Chapter 55

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]



All night, Yuri had been listening to other people talk about this and that. She was introduced to a lot of people as well in the party some are Jonghyun’s relatives while most are business colleagues. She was thankful when Key approached her. She decided to get away and just stand in the corner where no one would notice her. She last saw Jonghyun talking to some potential investors with Hana.

“Hey gorgeous,” Key said smiling appreciatively at her. “Tired already?”

“Not really, I’m just not used to this you know,” she answered quite honestly.

“You not used to a lot of people? Almost everyone in school knows you, you’re smart, pretty, good at sports though not swimming,” he joked “you’re almost always surrounded by people all day in school.”

Yuri shook her head. “Well this is different from school. Especially when all of them start to talk about business.”

“Don’t mind them, they just want to make money,” Key mocked. “Where’s Jonghyun anyway?”

Yuri pointed over where Jonghyun was standing talking to a group of people with Hana beside him and Key’s eyes narrowed. “So there’s your problem.”

“What problem?”

“Hana she’s making you feel uncomfortable right?” Yuri shook her head. “Maybe not on purpose, just her mere presence, maybe?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Aren’t you a bit annoyed how often she’s with Jonghyun? Or how often Jonghyun seems to talk about her?” Yuri thought for a moment and she does feel annoyed sometimes but she can’t just tell Jonghyun. “If it’s worrying you, tell him about it.”

“Tell him about what?”

“Tell Jonghyun that you’re jealous or something, that you don’t like it that he’s getting close to Hana,” Key explained. “You know how Jonghyun is, she’s used to girls Yuri. Now don’t get me wrong,” Key quickly added when Yuri gave him a frown. “Jonghyun is used to a girl’s attention. What I’m trying to say is he might be treating Hana just as he would treat any girl nicely not thinking that he might be sending another message.”

“Key I’m not getting you,” Yuri said impatiently.

“From what I see you’re jealous of Hana, and you’re trying to deny it because you don’t want to be that kind of girlfriend who does not trust her man completely. Tell him Yuri, before he leaves.”

Yuri sighed once she had absorbed everything he says. “I’m just afraid you know,” she finally confessed. “I’m afraid that I’m not good enough. That he’d see something in Hana that I don’t have. We all know how Jonghyun hopped from one girl to another before. What if he realizes that I’m not the girl for him?”

“Yuri, I’ve known that dino half my life and the only time he treated a girl badly was when he met you,” Key said and he chuckled remembering those times they spent in high school. “He was never like that to other girls, he flirted with them, treated them nicely but he was never like that with you.”

“So what you’re trying to say is?”

“You were the only girl he was afraid to lose his heart to, he fell in love with you long before he knew it. And I think now that he has you he’d never do anything to lose you. Jonghyun may not look like it but once he’s decided to fall that’s it for him. And you’re that girl Yuri, you’re the one for him. Tell him how you feel, a little jealousy in a relationship is healthy you know.”



Key was right, I hope. I can’t help but be jealous of Hana because she gets to spend more time with Jonghyun than I can. More so now that Jonghyun is no longer in school and would start working. This business trip in London is just killing me.

I saw Taemin dragging Sohyun out with Mina following them, I rushed to them and stopped Mina. “What’s wrong? What happened?” I asked her.

“It’s Minho and Sohyun, Taemin saw them kissing and I don’t know what got into him,” Mina said in a rush. “We’re leaving please tell Jonghyun. Thanks Yuri.” And with that she ran after them.

I saw Minho right after, he’s probably looking for them. “What happened?”

“Sorry Yuri but I can’t talk right now,” he said and left me as he ran after them. Jonghyun finally noticed me, I saw him excused himself from the group. “They just left, Mina, Taemin, Sohyun and Minho,” I told him. “I don’t really know what happened, Mina said Taemin saw Minho and Sohyun kissing.”

“Oh is that so?” Jonghyun uttered with a smile on his face like he knew something like this would happen.

“Did you do something?” I can’t help but ask him. “Wait, I think you did. What did you do?”

He looked defensive for a moment but I gave him the look that he can’t fool me so he started talking. “It was actually Onew hyung’s idea.” Well I got to admit I was surprised by that. “It really was his idea,” he said firmly when he saw the doubt on my face. “He said he can’t leave school without doing this last thing for them. I just helped him a bit.” Then he went on telling me how he asked his cousin Myungsoo who I met earlier to introduce himself to Sohyun and another girl to flirt with Minho.

“And you didn’t even tell me?” I said a bit annoyed that I didn’t get to join the fun.

“Hey I told you it was hyung’s idea,” he said. “Besides it was a bit sudden.” Well at least now we have some development on those two.

“Jonghyun, did the plan go well?” I turned to see Hana. Wait did she just ask about the plan? Did she know something was going to happen tonight? I turned to Jonghyun and saw him grinned at her. “So it really did work out as planned. Told you Myungsoo was just the right guy.” So she really did know something but Jonghyun said it was Onew’s idea. How come Hana knew and I didn’t? It’s really not a big deal but why tell Hana about it and not me?

“Yeah, Myungsoo did play the part well,” Jonghyun said and they both laughed and somehow I felt left out. What’s up with these two?

