Chapter 33

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]

I lost subscribers... huhuhuhu.....


really so sad... huhuhu.......

anyway here's the update as promised...





Days passed and still Taemin and Mina are not talking. Yuri was worried but she can't do anything about it. Mina, Yuri and Jonghyun would eat lunch together most of the time. Sometimes Key, Onew or Minho would join them. Everytime Onew joins them he would remind Yuri of their sleep-over which would annoy Jonghyun so much. 
It's not only this that would irk him, he scolded Key for always asking Yuri's help on homework or project. He'd always notice Key or Minho asking for Yuri's help on anything.
"What's that?", Jonghyun asked as he watched Yuri. She was busy typing, he came to her place just to hangout with  her.
"Nothing, it's for Key", Yuri answered.
"What?", Jonghyun stood up and went to sit with her. "I told you stop doing that for Key. Let him do that."
"I'm almost done. Besides I promised I'd help him on this. I have nothing to do so why not help my friend?", Yuri explained. Jonghyun never knew this until the two of them got together. It turns out Key and even Onew turns to Yuri for help on school stuff and even Minho joins too. He's going to talk to Key about this. He's really too  much."Don't you go talk to Key about this", Yuri said as if reading Jonghyun's mind. "I'm glad I can help him. You should understand his situation since you two are heirs to such big companies."
"Then why don't you help me with my assignments or research?", Jonghyun said.
"Why don't you do them now?", Yuri replied her eyes never left the screen. She saved all her work and she'll give it to Key tomorrow. "All done!"
"Finally", Jonghyun mumbled seeing Yuri stood up and stretched a bit. 
"All those typing made me hungry..."
"Me too", Jonghyun said but not thinking of food.
"You're hungry? You just sat there", Yuri said.
"It's almost 8 and we haven't eaten dinner yet", Jonghyun answered. Yuri went to the kitchen to check if she has something to eat. "All I have are eggs and milk." Jonghyun followed her and hugged her from behind. "Yah Jonghyun we need to buy food."
"Let's just order pizza", Jonghyun mumbled kissing Yuri's nape he tightened his hold on her.
"I h-have to get my phone", Yuri said feeling Jonghyun's hot breath on her neck.
"Let's stay like this for a while", Jonghyun said and continued to shower kisses on Yuri's neck and head. He turned Yuri around so he could kiss her properly.
"I thought y-you were hungry?", Yuri said but Jonghyun just kissed her as his answer. Jonghyun had kissed her a lot of times but she still feels electrified whenever his lips would touch hers. Her arms automatically went around his neck and Jonghyun pulled her closer, he tilted her head so he could gain more access to . He her lower lip before on it, his tongue roamed inside .
Yuri had never kissed anyone like this. No one had ever kissed her like Jonghyun is doing now. Jonghyun left her lips to kiss the side of her neck, she moaned as Jonghyun bit her neck gently.
Jonghyun had always wanted to do that. He wants to kiss Yuri senseless, he wants to have her with no distractions. No school clubs, no karate, no homeworks, no projects. His hands started to roam around her body getting irritated at the garments that separated them. Yuri moaned again when he slightly lifted her shirt and inserted his hand just touching her navel.
"Jonghyun...", Yuri moaned and she buried her face on the crook of his neck. He pulled her hair and kiss her again as his hand went higher touching her through her bra. "Ah...Jong...", Yuri gasped when she felt Jonghyun touching her but he kissed her again stopping any protest that might come. He lightly pushed Yuri so she's now leaning on the counter. He was ready to unclasp her bra when they heard someone come in.
"YURI! ARE YOU HERE?", yelled Key from the doorway.
Jonghyun immediately pulled Yuri's shirt down while Yuri brushed her hands thru her hair. Jonghyun was the one who greeted Key.
"What are you doing here?", both of the guys said.
"I have to get something from Yuri", Key said. "You?"
"Uhm... I'm here to.. t-to study", Jonghyun answered without thinking.
"Study?", Key asked, he saw Yuri come out from the kitchen.
"Hey Key!", said Yuri beaming at him. 
"Hey, sorry the door was open so... uhm I kept on knocking but it seems that you two didn't hear me. I think you two were both busy...", Jonghyun glared at him. "...very busy studying", Key finished. Both Yuri and Jonghyun did not say anything. "Well, I'm just here to check on my paper - "
"YAH! Why don't you make your own homework!", Jonghyun said.
"Stop Jonghyun, I told you I'd help him", Yuri said giving Key the softcopy. "My printer's not working."
"It's okay, thanks a lot Yuri. I brought food by the way", Key handed a bag of food to Yuri.
"Wow thanks Key", Yuri exclaimed. "We were really hungry."
"I bet you are", Key said winking at Jonghyun.
"I'll just prepare this", Yuri said and in the kitchen.
"Don't you have anything else to do?", Jonghyun asked Key.
"Nope. I have all the time in the world to hang out here", Key answered annoying Jonghyun. Then there was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it", Jonghyun said opening the door. What he saw did not please him.
