Chapter 50

hate to love you, love to hate you [Sequel to: BECAUSE OF A BET]

before you read just imagine Mina wearing this:


and Sohyun wearing this, don't mind the girl's face LOL







Key made the first serve and the game started. Both teams have 2 atheletes, Taemin and Minho in Jonghyun's team and Yuri and Dongho for Key's team.
The sun was shining above them but no one minded the heat. Dongho blocked Taemin's serve and they scored.
"Yes!", Key shouted and all of them cheered and exchanged high fives.
Taemin saw Dongho ruffling Sohyun's hair which annoyed him. He made the serve again and this time Yuri caught it but Jonghyun was there to block it. 
"This is mine!", Key shouted and gave another powerful shot. Minho was fast enough to get the ball and passed it to Taemin who made another spike which the other team did not catch giving them their first point.
"1:1", yelled Onew who just stood on his post.
Yuri made a jump serve this time and her attack was good, however Hana was there to hit the ball. Yuri caught the ball and made another attack but Taemin and Minho made a roof and the ball fell on the other's team side earning Jonghyun's team another score.
"1:2 in favor of Jonghyun's team!", yelled Onew.
The game started again, it was Yuri versus Hana this time. They were quick and very good jumpers too. Key often made assists to Yuri while Sohyun and Dongho were near the net ready to block any hit made by the other team.
Jonghyun was the setter for their team. Taemin and Minho were the blockers and would often get any attack the other team makes. Onew and Mina were the two players who did not really participate in the game.
Hana scored for their team. 
"Yes!", she screamed with glee and they exchanged high fives too.
"Yuri, are you going to let her score just like that?", Key teased Yuri who was already seething with jealousy. Hana is good and she can't just beat her easily.
"1:3 in favor of Jonghyun's team!", Onew yelled yet again.
"Yah hyung! You're a player too don't just announce the score!", Key said to Onew but the latter just gave him a big smile.
The game resumed and Yuri was the one who gave the serve and this time she got an ace!
"Woohoo!", both Dongho and Key shouted and they formed a circle for a group hug.
"2:3!", Onew said again but his team did not mind him.
It was Jonghyun's team who made the serve, Taemin did. The serve was so powerful but Sohyun deflected it and returned it back to the other team. Minho blocked Sohyun's attack passing it to Jonghyun who made a powerful hit but Key blocked it. He set the ball for Yuri who gave good spike but Minho was there again to hit her attack but the ball hit Sohyun's chest.
"Ugh", Sohyun fell on the sand clutching the part where the ball hit.
"Sohyun!", Yuri exclaimed quickly checking on her.
"I'm okay... just give me a second the breathe", Sohyun said trying to smile even when in pain. It sure was painful.
The others were now around her too.
"Are you okay?", both Taemin and Minho asked at the same time. Sohyun nodded and smiled at them. Yuri helped her up.
"I'm sorry", Minho said.
"No it's okay. I'm fine and this really happens in games", she said trying to reassure Minho.
"Why don't you rest first?", Taemin said. "Mina can rest too." Mina nodded thankful that Taemin had suggested for a rest since she was not really apt for playing games like this. She'd rather watch them.
Minho followed the two girls as they moved to the side to sit and watch them play.
"Come on", Jonghyun said to Minho and the game resumed.
This time it was a battle of Yuri and Hana. Key was the one who sets the play for their team but Yuri is the one who always gives powerful hits. Hana was the one doing it for the other team. The two girls exchange powerful blows. In the end Key's team won and the unexpected player who gave them the win is none other than Onew.
"See that?", Onew demonstrated the spike he made again to Key.
"That was a great game!", Hana said.
"I'm starving", Onew rubbed his stomach.
"The food is ready", Hana said pointing at a cottage where two women had just finished placing all the food on the table.
They made their way towards the festive table and gathered around it. Hana got a lighter and lit the colorful candles on the cake.
"I got this for you Jonghyun, it's my birthday gift", Hana said once she finished lighting the candles. "Why don't you make a wish before blowing the candles?"
Jonghyun looked at Yuri first, she just smiled at him silently telling him that it's okay with her. Key said not to give Jonghyun a cake since someone might have it for him already. She shouldn't have listened to him!
Jonghyun had finished blowing the candles and they all sang the happy birthday song to him.
"Barbecue!", Key exclaimed as they started eating.
Mina and Taemin shared a plate. While little Minnie ate as well.
"Jonghyun try this one", Hana said and gave Jonghyun a piece of meat from her plate.
"Err thanks...", Jonghyun smiled awkwardly. "Yuri you want some of this?"
"No thanks", said Yuri.
"Hey...", Minho slowly approached Sohyun who was sitting on big rock her feet dangling on the seawater.
"Hey", Sohyun said looking up at him.
"Sorry about earlier", Minho apologized again and Sohyun shook her head.
"It's nothing", Sohyun replied. "Uhm do you want to sit here?"
Minho nodded and she made a space for him to sit on. Both of them looked at the ocean lost in their thoughts.
"This is my first time going on vacation with friends", Sohyun said. "Actually my first ever vacation."
Minho looked at her thoughtfully. He noticed just how close they are right now with his shoulders slightly brushing on her shoulders. 
"I don't even know how to swim", Sohyun continued. "Are you good at it?"
"What, swimming?", he asked and she nodded. "A little."
"I'm sure you are", she replied not taking her eyes off the sea.
"I can teach you", Minho said.
Sohyun looked at him in disbelief. "Really?", she asked looking hopeful.
"Yeah of course..."
"Thanks! I like you - ", she blushed. "I mean I'd like that uhm very much... uhm for you to teach me...ugh... to swim that is..." Sohyun ended up lowering her head.
Minho suppresed a laugh. She's too cute.
"Jonghyun!", Hana called him before he could go back to Yuri who was waiting outside for him. "Are you going to go for a swim?", she asked.
"Uhm no, actually Yuri wanted to take a walk", he answered.