“I’m sorry but Jonghyun could we talk? Excuse us Hana,” I said and didn’t wait for his reply. I grabbed his arm and led him out to the garden where I know no one would be around since all of the guests are now gathered inside. I heard Hana saying we go ahead. It didn’t take us long to reach the garden and just as I hoped no one was there except us.

“What’s wrong?” Jonghyun asked as he saw the frown on my face.

“I thought it was a sudden idea, Onew’s idea you said but why did Hana know about it?” I said not hiding the fact that I’m angry.

“Well I kind of told her about it earlier –”

“And why is that? Jonghyun we were together most of the afternoon, you just met her here!”

“Onew told me about it before the party started.”

“So why didn’t you tell me?”

Jonghyun shrugged and chuckled like he finds this really amusing. “Yuri, it was just Onew hyung’s crazy idea. I didn’t really support it thinking about how Taemin would react but he kept on bugging me and I don’t know. I just blurted it out to Hana for some reason maybe because she was there when I was thinking about it. Geez it’s not like it’s something really important.”

I was about to say something when Hana showed up saying Jonghyun’s mom is looking for him. “Come on,” he said to me without even a glance. I didn’t follow them, I was still angry. I couldn’t go back there and pretend like nothing happened.



Sohyun didn’t have a choice when Taemin drove her to their home and not her apartment. It was a silent ride back home and Mina had a hard time breathing through the tension. Sohyun got out of the car thinking of leaving but Taemin stopped her.

“You’re staying here,” Taemin said grabbing her arm.

“No I’m not,” Sohyun said matching her brother’s glare.

“What were you even thinking kissing him?” Mina tugged on his other arm but Taemin ignored this. “I know you like Minho hyung but you can’t do this.”

“Taemin, I’m not you’re younger sister.” Taemin scowled even more. “We were born on the same year, you have a girlfriend. Why can’t I have a boyfriend?”

“Sohyun, we both know Minho hyung does not like you like you do,” Taemin stated hating the hurt plastered on Sohyun’s face. “I’m sorry Sohyun but I can’t let you do this. Minho hyung –”

The three of them turned to the taxi that stopped just a few meters from where they were standing outside the house and just as the three of them thought it was Minho who arrived.

“Taemin, I don’t know where to start but just let me explain,” he blurted right away when he got closer to them. Taemin was about to say something but Mina beat him to it.

“Taemin let’s just leave them for a while. Let them talk first,” Mina said trying to slowly pull Taemin away.

“No, I want to hear his explanation first.” He let go of Sohyun’s arm and the three of them faced Minho at the same time.

Minho felt a bit awkward doing this in front of an audience. He could not even imagine doing this in front of Sohyun. But he needs to man up and say what he truly feels.

“Uhm ah well the thing is w-well,” he hated the way he can’t find the right words to say. “Well first of all, I know this is stupid but I’m sorry for kissing you when I was drunk Sohyun. I didn’t mean to take advantage of the situation.” He stopped and took a deep breath. Sohyun stood there with her heart thumping like crazy. “I didn’t know when it happened but I know now what I feel is real.” Sohyun and Mina both held their breath while Taemin looked at his sister then back to Minho. “Sohyun, this might seem sudden but I like you. Would you please be my girlfriend?”

Sohyun was about to say yes when Taemin stepped right in front of her breaking the moment and Mina for the first time wanted to push Taemin off. “Wait hyung, look here. Don’t you think you’re too fast?”

“Taemin, can you just give us a moment?” Sohyun said but Taemin didn’t move.

“Taemin I think we should just go first,” Mina said. “Maybe your mom would be wondering what we’re all doing here outside. Come on, let’s just get inside first. Give them some time to talk.” Taemin still didn’t move so Mina had no choice but to drag him away. And Minho silently thanked Mina while Taemin continued to protest all the way even when they were inside.

Minho and Sohyun just stared at each for a couple of seconds Sohyun not knowing what to say and Minho not knowing what to do after his confession. Was it right to tell her so suddenly? Maybe she didn’t like him after all.

“Minho –”

“Sohyun –”

Both of them let out a small laugh “you go ahead,” Minho said and didn’t notice that they were now so close to each other.

“Uhm well, did you mean it? When you said you like me?” Sohyun met his eyes and he slowly took her hands clasping them close to his heart.

“Every word of it,” Minho said. “I didn’t even know until I saw you dancing with Jonghyun’s cousin, whatever his name is. It doesn’t matter. I felt really –”

“Jealous?” Sohyun supplied before she could even think. “I mean –”

“Yes I was jealous,” Minho admitted. Sohyun smiled feeling happier than she’d ever been these past few weeks. Finally what she hoped had come true. “So does this mean we’re a couple now?”

“Not too fast Mr. Star Player,” Sohyun said and playfully hit him on the chest. “I’ll have to think about it first.”

Minho's smile turned into a frown. “Oh.”

Sohyun laughed looking at his puzzled face. “Silly, you already know I like you. And I think we’ve already wasted too much time.” Minho breathed out a sigh of relief and gently captured her small face with his hands. “Minho did you regret it though? Getting drunk that night?”

“Never,” he answered and sealed her lips with a kiss.

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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D