Update on life (long update)

My Idol Romance

New Year's and Christmas have already passed, and I couldn't have been happier. I have an opportunity to fulfill my dream of becoming an artist in the music industry, an amazing "family" (if you want to consider the YG artist a family), and most of all, a wonderful boyfriend.

YoungBae and I hadn't been able to keep our relationship a secret from the YG artist after the news of my debut came out. It was Bae's fault too. Every time it was even hinted at, he would hug me or kiss me and tell me how proud he was of me. I couldn't help but blush every time that happened. Not that I really care, it just means that we get more "yeobo" time together (as Ji, TOP, and Daesungie Oppa like to call it.) Also, every night I have to tell 2NE1 everything that has happened between us when they weren't around. 

I forgot to mention that my group, Morning Star, from Japan came the day after New Year's. We have been preparing for our debut that will happen when Big Bang finishes their album promotions in a month or two. It turns out that they found a mansion that is actually big enough for all eight of us and all our clothes. (If you're wondering, we have more clothes each than all the Big Bang members put together. That's sad, isn't it?) That's right, in Morning Star there are eight girls in all. I'm the youngest of us at the international age of 21 years old and am the leader of the group. The oldest girl is Samantha who is 23 years old internationally, and is the person who designs all our clothes since we were 13-15 years old.

It was nice reuniting with all of them especially since Big Bang was over in Japan for awhile. YG Oppa thought that it would be better for me to observe GD and TOP's activities to know what I'm getting my group and myself into before we take the leap to debut too early. I understand what he was thinking but it hurt that I wasn't able to see Bae Oppa for awhile except when he would video call me and claim to take me on an outing while he was in Japan. I can't say that it was the worst thing but it wasn't nice that our first date was over video chat.

"I promise that none of these times are an official date since I'm not there. When I get back home, we will go on a real date. Just wait for me, okay?"

It was nice knowing that he wasn't forgetting about me while away, and that he cared about our relationship by wanting an actual first date instead of a video date. When he did get home though, he brought me the best Christmas present I could have asked for. While he was in Japan, he got me a dog that was rescued from the pound. Her name is Ginger and she is 4 years old and is literally the same color red as ginger is. It turns out that he wanted to get me a dog for when he wasn't able to be with me and for Boss to have a "girlfriend."

"If I'm happy with the girl of my dreams, why shouldn't Boss be happy too?" Bae said, as we were walking the two of them one day.

"Then why didn't you just find him a girlfriend at the hotel you usually keep him at when you are gone?" I asked, watching the two dogs play together.

"Because as long as my girlfriend is here, I want her to have a companion when I can't be with her and it just makes since that you will take care of Boss when I'm gone considering you are his mom after all" joked Bae, laughing when I blushed a little.

"I thought you forgot about that" I said, looking at him.

"I will never forget a thing you tell me for as long as I live, because everything that comes out of your mouth is important to me" said Bae, putting his arm on the back of the bench we were sitting on.

You see it had turned into a habit for Bae to come to my apartment early in the morning so we could go out for breakfast and walk Ginger and Boss together. We would go to a cafe near the dorms where we could bring the dogs in while we had breakfast. Apparently, Bae and the owner had become friends since Big Bang moved in and had figured out we were dating the first time we walked in together. She promised not to tell the press about us and became the grandmother I never had.

Bae told me that he would be going to America for dance lessons a few days ago, and I was once again proving to be a very good actress. I sat there the entire hour of discussion smiling and acting excited like the perfect girlfriend, but on the inside, I was acting like a spoiled child who just had her new toy taken away (temper tantrum and all). After an hour of discussing the details of Bae's trip to America with Teddy Oppa, I said that I had to go take care of Ginger and excused myself. I went to pick up Ginger and then went straight to Halmeoni's cafe.

I told her what Bae was doing and how I was acting like a spoiled brat when I should be supportive of him. I don't think I could have gone to anyone else, because almost all the people I knew would have called Bae Oppa right away without a second thought. Instead Halmeoni let me cry and whine for a little bit and then told me what she thought:

"I can't say that you are being selfish, because you two got together and then he has been all over the place since then. You two have been together for the past couple weeks everyday, but that isn't enough to get to the point where you two are. I have to say that even if you two are separated for longer periods of time than two weeks, you two would still be together and maybe even start liking each other more. You know what they say, that being apart makes the affection grow stronger.

Since Teddy-shi is going with him, he can keep YoungBae-ah in check for you. Make sure that none of those American girls get his attention."

It was then that Bae and TOP Oppa came rushing in the store, out of breath. Apparently, TOP Oppa saw me get Ginger and called Bae telling him that I was crying and where I was. Halmeoni told them that everything was okay and that all I needed was a little pick me up when she placed a piece of my favorite cake in front of me. After that, Halmeoni went back into the kitchen to continue cooking, TOP Oppa went back to the dorm, and Bae sat down with me while I ate.

On the way back to the dorm, he asked me what was wrong and I had almost no choice but to tell him. If I didn't tell him now, Ji Oppa would get it out of me and then tell Bae all about it. I told him everything about how I was acting in front of YG Oppa, crying to Halmeoni, and being completely selfish in wanting him to stay with me when he was getting a really good opportunity to get dance lessons in America.

"Rae-ah, don't think like that. I understand that I've been away from you a lot since we have gotten together, and I'm sorry for that. If you tell me that you really want me to stay, then I will. I couldn't do anything about going to Japan early with Daesung and Seungri, but I can now so just tell me if you want me to stay" said Bae, as he held me in the entrance of Big Bang's dorm. 

"No, this is a really good chance for you. I want you to take it, just... don't forget about me, okay?" I said, looking up at him.

"I promise that I will call you every single chance I get. When I get there, I'm going to work as hard as possible, so do me one favor?"

"What is it?"

"Wear this and everyday when we talk, as long as I see you wearing this in a picture or a video, I will know that you are cheering me on with no doubt in my mind" said Bae, pulling out a set of rings that had a 'T' on each one.

He put the ring on my finger, and then kissed my hand. I looked at him with probably the most shocked expression I've had since he asked me to be his girlfriend.

"As long as you are wearing that one, I know that you are cheering for me. And for you, as long as I wear mine, you will know that you are the only girl that could ever have my heart" said Bae, kissing me after I put the other ring on his finger.

It's been a couple days since then and Bae has already left for America with Teddy Oppa. Right when they landed, he called me and told me how the flight was and what his schedule was for the first day. We talked for awhile until Teddy Oppa had to grab the phone away from Bae and said that he would regulate when we could talk. So far, he has only taken Bae's phone when he was practicing and would give it back every single break and down time they had. The first day, Teddy Oppa sent me a picture of Bae practicing with Shaun from Movement Lifestyle. I sent a picture back of me, Boss, and Ginger saying "Miss you even after one day." After that, we would randomly send each other pictures of things. In each picture, we always made sure to show our rings. It was our reassurance to each other after all.

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))