Chapter 40

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]


I'm getting nervous as each second passed waiting for Kikwang, he sent me a message that he wanted to meet me since he needed to tell me something important. I agreed to meet him because I wanted to return the couple ring, it looks really expensive and I did not want to keep it.
"Yuri!", Kikwang shouted my name and I nearly wanted to punch him. I was so careful not to be seen by anyone I knew that I'm meeting him. I feel like cheating doing this but I'm not really doing anything wrong, right?
"Sorry to keep you waiting", Kikwang smiled like silly.
"I don't have a lot of time here, what do you want to say?", I decided to get to the point right away.
He smiled again trying to act cute. "Well I just wanted to say thank you for helping me."
"What? You already thanked me yesterday", I said to him.
"Well I wanted to thank you again, and treat you to dinner or something since you made my mom really happy."
"You don't have to, and it's the first and last time I'm going to do that."
"Mom's getting better."
"Really? That's good, you should take good care of her." I said that with sincerity. I really wanted for his mom to get better.
"Yeah I know."
I took the ring from my bag and gave it to him.
"What's this?", he asked looking confused.
"The ring you gave me."
"Yeah I know that, I already gave it to you so it's yours."
"Well, I don't want it. I only wore it for yesterday's act", I told him and forced him to take the ring back.
He looked hurt when I did that. 
"Can we be friends?"
"Hey Taemin, your phone's still out?", Minho asked seeing Taemin has not yet slept. They share a room and he always sees Taemin just staring at his phone.
"Hyung, can I borrow your phone?", Taemin said all of a sudden. 
"Just let me borrow it", Taemin replied and Minho had to give him his phone.
"Ah ~ ", Minho just said when he realized that maybe right now Taemin had decided to call Mina. "Well I'll just go outside for a walk."
"Thanks hyung."
Taemin stared at the phone for a couple of minutes debating to call her or not. It's already nine in the evening and she might be sleeping already since she has class tomorrow. 
To call or not to call.
He dialed Mina's number.
He felt like his breathing stopped once the phone rang. 
First ring...
Is she asleep already? Why is she not answering?
Fifth ring.
Taemin could not speak right away. He had been thinking about something to tell her once he gets to speak to her but right now his mind just went blank.
"Yeboseyo?", Mina said again on the other line.
What should I say first? I just said that I wanted to borrow Minho hyung's phone all of a sudden. How is it so hard to talk to her now? I didn't even say goodbye to her. I did not feel like doing it at that time but when I left with the rest of the guys I regret what I did right away. I should have said goodbye to her. 
"Yeboseyo?", I heard her say hello for the third time. What should I say first? On the first day of camp I wanted to call her but my phone fell in the water and I never got to use it. I thought that maybe it's a sign that I should not talk to her yet after all in our situation it's better to talk in person. But after three days I finally had enough. I felt ashamed of myself, I've been a bad boyfriend and let her down. She only did those things because she loves me and I was too caught up being a good brother that I forgot about her feelings and thought she's understand in the end. I took her for granted somehow and now I'm really sorry. But the thing is I could not find the courage to tell her those words.
To be honest the thing that really bothered me is how she felt like she was always my second choice. It's true that when Ji Eun came I felt like I had to get together with her again since she was my first love. But I chose Mina in the end because I love her. She was not my second choice of course. She was my choice from the beginning even before Ji Eun came back, I was just blind to see that. I'm guilty of being too busy with school stuff and basketball, sometimes I spend so much time in practice that I have little time left for her. But I thought she was busy too, and she always say that it's okay with her. That she likes watching me practice and play basketball. 
"Yeboseyo?", she said again and sighed.
I have to talk now!
"Hey Mina -"
I stopped and seemed like my heart stopped too. 
The line went dead.
She hung up on me. 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ 
I'm going back to my old style of writing... you know with the POV thing... :) it seems better that way...
and look who's trying to mend things now? Aigoo... Taemin, why did you wait this long????
and Kikwang wants to be friends with Yuri... do you think he deserves a chance?? Should Yuri agree? What do you think Jonghyun would do if he finds out? 
i'm not my usual self today cause i just washed some plates LOL... i don't do that since I'm too lazy so my sister always ends up doing it T_T
PS: chemistrykim is waiting for your comments :)
thanks for reading :)
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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D