Chapter 14

Melted Heart


Two days later,

It’s is a Monday again. Taeyeon and Tiffany went to study math after school as usual. Taeyeon feels more comfortable with Tiffany after that BBQ day.

“Oh.. you vase the flowers..”

Tiffany looks at Taeyeon and then followed his eyes to the pink carnations that he gave to her two days ago.

“Ha.. yeah..” Tiffany feels embarrass.

“Here.” Tiffany passes the cup of water to Taeyeon and he smiles widely.

“ Okay.. let’s start.”


Tiffany notices Taeyeon has changed quite a bit from the first day he knows him. He is able to speak up more to her.

“So, you understand this formula that I’ve just said?” Taeyeon points the book and look at Tiffany.
Tiffany that is staring at him as he teaches, didn’t hear when him explaining.

“Oh!” Tiffany was startled, finally awake from her daydreaming.

“Sorry. I don’t quite get it..” Tiffany looks down and feels bad that she did not pay attentively when Taeyeon is teaching her seriously.

, he needs a mask when he is teaching.. He’s too attractive.. – Tiffany thought


“It’s okay. Let’s me explain again, okay? Hear carefully.. Where’s the pencil?” Taeyeon looks around and found the pencil in Tiffany’s hand. He naturally took it from her but Tiffany didn’t let go of the pencil. Taeyeon was shocked at their hands touching each other.

Tiffany then realizes that Taeyeon is holding her hand. No, holding the pencil, with her hand obstructing. She quickly let go of it. “S-Sorry..” Tiffany blushes at their sudden contact.

Taeyeon heart was beating fast when he felt her hand. So soft and smooth.

Omo this is the second time he touched my hand.. It feels so ..nice.. - Tiffany thought.

How I wish I can hold those hands..– Taeyeon thought unknowingly and quickly shakes it off his mind.



2 hours later, Taeyeon was doing his own homework when he gives Tiffany a few math questions to do. However, Taeyeon heard a little snore and saw the sleeping angel.

He smile and stares at her. She must be tired.. – Taeyeon thought

Taeyeon looks at his watch and realized it is already 6.30pm. “Oh! I should leave..” Taeyeon quietly packs his bag. Suddenly, something hit him hard on his head. “Ow!” Taeyeon rubs his head and saw Tiffany fidgeting.

“MM..pasta.. How much I’ve missed you..” Tiffany was sleep talking.

Taeyeon chuckled softly at the cute sight.

You must be hungry.. – Taeyeon thought.

“Hm.. pasta?” He muttered to himself as he makes his way to the kitchen.

“Ah!” Taeyeon found a packet of spaghetti in the top cupboard.

“Sauce.. sauce..” Taeyeon searches high and low again. “Yes! Sauce!” He makes a fist on the air.


Then Taeyeon’s phone rang when he is preparing the woks and pans.

“Oh!” Taeyeon quickly runs to his phone, afraid that might wake Tiffany up.


“Hey bud, it’s me! Where are you?”

“Erm.. Tiffany’s dorm..”

“Wow. So late? Are you guys dating or what?!” Yuri laughed and teased his friend.

“Shut up Yul..” Taeyeon feels annoyed but he unknowingly flush at the word “dating”.

“Okay okay! Are we going to have dinner together or not?!”

“Erm.. I’m.. cooking for Tiffany..”



“Am I hearing things?”

“Whatever Yul. Once I cook finish, I will join you for dinner. Give me 30 minutes.”


“Bye.” Taeyeon ends the call and starts cooking.



Taeyeon finishes the serving of spaghetti.

“Not bad.” Taeyeon praises himself after tasting the sauce.

Then he scoops the noodles up, put one hard-boiled egg at the side and pour the mushroom-bacon sauce in the center of the plate.

He takes a peek and saw Tiffany still sleeping.

“Should I wake her..?”


End up, Taeyeon doesn’t want to wake the sleepy girl up. He decides to put the plate of noodles in the microwave. He then leaves a note on the dining table, with a pen beside it.

“Bye Tiffany” He smiles at the girl and grabs his bag.




“Dude you are in love!”

“What?!” Taeyeon almost spat out his mouth full of bibimbap.

“It’s the first time you cook for a girl dude. What more a western dish! How do you even know how to cook a spaghetti?!”

“I watch cooking shows, dude.”

“I know.. but I don’t see you cook before!”




