Chapter 5

Maybe I'm not Worthless (A Jimin and BTS fic)

Jin pov
I woke up very early so I had to wake everybody up. Namjoon and Suga were up all night writing lyrics so I was hoping they would stay home and sleep. I was like the mother of the group. I cooked, I cleaned, and I made sure everybody was ok and happy. Sadly, Namjoon and Suga finally came downstairs after V called them. I not only wanted Namjoon and Suga to stay home because they were tired but also because that means Jimin wouldn't be hurt as much today. He really needed a break. I was the only one in the group who didn't hate Jimin . I didn't believe that Jimin would ever say anything about us. At least until I hear it for myself. Jimin was the nicest boy I've ever met. We were the only ones who protected him.

I didn't tell the other members because they would probably skip to conclusions. I tried to protect him as much as I could. I knew we hurt him. I knew we broke him. But no matter how hard I tried none of them stopped. None of them cared. We finally were out of the door on time and luckily no Jimin . I knew Jimin went to school through his back door I've seen him leave before. I just never showed any of the other members.
We finally got to school after a few minutes of Jungkook and v fighting over which one of them had the best aegyo. We always hid behind the lockers cause girls loved us and would tear us to pieces.We heard te doors open and everyone got quiet. Jimin. Namjoon and the others started walking to him.

Oh no please don't hurt him, I thought . Jhope ran up and slammed the door on poor Jimin's head. When he hit the floor everyone started laughing, except me. I just saw the blood drip from his head and Jhope pick him up by his shirt. "Good to see you again loser" "ready for your morning beating?"Namjoon said in a hiss type of voice that made Jimin flinch. All the other members did was laugh.

Luckily, the bell rang. Hoping they would leave and not be late I hastily said ,"Saved by the bell again loser" as the other members and me walked off . I turned back to see Jimin trying to wipe the blood off as he ran to class. I shook my head. I hope they stop before Jimin does something to himself. It's funny though, how people don't stop or listen until the person is dead...

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Chapter 24: this reminded me of eat jin ???
Akahaka_Scarlet #2
I read it in wattpad, and I'm waiting for you to finish the other one while than I will just reread it here because I'm in the mood to just jump from the window right now but sadly I'm not alone at home
kpopbrazil #3
Chapter 75: I loved this update! This second speech is totally necessary and amazing but i still think Jimin needs new friends. All of them were so horrible. Specially Namjoon. He began all of this. Just because of some gossiping.
kpopbrazil #4
Chapter 68: Jungkook is so full of himself! "Jimin tried harder than anyone he deserves me". Wow! Really? Does he consider himself like an olympic trophy or something? He's ridiculous. He thought jimin would jump on his arms and cry from happiness? I don't believe in his "love" for jimin at all.
kpopbrazil #5
Chapter 67: Man, i loved jimin's speech here! It was about time! Well done, Jimin. Now go and find true friends.
kpopbrazil #6
Chapter 53: I agree with Taetae. They were horrible! Jimin.deserves way better friends, for sure!
kpopbrazil #7
Chapter 51: I don't like the other six members of bts here. Specially Jungkook.
Chap 42: JB WAE!!!!!????
Melodie05 #9
Chapter 42: For the question on chapter 41 I think it is a form of selfestime problem. You touched something with this character that could totally be accurate in real life. I love to hate him but maybe he will come to his mind and change....