Chapter 54- Murder attempt

Blood brothers

=================Chapter 54=================


Minwoo's POV

I went out looking for Dong hyun hyung nim. When I walked through doorway and find Jeongmin hyung grabbing Dong hyun hyung nim's collar. 'Hyung! Stop!' As soon as Jeongmin hyung heard me, he let go of Dong hyun hyung nim and left.


Mi: Hyung nim neo kwenchana?

Dh: Ne. If it wasn't for you. I would have been punch by now.

Mi: What has gotten into Jeongmin hyung lately?

Dh: Gup jeong ma. He's temporarily depressed. Besides, what are you doing here?

Mi: Here are the letters from the children in the orphanage.

Dh: Oh another one? Arraso, hyung nim will read it as soon as I'm free. Kumawo.


Dong hyun's POV


Back then, Jeongmin was in bad mood so I decided to talk to him instead. The moment I brought him to the empty meeting room, he gave a sarcastic tone while asking me why i brought him there.


Dh: Why are you so upset?

Jm: Why do you need to care? I have my own problems.

Dh: As a leader if I see my member uspet and not able to carry out with his job makes me worried.

Jm: Hyung! I have it under control!

Dh: Its about Hyewon again isn't it?


As soon as he heard her name, I got my collar grabbed by him immediately. By the look of his eyes, I could see as if they were full of dagger. 'Hyung! Stop!' then Minwoo came.

(end of flashback)

I have to report to manager hyung that Jeongmin is not a good state to continue Boyfriend's activity.


No one's POV

Jeongmin walks into the waiting room while Youngmin, Kwangmin and HyunSeong were in. HyunSeong had his headphones on and alseep.

Ym: Jeongmin hyung. Where have you been?

Jm: None of your concern.

Kw: Hyung wae?

Jm: Just leave me alone....


Jeongmin went to his seat and sat there while the twin look at him with dismay. Jeongmin turned and look at them in a while and then went into deep thinking.


Jeongmin's POV

I'm sorry Youngmin, Kwangmin. I don't hate you, sometimes there are problems that I don't want you to get involved with.


While I was at the hospital with Hyewon, my 'family' just stepped in. Noona saw Hyewon and was not pleased at all.

I was told to go home with her, I was given a hand sized envolope by noona. It is an amount of money that was meant to be given to Hyewon and that means I can't see her after that.

(end of flashback)


Kwangmin's POV

Ym: Kwangmin. Have you seen my envelope on the table?

Kw: Ani. I didn't see it.

I lied to hyung, I didn't want him to see what is inside, in fact he shouldn't what is inside. I can't believe people want to hurt him so bad.


A moment ago, I saw an A4 size envelope. It has hyung's name written on it, I believe it was meant for him after all.

As I open the envelope, I could see about 10 pictures were photos inside. But my shock, it was all the photo of Ha Young and flirting with an American man in the US. I can't let hyung to see it so I kept it in my bag.

(end of flashback)

I can't believe Ha Young would do such a thing. She did vowed to love hyung but why does she have to do this to him?


Dong hyun's POV

'What???!! Keep Jeongmin out of Boyfriend's activity? Are you insane?' Manager hyung asked in a confused tone.

Dh: I could see he's having a hard time with his personal life. He should take a break.

'I will think about it. Right now, just focus on your work.'

After discussing with manager hyung, I immediately went to find my members to continue our work.


Youngmin's POV

The next day....

*Tump tump* Where is that noise coming from? I got up from my bed and start seeing Jeongmin hyung moving a few boxes along the living room. Is he really moving out?

Ym: Hyung... what are you doing?

Jm: Moving out. Obviously.

Ym: What about schedule?

Jm: Manager hyung canceled it.

Ym: Then where are you going? Are you coming back?

Dh: Youngmin. Follow me, I've got something to say to you.



No one's POV

After Jeongmin took his things out of the dorm, he waited at the carpark for someone to help him and left the dorm's residence.

Ym: Studying overseas?

Dh: Ne.

Youngmin is in Dong hyun's room discussing. Youngmin couldn't understand the sudden changes Jeongmin went through. Furthermore, he thought that its is his fault and he felt guilty about it.

Ym: Since he's going to study...will he come back?

Dh: I can't confirm if he'll be back. He has some personal issue but I'm sure he'll return some day.

Moments later...

HyunSeong is eating his breakfast while the other members sat beside him and sigh. Dong hyun placed a few couple of sandwiches on the dining table.

Dh: Come on. Eat up, you're going to need some energy for school.

After HyunSeong had his fill, he left the dorm without a word 'What's up with him?' Kwangmin said and munch his sandwich while the others stare.


At school....

DR: Class, I have an announcement to make. Graduation exam in a week.

'Mwo!!!' The whole class shouted in disagreement as soon as they heard about graduation coming in a short time. It could be difficult for the boys as they have a packed schedule and if they fail, they will need to repeat again for a year.

Ym: A week more huh?

Mi: I am not prepared for this.

HS: So am I...


Hours later....

Dh: No! No! You're doing it wrong!

Ym & Kw: Wae?

Dh: 2x doesn't means x^2. You guys have got it all wrong!

Mi: Give me a break.... I am tired.

Dh: You guys should focus like HyunSeong. Look!

He pointed out at HyunSeong, who had his headphone on and asleep at the study table. Making the '3 min' puzzled.

