Phone call from Paris

My Idol Romance

It was late in the night and Bae Oppa had fallen asleep on my lap. We had spent the day in my dorm watching TV and doing random things to pass the day away. He was happy that we didn't have to really hide our relationship anymore since YG Oppa announced that we were having a press conference about the pictures. I'm not really excited about it though. I mean it could turn out the way it did with Taeyang saying that he went on a date with Yuri-shii. 

The VIPs didn't rip her apart. Most of them actually liked the idea of the two of them getting together. As much as I hate the idea of it. 

My home phone started ringing, but who could be calling me at this time of night. I answered the phone without checking the caller id, knowing whoever it is wouldn't have this number unless I gave it to them. 

"Hello?" I answered, playing with Bae Oppa's overgrown mohawk. 

He is going to have to go to the salon in the morning before we get to the press conference.


"Oh, my SHINee dongsaengs!! How are you all doing in France?" I asked, perking up since I hadn't heard from them since they left for Paris. 

"We are doing great noona. The food here is really difference, but it tastes good. The hyungs keep saying that the girls are really pretty too, but none of them could beat you in a contest. What are you doing noona?" asked Taeminnie. 

"I'm sitting on my couch watching TV with YoungBae Oppa. Sounds like you all are having more fun than we are over here" I replied, hearing the others talking in the background.

"Noona, the chicken here is weird. They don't have as many chicken restaurants as they do back home! When we get back, can we go out for chicken? Please?" begged Onew.

"We can. Why are you calling me Noona? We are the same age. You know that right?" I checked.

"I know, but it is more fun to call you that since the rest of the members call you noona as well" replied Onew before Key snatched the phone.

"Tori noona, I already have a few bags of clothes that I bought for you here. I know you said that you didn't want me to buy you any presents while we were here with the money you gave us, but they were calling my name to buy them for you. They literally screamed Tori noona, so I couldn't help it. Anyway, when I see you, you are trying everything on and we are going shopping again" demanded Key, before handing the phone to Jjong-ah.

"Noona, there is so much to do here. Did you know that people actually work on the streets? Not just any people but like musicians, artists, and other people like that? It was so cool to walk around and see everything."

"I know, I've been to France before with the other Morning Star girls. It is really the city of romance" I replied, thinking about what it would be like to go with Bae Oppa to Paris one day.

"Tori noona, we heard about the pictures and the press conference. What happened?" asked Minho, cutting right to the point like always. 

"I was hoping to avoid talking about this with you all in Paris, but I guess I don't have a choice. Well, I went to visit my grandparents grave this past weekend, and YoungBae Oppa went with me so I wouldn't have to be alone. I got emotional and he decided to take me to the Han River to calm down. While we were there, fans noticed us and started taking pictures of us together. It was already on the internet by the next morning, so we couldn't really do anything about taking them down. YG Oppa said that he would prefer for us to just go ahead and tell the public that we are officially dating. That's basically the entire story" I explained, continuing to keep the tears away by playing Bae Oppa's hair.

"So, you are announcing that you two are officially dating?" asked Minho, his voice sounding a little sad.

"Yes. YG Oppa thinks it would be better than telling everyone that we have a different type of relationship, because one day, someone is going to catch us without anyone knowing and it could turn out even worse than it could now."

"I guess that means, I don't stand a chance anymore, do I? I lose when I can't even be there to stop it. Why do I have to be in Paris when you are in Korea? Noona, why is this happening?" asked Minho, hearing the tears in his voice.

I feel horrible now. I knew he liked me, but not like this. I hoped his feelings wouldn't come to this. 

"Minho-ah, I know this is hard to hear but you are in Paris because that is where you belong. With SHINee and the rest of SM Entertainment. I'm in Korea because I belong here.... with YoungBae Oppa and the rest of YG Entertainment. You are my favorite dongsaeng and you know that, but I can't think of you the way you want me to. You are the little brother I always wanted and dreamed for, but I can't think of you the way I do Bae Oppa. Someday, you will find the person you are willing to give everything up for to be with. When you do, I will be there cheering you on and helping you out in anyway possible. Minho-ah, you know I love you, like a brother" I said, hoping he got the hint.

"Tori noona, I love you too... like a sister" replied Minho. 

"I will see you when you get home, okay? You can come over and have dinner with YoungBae Oppa and I. Don't let the others know, okay? I just want it to be the two of us and our favorite SHINee dongsaeng" I said with a joking manner in my voice. 

"Okay, noona. I will see you then.................... Noona?"


"Good luck with the press conference. I'll be watching. Don't know about the others, but I will" said Minho.

"Thanks. That means a lot. Talk to you later" I said, watching as Bae Oppa snuggled closer into my stomach.

"Welcome. Talk to you later" replied Minho, before ending the call. 

I put the phone back in place beside the couch after turning the TV off, and went back to thinking about how my... our life is going to change when the public knows about us. Will we get put on some ridiculous TV show? Have to do variety programs together? Photo shoots of the perfect couple? 

I don't know, but at least I know I have my dongsaengs' support. I felt Bae Oppa move a little before seeing him look up at me. 

"Tori, who were you talking to?" asked Bae Oppa, still half asleep. 

"It was SHINee, calling from Paris. They wanted to tell me about their trip and also find out about what is going on with the pictures and press conference. Nothing to worry about" I said, running my fingers through his hair.

"Okay, lay down and go to sleep. I want to hold you" commanded Bae Oppa, letting me get up. 

I moved and laid down beside him on the couch while he wrapped me in his arms and put the blanket over us. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep to the sound of Bae Oppa breathing and heartbeat. 

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))