"Oh", she said. "Uhm, she's not angry with me is she?"
"No, of course not", he said.
"Good", Hana smiled. 
"Thanks for the cake", he told her.
"Was it good?"
"Delicious", he said. Hana looked him in the eye. They stared at each other for a couple of seconds before Hana lowerd her gaze on Jonghyun's lips.
"Jonghyun", Yuri called for him and Jonghyun abruptly turned away from Hana.
"Yeah I'm coming out!", he yelled for her to hear him. "See you later", he said to Hana before going out for Yuri.
Taemin and Mina watched as Onew, Key and Dongho tried out the waves for some surfing. They were sitting on the sand, with Mina sitting in between Taemin's legs leaning back onto Taemin's chest while he had his arms around her.
"Taemin what do you think of Hana?", Mina suddenly asked.
"I said what do you think of Hana?"
"Why are you asking me that question?", Taemin asked not being able to hide his amusement.
"Well you were staring at her earlier when we first saw her", Mina said and sat up straight but Taemin pulled her back again to lean on him.
"I was just surprised to see her, that's all", Taemin said resting his chin on her shoulder.
"Really? You were not admiring her at all? She's y and gorgeous", Mina said and Taemin could tell that she's pouting. He can't help but chuckle.
"Are you jealous?"
"Yah! Don't laugh at me", Mina said.
"I'm not!", Taemin said in defense. He s his arms again around her and brushed his lips on her ears. "You're more beautiful."
"You're just saying that, but you guys and I mean all of you were admiring her earlier. Even Minho was looking at her."
"It's because it's the first time we saw her that's all."
Mina was still unconvinced. 
"I only have one girl who occupies my mind 24/7", Taemin said and trailed kisses on her shoulder pulling her even closer and resting one hand on her stomach making her weak inside. Good thing they were sitting. 
"Taemin..." Mina caught her breath when Taemin slowly nibbled on her earlobe then he went lower kissing her neck. "Taemin, it's... the others will see us..."
"I know...", Taemin said in between the kiss then slowly on her neck. Before Mina could mutter another protest Taemin had turned her body halfway to meet his lips pulling again so she is now sitting on his lap. They have not been this intimate at all. He knows Mina is shy and reserved and he respects her too much to want to make a move on her. But he's just a man after all.
They continued kissing each other not minding if they are making out in broad daylight with their friends just around to see them.
He heard Mina moan in his mouth when he pushed his tongue inside her. She clung to him wounding her arms around his neck. 
"Yah get a room!", he heard Key yell from afar but he did not stop. Let them see them like this especially Dongho. He wants to make sure he understand that he can't take Mina away, not then not now.
Both panting but wearing satisfied look on their faces when they parted, Taemin brushed Mina's hair away from her face. He should really tell her to change clothes. He can't even take his eyes off her and he might want her more. Besides he does not want the others seeing her like this.
"Mina, aren't you cold?", he asked but he just shook her head. She smiled shyly at him. 
Well he just need to maintain his self control.
"Jonghyun", Yuri said after a while of walking hand in hand. They left the others playing in the water while they take their walk on the beach. "I haven't really got any special gift for you but I have something to give you later..." She felt bad that Hana was the one who gave him a cake. She should have done that!
Jonghyun smiled remembering what Key and Onew said about Yuri giving her something special. What could it be?
"Anything is good as long as it's from you", he said and squeezed her hand lightly. 
"Of course, you're all I need", Jonghyun said.
"You're too cheesy", Yuri said laughing a little. "Remember the old days when we use to bicker whenever we see each other?"
"Yeah, you always have something bad to say."
"Yah! You were the one who always says something bad."
"You were easy to tease."
"We could not stand each other back then", Yuri said remembering the days when it's easy for them to bicker and fight. "Did you hate me or something?"
Jonghyun was surprised at what she said and shook his head. "Of course not. You were just someone special."
"Someone who never looks at me."
"Bwoh? Now you're getting me confuse."
"Well you never really look at me, literally. You can talk to anyone for hours, Key, Onew, Taemin or Minho. You were even friends with Dongho. But you always ignore me."
"I don't", Yuri was quick to answer. "I just don't have anything to say to you. You were always quiet and never talks whenever I'm there."
"It's because you were always talking to the others", said Jonghyun.
"Well what would you have said back then?"
"What would you have said to me back then?"
Jonghyun stopped walking and thought for a while. "Well I'd say you talk too much first and you need to learn how to behave and stay quiet just like your bestfriend Mina."
"Yah!", Yuri tried to punch him but Jonghyun was quick to run away from her. "Don't let me catch you!" 
Lame update??? 
I don't know if you'll like it but here it is another update....
*I'm not good with volleyball and I tried to describe the game as best as I can sorry for any mistake*
I'm waiting for comments :)
hope to see your names ^^ 
I need energy for this story... 
Sorry if I can't update soon
thank you for reading!
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Sorry for the mistake... I accidentally clicked "complete" when I was updating T_T the story is not yet finished! Please keep on reading....


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Chapter 68: cool story !! i just curious when key didn`t call his girlfriend.. and i get the answer already kkkkk ~
continue for write cool story like this kay ~ ^^
orangegirl #2
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

orangegirl #3
yey!!! finally complete! i cannot wait for the holiday (this coming weekend) so that I can re-read the whole fic!

Chapter 68: HAPPY ENDING!!!
I'm glad all of them have their partner
ququ +lm happy for them :))
Chapter 68: This is the best romantic and funny fic that I've ever read haha! well done!
Jesminda90 #6
Chapter 68: I have Not much to say; i Love it :D