Chapter 24

Maybe I'm not Worthless (A Jimin and BTS fic)

 We got back home after a long stressful day at school. It still was the best day in years because I didn't get beat up. I decided to stay at their apartment again like yesterday. As we walked in Yoongi immediately went to the fridge and grabbed a soda before laying down. I sat quietly at the kitchen table before a plate of cookies got sat in front of me. I looked up to find Jin and the others staring down at me. "What" I said. "Eat" was all Jin said before sitting down next to me. "I'm not hungry" I said ignoring everyone. I may not get beaten anymore but that's no reason to start eating again. I looked up and there was Jin giving me the death glare. It was actually very scary. I slowly grabbed a cookie wondering how this was going to turn out. Usually when I ate I got sick. I didn't realize I was just staring at the cookies until Jin slammed his text book next to me making me jump. I slowly took a bite out of it quickly swallowing it to make Jin happy. Before I knew it Yoongi had walked up to me and shoved the rest in my mouth. I finally swallowed remaining quiet. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I finally ate. Suddenly I felt my stomach turn and I felt sick. I quickly hopped up and went to the bathroom throwing up everything I had ate for the last week. I was now hungrier than before. When I came back I saw everyone have a look of disappointment on their face. Did I do something wrong? I just prayed that I didn't lose the little bit of happiness I had just got back. I covered my face with my hands looking down at the ground. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door..... I completely forgot BTS had made some new 'friends' ever sense they left me.

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Chapter 24: this reminded me of eat jin ???
Akahaka_Scarlet #2
I read it in wattpad, and I'm waiting for you to finish the other one while than I will just reread it here because I'm in the mood to just jump from the window right now but sadly I'm not alone at home
kpopbrazil #3
Chapter 75: I loved this update! This second speech is totally necessary and amazing but i still think Jimin needs new friends. All of them were so horrible. Specially Namjoon. He began all of this. Just because of some gossiping.
kpopbrazil #4
Chapter 68: Jungkook is so full of himself! "Jimin tried harder than anyone he deserves me". Wow! Really? Does he consider himself like an olympic trophy or something? He's ridiculous. He thought jimin would jump on his arms and cry from happiness? I don't believe in his "love" for jimin at all.
kpopbrazil #5
Chapter 67: Man, i loved jimin's speech here! It was about time! Well done, Jimin. Now go and find true friends.
kpopbrazil #6
Chapter 53: I agree with Taetae. They were horrible! Jimin.deserves way better friends, for sure!
kpopbrazil #7
Chapter 51: I don't like the other six members of bts here. Specially Jungkook.
Chap 42: JB WAE!!!!!????
Melodie05 #9
Chapter 42: For the question on chapter 41 I think it is a form of selfestime problem. You touched something with this character that could totally be accurate in real life. I love to hate him but maybe he will come to his mind and change....