Still Married?!
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Hi guys! Just wanted to tell you that ever since last chapter, I already had a laptop but to my dismay, when I started typing on Kingsoft writer and then pasted it on AFF, the format made me disappointed. Have you noticed it? You really need to slide it sideways just to read the entire paragraph!! I really didn't have the mood to write because of that but then I tried writing today on AFF, it's okay now. So I guess, I would update more often now? But, expect me to be back another 2 or 3 more weeks because the wifi in my dorm would just be installed by then. Thank you for the 600 subs! Please click upvote and comment down below if you appreciate this story and would want to ask/ say something! Love you!





"Here are the beers!"


You happily raised the beers as you went back to the group who's been eating and waiting for the beers while continously laughing and sharing with one other. Kris followed you from behind bringing with him lots of beers too.


"And can you remember Kyungsoo getting scolded for having big eyes by our teacher??" Chanyeol pointed at Kyungsoo and the latter rollled his eyes at the certain memory which wasn't pleasant to remember.


"You okay?" Baekhyun got the beer from your hands while you were sitting.


"Yes" You nodded and smiled. He smiled back and you swear your heart starts to thump faster. Baekhyun went back to listening to the guys as well as Kris laughing with them. You were looking at Baekhyun, admiring him and questioning yourself what happened and what went wrong with the two of you because the last thing you know before everything went off just like a snap is you were deeply in love with each other.


"Soo?" You went back to reality as you heard your name.


"Y-yes?" You broke your contact's eyes with Baekhyun.


It was Chanyeol who called you, "Do you remember?"


Well, duh Chanyeol. If Soojin is rying to remember something it was where they have gone wrong. "Remember what?"


"How much Baekhyun sacrificed his national exam for you because you're too sick to take it.." Chanyeol explained.


"I do.." You gave them a light smile. Actually, everything is still fresh for you. Feels like it just happened yesterday.


"Guys, stop digging on the past.." Baekhyun told them.


"Why?" Hye Su asked, "Are you avoiding that certain question or happenings that's not that.." She shrugged, "Good?"


"Hye Su," You answered for Baekhyun, "Whatever they are, you need to respect Baekhyun if he doesn't want to talk about it. I bet you have your 'bad' memories too.." And now, you get it why Baekhyun doesn't like Hye Su from the start. You are feeling irritated on how can he just snap at your husband like that in front of his friends, in your house and especially in front of you.


She leaned back to her seat and smirked at the both of you, "Oh no, I don't have. Do you want to talk about yours?"


You huffed, totally losing your cool on your so called friend, "Okay then, let's talk about it."


The guys are now silent since

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sarangbit #1
Baekhyun's description of Cry For Love during Bambi's forecast really reminds me of this story that's why I'm coming back here
JustCrazilyDumb #2
Logged back in to AFF just to re-read all my favorite fanfics of EXO. I'm so glad this story is still here. Brings back a lot of memories from my high school and university years. Thanks, author-nim. 😉
21 streak #3
Chapter 69: This is so awesome ❤️ My heart felt so heavy with the angst but glad they overcome everything ❤️❤️
Chapter 30: But if she grew up with him then she should have known that for Baekhyun to ask him that must have been something, SHE GREW UP WITH HIM, for god sake.
Chapter 29: I don’t know why but Soojin is coward, most people ask the question why but she kept ignoring it for damn 2 years, if it were just a misunderstanding then she’d wasted 2 years of her life.
Chapter 24: Owwww
Chapter 18: Oh I'm happy she decided to be friends with boys again
Chapter 2: I don't like sad Baekhyun :(
Chapter 1: OMG
Just about to start the fic