"Jonghyun?", Onew said surprise to see him. Minho just walked passed Jonghyun and greeted Key. Onew followed him as Jonghyun closed the door.
"What is this suppose to mean?", Jonghyun glared at the three.
"We wanted to see Yuri", Onew said right away.
"Uhm, he", Minho pointed at Onew. "Wanted to see Yuri, he called me for help." Yuri came out of the kitchen.
"Hey what brings you all here?", she asked.
"Hey Yuri!", Onew said glad that Yuri came out Jonghyun was giving them death glares. "Your place is really neat."
"Uhm... thanks", Yuri said smiling at Onew.
"Did you cook?", Onew asked.
"Nope. Key brought food", she answered. "It's enough for all of us so let's eat."
"YEHEY!", Onew said and went to the kitchen right away with Key.
"Come on", Yuri pulled Jonghyun and Minho followed them to the kitchen. They ate happily except for Jonghyun who kept a sour face throughout dinner.
"We'll wash the dishes", Key volunteered and Onew helped him clear the table.
"I want to eat icecream', Yuri said. "Would you want some?"
"Of course", almost all of them answered except for Jonghyun again.
"Whatever", Jonghyun said.
"Okay, I'm buying it so you guys wait here for me", Yuri said.
"I'd go with you", Jonghyun offered.
"No, I'll go with her", Minho said already following Yuri out.
"Yah Minho - ", Jonghyun stopped walking when he was about to bumped into Minho.
"It's better if I go with her. Think of what Onew will do once Yuri is gone. He really wants to check her room. You might want to keep an eye on him", Minho warned and Jonghyun went back to the kitchen.
Minho and Yuri went to the nearest convenience store, Yuri quickly went to get icecream while Minho opted to stay outside the store. Onew forced him to come. He knew Jonghyun would not like it but Onew was so insistent to see Yuri's place he keeps on insisting it's not fair that he alone was not able to go to her apartment.
He was just listening to some random song on his ipod when he spotted Sohyun walking towards him. She didn't seem to notice Minho until she was near him.
"Minho...", she said as she saw him. He just nodded his head just then Yuri came out of the store.
"Come on Minho - ", she stopped in mid sentence once she saw Sohyun. "What are you doing here?"
"I w-wanted to talk to you", Sohyun answered.
Yuri frowned at her. "If it's about Mina and Taemin just forget about it."
"But Yuri, I just want you to help me so Mina would listen to me", Sohyun said.
"I told you it won't be good. She's still upset and she does not want to see you the most", Yuri answered. "Just leave them alone."
"Why do you want to talk to Mina anyway?", Minho asked suddenly. Sohyun looked at him before she answered. 
"I wanted to explain something - "
"Like what?", Minho interrupted.
"I can't... tell you... but I need to talk to Mina", she answered. "Please Yuri..."
Yuri shook her head. "I can't help you with that. She's not ready to listen to anything yet."
"But - "
"If you really wanna help them get back together leave Taemin alone", Minho said harshly. "It all started when you came into the picture."
Sohyun bit her lip in order to stop herself from crying. "Please tell Mina I'm really sorry..."
"Come on Yuri", Minho grabbed Yuri's arm cause it looks like she wanted to talk to Sohyun.
"Wait Minho - "
"Come on let's go", Minho pulled her. Yuri somehow felt that Sohyun was sincere.
"Don't you think we should help her", Yuri asked when they were near her apartment.
"I don't think Mina would like that", Minho answered.
"She's keeping something I can sense it." They went inside Yuri's place and found Jonghyun chasing Onew around the house. Key was in front of her laptop.
"What took you so long?", he asked and got the ice cream from Minho he went straight to the kitchen.
"YAH ONEW, JONGHYUN! What are you doing? Are you trying to destroy my house?!", Yuri yelled when she saw Jonghyun throw a book at Onew.
"Tell him to stop chasing me!", Onew shouted still running.
"Tell him to give me back your underwear!", Jonghyun shouted back. Yuri's face became red as tomato.
"BWOH?!?!", she shouted even louder. "Yah Onew why do you have my - ... - ... -", she can't even say the word. "Give it back now!" Then she started chasing Onew as well.
"Ahh!! Help me!!!", Onew shouted and continued running around the kitchen like a mad man. He bumped into Minho who grabbed his shirt from behind when he tried to escape.
"Finally", Jonghyun said as he grabbed Onew's hand.
"Where is it?", Yuri asked.
Jonghyun quickly went into Onew's pocket. "Here."
"Ahhh!!!", Yuri yelled yet again. "Just let me get it!" But when she took it from Jonghyun  it was just a hanky. "Yah it's not my underwear."
Jonghyun look at Onew then he look at Yuri. "Well.. it kinda looked  like one..."
"How did you know how Yuri's underwear look?", Minho asked.
Jonghyun was about to answer when Yuri yelled. "Stop talking about my underwear!" She turned to Onew. "And you are not allowed in my room and if you go in there again you'll have no ice cream for tonight!" Onew gasped and they all turned to Key who was already halfway into finishing all the ice cream.
"You were too busy...", Key said between a mouthful.
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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D