“Oppa!!!” Yoona ran to Yuri when she saw them in the Korean food court at the mall.

“Oh hey Yoona!” Yuri stands up and wave at her.

“Erm.. Oppa, I can’t wait for our date this Saturday..” Yoona shyly admits.

“Haha, me too. Promise to dress prettily.” Yuri flashes his killer smile.

“Alright. You too! See ya!” Yoona runs and joins her friend as she hides her red face.


“You’re dating her? For real?” Taeyeon curiously ask his best friend.

“Yes. For real. I will probably ask her to be my girl then.”

“What?! What about Jessica?!”

“Dude, she is not even interested in me.” Yuri rages all of the sudden.

“Whatever. I just can’t understand you..”



“Hmm..?” Tiffany wakes up and rubs her eyes as she looks around her environment.

“Oh?!” Tiffany notices her math book left open in front of her. She then remembers she is studying with Taeyeon. But where is Taeyeon?

“! 7.30PM?! I’M SUCHA PIG!” Tiffany stands up and runs to the toilet to check if Taeyeon is still here.

“He’s gone..?” Tiffany walks sadly to the sofa, but she glimpses a green post-it on the dining table.

She took it and written:

Hey sleepy head,
I’ve cooked spaghetti for you. It’s in the microwave. Remember to heat it up before you eat.  I will take my leave first. P.S: Yuri is getting impatient for me to eat with him


“WHAT?!” Tiffany is shocked that Taeyeon cooked.

“HE COOKED. COOKED IN MY DORM? COOKED FOR ME?!” Tiffany’s mind is not thinking straight. She is yelling nonsense because of that.

She ran to the microwave and saw the spaghetti nicely place in there.

“He really cooked for me?” Tiffany was so surprised.

“I thought I was dreaming that I had spaghetti date with him. Oh my gosh, it’s real! I can’t believe it..”


Tiffany on the microwave and finds her phone.

<< To Taeyeon:

Hey.. Sorry about that. I was really tired.. Thanks for the spaghetti; I’m really craving for it. ^^ >>


After that she sits on the dining table and enjoys the plate of sincerity Taeyeon prepared specially for her.

It’s so yummy!!! Taste just like the Italian restaurant in California! Hmm.. He is really sweet.. hehe – Tiffany thought as she enjoys her dinner.

“Oh! I forgot about Jess!” Tiffany puts down her fork and ran to her best friend’s dorm.





“COMING!” Tiffany heard Jessica yelling inside.

“What?” Jessica opens the door as she yawns.

“Are you sleeping? Have you eaten?”

“Yea.. Nah, I’ll skip that. I need my sleep more.” Jessica is about to close the door but was stopped by her friend.

“Come eat, at least a bit.” Tiffany pulls her friend into her dorm, leaving Jessica’s dorm unlock.


“Wow, you cooked it?” Jessica’s eyes open as she smells the heavenly noodles in front of her.

“Nope! Taeyeon did.” Tiffany flashed her eye smile proudly.

“Am I hearing things?!” Jessica is fully awakened up by now.

“I know! Unbelievable right?! He’s so sweet!” Tiffany squeals as she passes the fork to her best friend.

“Try it!”

“No.. He will kill me if I did. It’s just for you!” Jessica rejects Tiffany’s offer.

“Urgh just eat it! I don’t want you to get gastric later!” Tiffany is blushing furiously with Jessica’s words.

“HEAVENLY !” Jessica exclaimed after she took a spoonful and clasps her hands together with the fork.

“You’re in luck Tiffany!!! He’s a guy that cooks and he’s interested in you!!!” Jessica grabs her best friend’s hand in excitement.

“ did you know..”

“Girls have great sense in this kind of things, okay! I’m sure he likes you!!!”

“Really?!” Tiffany’s eyes glow with Jessica.




These both girls jump around the house and scream just because of the little discovery.

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Taetae12dharon #1
Chapter 70: I love this story so much💓
Chapter 70: finally finished read this story lol
Chapter 7: hoho its your lost sica to not give yuri a chance
Chapter 5: lol fany try to sleep too..just start reading this and this is good hahaha
Chapter 70: Great story
Chapter 70: Your story is the best ??!!
tipco09 #7
Chapter 70: Its been years since you wrote this authorshi but I just discovered it today. I liked this story very much. It was such a pleasure to read.
probsolve6 #8
Chapter 70: Love it!!!!