Ym: Now then I realise, Changjo don't need to take exam?



2 days later...

Youngmin's POV

Its about time that Changjo is suppose to appear... he hadn't contacted me since the last 2 days. The doorbell rang all of a sudden, could it be him? I went to door and opened it.

'Delivery for Jo Youngmin' the courier man gave me a box, I singed it and take the item. The box has not address or any information from the sender. As soon as I opened the box, I noticed a scarf which was knitted by me for Ha Young.


On the day, we ended our contract marriage. Both me and Ha Young removed our wedding ring and placed it back into the ring box. Each of us presented and gift for each other as promise. Ha Young gave a plush bear and I gave her a scarf knitted by me.

Ha: Awww.... its beautiful! I love it!

Ym: The plush is so cute!

Ha: This is going to be the best gift ever!

(end of flashback)

I took the scarf and threw it on the floor. Its so painful to remember that memory.... 'Hyung...' Kwangmin said softly as he came out of the room.

Kw: Hyung what is that?


Kwangmin's POV

As soon as soon as I stepped out of the room I could see hyung holding onto a pink knitted scarf. Hyung walked over and gave it to me.

Ym: Do what you want with it, you can throw it away too.

Kw: Huh?

Hyung stormed into his room and closed the door. The scarf seems nice so I decided to keep it and give it So Hyun later.


No one's POV

As the night arrives..... *Ding dong* The members weren't expecting any guest to arrive at night. 'I'll go get it' HyunSeong stood up and went to the door. He was stunned to see who is outside.


Ch: Annyeong.

HS: Changjo!!!???


'Changjo!' Both the twin ran over to the door and gave Changjo a tight hug, no knowing that he have not fully recovered from him injuries 'Hyung.... hyung... Appeun.'


Moments later...

HyunSeong went took the tea set he prepared and brought it to the living room where everyone was at. 'Here Changjo, Youngmin gave Changjo a cup of tea. 'Kumawo...' Changjo said in a soft tone.


Kw: You are free to talk whenever you like.

Ch: Kwenchana. I'll tell you. But I'll make it short.

Ym: Sure.


Ch: First I got out of the wooden cage by burning it down, then I jump off the building while escaping and then I ran into the forest, the tiger almost got me.


Kw: O.O  that was short....

Ch: Hyung... I am counting on you. Please help me out.

Ym: What do you want?

Ch: I want the both of you to end him.

Both the twin were shocked by Changjo's statement. Ending their father's life isn't the best option but what else can they do?


Changjo's POV

Ym: Are you sure this is the best option?

Kw: Changjo, you shouldn't think that way. You father may have almost killed you but killing him is not the solution.

Ch: Then what other choice do I have? *sob* omma is gone....


I burst into tears immediately, there is so much pain and hatred inside me. I really missed omma s badly that I'm about to tear apart. It took me about an hour to calm myself down, Minwoo gave me a tissue and I wiped my tears off.


Ch: Maybe you're right. Killing appa won't solve anything, it wouldn't bring my omma to life again.

Ym: Well now you're feeling better, lets get you to bed.

Ch: Ne.


Both my hyung brought me to a room, I tucked myself in the blanket trying to fall asleep. 'Changjo....' I heard a soft voice and went out to find who is calling me.


Donghyun's POV

Dh: Are you sure about letting him stay with us?

Ym: Of course. He's really obedient. Good night hyung.

Dh: Good night Youngmin.


As turned off the light, I could hear our dorm's door open. Must be Minwoo again... he's been sneaking out late at night just to meet someone whom he could not admit is his girlfriend.

The next morning I woke up, I went to the kitchen to get myself a cup of water. I was shocked to see Changjo in the kitchen staring out at the window.


Dh: Morning Changjo.

Ch: Morning Dong hyun hyung.

Dh: What are you up to? Its so early in the morning.

Ch: Just getting myself some fresh air.


No one's POV

Meanwhile at the Jo's mansion 'Sir. Are you in there' The maid knocked onto Eric's room door. *Knock* *knock* 'Mai, what is going on?' a butler apppeared.


'Charles, I've been knocking on the master's door but there is no answer'

'Oh my. There is stench coming from his room. Try opening it.'


As soon as the butler ended the door, he could see Eric's body lying straight on the floor in a pool of blood. The maid watched in horror and the butler quickly get her out of Eric's room.


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Chapter 64: So my Hayoung just went out like that?XD *cries**cries* Great fanfiction :)
Chapter 64: Thanks for updating this story.. I miss this story so much :)
Chapter 61: Lovely fanfic!!!
Chapter 52: Thank you for updating this story. So far this is the best fanfic i ever read. Many conflict and colors of story heheh. I'm impatient to know the ending
Chapter 1: This is a begins but I feel so curious and amazed with your story. Hope that this story is more faster compeleted
xKpopx_Jmna #6
Chapter 47: ~Thanks for the update unnie! •.-
Chapter 46: He's finally awake! This story has so much drama!!! But I still LOVE it!!!! Please update soon author-nim!!!!!
xKpopx_Jmna #8
Chapter 46: Youngmin is finally awake! It's kinda creepy how he possesses bodies! CEO is crazy! This story is even more Crazy!!! But I love crazy so UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 45: T^T Youngmin! Please don't die on us! T^T Hope you update soon author-nim!