You really should go there", Key said to Onew. "It's all clean and smells good too, especially her bedroom. And her bed is so soft you can only have sweet dreams."
"YAH KEY", Yuri snapped and slammed her hand on the table startling everyone except Minho who just watched Jonghyun with curiousity.
"Sorry I got carried away, I just wanted Onew here to get the picture", Key reasoned giving Yuri a sweet smile.
"I don't want your description Key, I want to go to her apartment too!", Onew whined.
"There's nothing interesting in my apartment. It's small and I don't even have an aircondition", Yuri saidn particularly to Onew but still Onew insisted.
"Let's go later after this", Onew said to Key not paying attention to Yuri.
"Sure I know the way. I've been there a lot of times. I've slept there a lot of times too", Key said which earned a glare from Yuri.
"BWOH?!?!", Jonghyun suddenly asked which stopped Key from talking. Jonghyun had been pretending not to listen.
"I said I've been there a lot and I've also spent the night at Yuri's place", Key repeated much to Yuri's horror.
"What's wrong Jonghyun?", Onew asked innocently. Jonghyun looked like he wanted to smack Key's head but he chose to ignore Key and turned to Yuri.
"WHY WOULD YOU LET A GUY SLEEP AT YOUR PLACE?", Jonghyun glared at Yuri which made her more annoyed but before she could answer Minho spoke.
"What's wrong with that?!", Minho spoke first. "Key is Yuri's friend. Even I had slept there too!"
Really Minho why would you have to say that now! Yuri can't help but bite her lower  lip to stop herself form yelling and kicking Minho's .
"WHAT???" It was Onew's turn to yell. "Both of you have been there and even slept there? That's so unfair! I want to go there too! I want to sleep there tonight and tomorrow!"
"YAH ARE YOU CRAZY???", Jonghyun said to Onew.
"Why? You've been there too right? You've slept there too right?", Onew said to Jonghyun which shut him up. Yuri completely lost control when Jonghyun's silence confirmed Onew's words.
"See! Come on Yuri I have to sleep there tonight", Onew said even grabbing Yuri's hand.
Key then went on talking about how nice her place is while Minho advice Onew to bring his own blanket since Yuri doesn't share her own.
"YAH! If you won't stop talking I'm going to make you my punching bags", Yuri yelled. It was a good thing the music is loud but still other people turned to look at them.
All of them shut up...
"Uhm... you guys wanna dance?", all of them turned to Sohyun whom they have all forgotten.
Key and Onew stood right away and both even said "Let's go". Key grabbed Sohyun's hand leading her to the dance floor.
Minho excused himself and said he'll just go to the restroom.
Both Jonghyun and Yuri remained not looking at each other, 10 minutes had passed since the others left but the two remained quiet.
A guy passed and glanced at Yuri. He checked her out not noticing Jonghyun. The guy was about to ask Yuri to dance when he saw JOnghyun glaring at him. The guy left right away seeing Jonghyun's murderous face.
"Jerk", Jonghyun muttered.
"What did you say?", Yuri asked not catching Jonghyun's words.
"Why did Key sleep at your place?", Jonghyun asked straight away but before Yuri could answer he spoke again. "Okay, I know the two of you were studying and maybe he got tired using his brain and fell asleep, I can imagine that. But Minho too? Why would he be at your place?"
Yuri glared at Jonghyun but can't help feeling good since Jonghyun looked like a jealous boyfriend.
"YAH! Is the answer in my face? I know I'm all hot and gorgeous but I need answers!", Jonghyun said when Yuri kept on staring at him.
"I don't have to answer that", Yuri finally said.
"Did Kikwang stay there too?", Jonghyun asked suddenly.
Yuri raised her brows. "What are you trying to say?"
"How many guys have you let into your apartment?", Jonghyun asked still annoyed.
"You accused me of flirting with a l ot of girls and you're letting a lot of guys stay at your place?", Jonghyun said bitterly.
"No, tell me Yuri. Did Kikwang sleep at your place?", Jonghyun continued asking.
"How many nights did he spend there?"
Jonghyun's head turned to the other side with Yuri's slap. Before she could ran away Jonghyun saw tears in her eyes. He followed her right away.
This was originally a longer chapter but i'm trying to revise some part of it.. i've written this weeks ago..
Thanks to my new readers and new subscriber/s ^____________^
I'm writing a new fic... who do you think it is? It's still Shinee ^^
I'll try to post it tomorrow or later kekeke .. just the foreword and chapter one ^^ Please support it guys ^^
Mina and Taemin are not in this chappie *sorry to the tae-mina fans* there'll be more of them in the next chapters... and since examsss are already over *much to my happiness* LOL i'll try to update as many as possible... but still sorry if u guys still have to wait..i'm trying to re-read my works and see if i can make it better ^^
TAKE CARE EVERYONE ^^ *hugs to all of you* ♥
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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D