hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]


Yuri went to the nearest park where everything was quiet. Her heart is still beating fast from running all the way to get here. She sat under a tree and just let the breeze calm her.
Then just like a scene from a movie, everything came back to her now. The reason why she hates Jonghyun. The reason why she doesn't like him.
She had known Jonghyun for years now, everysince her freshman year at highschool. She had liked him before. Yes, she liked Kim Jonghyun. The stupid dinohead.
She knew from the start and that she didn't stand a chance with all the other girls but she liked him anyways. All those years she never stopped hoping that he would somehow notice her. She did good in her studies and school stuff like sports and karate thinking she can make him notice her. 
She was ready to give up but then she got her chance when Mina got closer to Taemin. Everything was perfect especially when Mina became Taemin's girlfriend. They were all getting close, eating lunch together and sometimes going to the movies.
But something happened that changed everything...
Yuri heard the guys talking about her. She couldn't help but eavesdrop. Minho, Key, Onew and Jonghyun were talking at the school parking lot.
"Hey Minho what's up with you and Yuri?", Yuri heard Key asked. She couldn't see Key nor Minho. She could only see Jonghyun who was engrossed on a game in his phone and Onew who was watching Jonghyun play.
"What do you mean?", Minho asked back.
"Well you two seem pretty close now. Is there something we need to know?", Key said.
"Yuri is a friend. We don't see each other as that", answered Minho simply which was true. She doesn't see Minho more than a fried though she likes him a lot. 
"Yuri is a great girl", Key continued. "She's smart, nice and friendly... what do you think JOnghyun?" It took a while for Jonghyun to realized it was him Key was asking. 
"About what?", he asked still playing with hs phone while Onew looks from his shoulder.
"Yuri of course", Key answered. "I know you were listening, you two don't seem to get along."
"So? She's a pest that's why", Jonghyun replied with an annoyed look on his face.
"Come on Jonghyun, it's just that you don't talk or fight with girls the way you do with her", said Key.
"Yeah. come to think of it the only girl you treat that way is Yuri. I think something's fishy", said Onew agreeing with Key.
"Me and the pest? She's just someone I have to deal with since Mina is Taemin's girlfried. She Mina's bestfriend, if not for that we won't even know her", said Jonghyun who had now stopped playing.
"I don't know about you butI'm glad I met her, she's fun", said Key.
"Me too. I like her being our friend", said Onew.
"Count me in too. She's our friend now", said Minho .
"I don't know about you guys but Yuri is a pest for me. She acts so tough, she irritates me with her side comments and Ms.Know It All attitude. She's a loud mouth. I mean, is she even like a girl? She doesn't act and look like one. I would never fall for her or like her the least", said Jonghyun all of a sudden that the other three guys were left speechless for a while.
Yuri was broken-hearted of course. Everything he said was like a stab to her already fragile heart. He was the world to her and she was just nothing to him. 
She would never forget that day. She cried all day and night. It hurts so much to hear him say those words. It took her a while to recover. She decided that if Jonghyun doesn't like her then she doesn't like him as well! She decided to erase him from her life and act like nothing happened. Like she never loved him.
But when he kissed her everything just seemed to fall apart again.
Was she completely over him?
Where is she? It's almost 10PM and she's not yet home. I'd been waiting for almost 5 hours. I'd never waited for a girl or anyone at all for this long. Not even for 20 minutes!
I was really getting annoyed and I wanted to leave but whenever I start the car on Yuri's face crosses my mind and makes me stay. I waited for another 10 minutes before she came home. She was walking slowly with her head down. I quickly got out of the car and followed her careful not to be noticed. I grab her hand when she was about to open the door and I wished I didn't 'cause I received a punch and she kicked me as well!
"Jonghyun?!", she said when she realized it was me. It took me a while to recover from the pain.
"Nice one", I mumbled to myself. "Can you help me up?", I said I thought she's gonna leave me but she reached down and helped me up. "You kick like a horse."
"What are you doing here?', Yuri asked her face blank of any expression.
"I waited for you", I answered as I straightened my shirt. "Where did you go anyway?"
"None of your business", she said. She sounded tired and that's when I noticed her eyes. I can tell that she's been crying.
"Are you okay?', I found myself reaching out and touching Yuri's shoulder.
'Don't touch me!",she jerked my hand away.
I was stunned but I couldn't get angry at her. "Listen, I'm sorry about earlier." I really meant what I said.
"Yeah sure...", she said sounding sarcastic. "Look I'm tired. Just go away."
She opened the door and went inside her apartment but before she can close the door I went inside. She was surprised at what I did.
"Have you eaten?', I asked her. She shook her head. "Come on let's eat first my treat. I promise I'll behave."
She looked at me before answering. "It's ok. You don't have to be nice to me." She looked away and bowed down her head. "Just go home and forget about what happened earlier."
I wanted to tell that she should eat first but I don't want to argue with her anymore. "I'll find whoever started the rumor and clear everything." She didn't say anything just nodded her head. I turned and started to walk away when she called me.
"Hey dinohead!", called Yuri. "You can still call me pest. I don't want you to force yourself to be nice just because of what happened earlier", she said and closed the door before I can say anything.
I went home and thought of what she said. I'm glad she's still talking to me but the look on her teary-eyed face still disturbed me.
Yah Jonghyun! Key and Minho told me that you and Yri area a couple now. When did you two start?", Onew asked Jonghyun as they gathered for lunch.
"That's not true. It's all rumor", Jonghyun answered.
"What?!?! But you two kissed!", Key said.
"That was nothing", said Jonghyun who avoided Key's eyes.
"YAH JONGHYUN! Don't tell me you're just messing with Yuri. She's our friend", Onew said giving Jonghyun a warning look.
"I'm not messing with her and can you please not shout everyone can hear you already", Jonghyun said.
"Why did you kiss her yesterday? What was that all about?", Minho asked. "Be honest", he added when he saw Jonghyun's gaze wavered.
"I wanted to get back at her for slapping me. We were having an argument before that. I was just teasing her. I really ddin't mean to kiss her ... but...", Jonghyun can't finish what he wanted to say.
"But you did and you liked it", said Minho when Jonghyun didn't say anything.
"Why do you talk too much today?", Jonghyun snapped at MInho but all he got was a smirk and Minho fell silent again.
"Yah Jonghyun if you're not serious with Yuri then better back off. She's Mina's bestfriend and she's our friend too", Onew said turning serious.
"I told you I'm not messing with her. We've talked', Jonghyun said.
"Taemin and Mina are coming and Yuri's with them!", Key said all of a sudden.
"", muttered Jonghyun. "Hey you three, don't ask her anything about yesterday", Jonghyun warned them looking specifically at Minho.
"Hey guys!", Taemin said as he pulled out chairs for MIna and Yuri before sitting as well.
"I baked cookies for everyone", Mina happily announced.
"Wow! I really miss your cooking Mina. Can you cook lunch for me tomorrow?", Key said as if he's MIna's little brother.
"Sure, I'll make lunch for everyone tomorrow", agreed Mina. They started eating. Jonghyun can't help looking at Yuri since she;s sitting across him. Yuri however keeps on talkig to Key or Minho and avoided Jonghyun.
Unfortunately the rumor about them has not died down. But he sends death glare to anyone he hears talking about them and that's enough for them to shut up.
"Umm... excuse me", a freshman approached them. "Sorry to  bother you but I was asked to give you this." He handed Yuri a small box.
"Who gave this to you?", Yuri asked him.
"I don't know them. They just said to give the box to you. I'll go now", the guy said and walked away.
Everyone exchanged glances but it was Jonghyun who spoke first. "Don't open it.." Too late Yuri already opened the box. It contained a bar pin on it were the words "NO. 1 . JUNG YUR."
"Don't mind them Yuri", MIna said as she reached for her friend's hand.
"It's ok. It's just words', Yuri said smiling but her smile never reached her eyes. She put the pin back to the box. Jonghyun grabbed it and shoots it to the neares bin. Everyone stared at him even Yuri. He glanced at her and tried to give her a smile but couldn't seem to make it.
Key then started to ask Minho and Taemin about the next basketball match to divert everyone's attention.
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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D