Green Eyed Girl(s)

My Idol Romance

I had already been working in the studio with Teddy Oppa, Ji Oppa, and Bae Oppa for 3 hours now before they realized that my stomach was growling loud enough to be heard over the loud music coming from the studio speakers.

"I'm guessing someone is hungry" said Teddy Oppa, saving all the work we had done so far.

"You got that right! I ate before I got on the plane to come over here, but that was almost 8 hours ago" I whined, shutting down the iPad that Teddy Oppa had given me as a welcome home present (Did I mention how much I love Teddy Oppa? XD He always gives the best gifts! Well, to me at least. ;) )

"Come on, let's feed that thing before it starts to attack us" said Ji Oppa as my stomach growled again.

I blushed as the other guys laughed at the comment. After about three minutes of laughing at me, I stood up and left the room. Why did Ji Oppa have to say that in front of them? I thought he knew that I liked YoungBae Oppa? I continued walking until I got to the elevators and pressed the button going down to where the cafe is downstairs. I heard a set of footsteps running towards me, not wanting to be embarrased even more, I didn't turn around to see who it was.

"Rae-ah, wait up. I need to eat too" said YB Oppa as he got to the elevator.

I could tell that he was a little short of breath from the fact of laughing for three or four straight minutes and then running to the elevator. It can happen because before we took a break, all the guys were singing and trying to figure out lyrics for a few new songs.

"I thought you were on a special diet since you have to be prepared to comeback with Big Bang soon" I said, with a little harsher tone than I wanted.

"Hey, what's wrong? You know we were just joking around in there, right?" asked YoungBae as we got on the elevator going down.

He pressed the button going down to the cafe that was beside the dance studios. I hadn't been able to explore much of the building, but all the parts I have seen were above ground.

"It's not that Oppa. I guess I'm just being a little greedy right now. I just got back to Korea and now I have to share my Oppas with the girls of Korea sooner than I expected. *sigh* Forget it, its nothing, really" I said, looking at the side of the elevator.

"Rae-ah, just because we are having a comeback doesn't mean that we can't still spend time with you" said Oppa, coming to lean beside me against the elevator wall.

"Yes it does. Bae Oppa, you know how tired you all get after you perform, and after the album is finished with production and recording, you all have to learn dance after dance and perfect them. You all will be in the dance studio for at least 6-8 hours a day, if not more. I won't be allowed in there to see you all, because Ji Oppa wants the dances to be a surprise, like always. I moved back to Korea because it was a chance to see my YG Family, but if I knew that I was going to get in the way, I wouldn't have even told Ji Oppa about the offer in the first place."

I was on the verge of tears after spilling some of the things on my heart out to Bae Oppa. Ever since I heard that Ji Oppa was trying to work on Big Bang's comeback album, I had been feeling this way. I just never told anyone about it, which is why it probably got so bad.

"Oppa, I'm jealous of all the girls that are going to get all Big Bang's attention, expecially the ones that are going to get Ji Oppa's and your attention. I know its selfish of me to think that way, but it is how I feel whenever I hear you two talking about how amazing the comeback is going to be" I finished as a few tears fell from my eyes.

Bae Oppa, apparently, saw them and wiped them away with his thumb. He pulled me into a hug as a few more fell from my eyes. It was like that till the door opened signaling that we had reached the floor with the cafe. Instead of going to the cafe, Oppa pulled me to the side where no one could see us.

"Rae-ah, you don't need to feel that way about your Oppas' attention. You know that you are the only girl Ji and I care about enough to actually spend 6 years waiting to see. Don't worry about not seeing us because of dance practices or recording sessions, I will talk to Jiyongie and convince him to let you see us whenever you want. Please, just stop the tears please. If anything, you will be the only girl who's attention matters at all. I can promise you that, so please stop crying and give Oppa a smile" asked Bae, hugging me.

I pushed back a little bit and looked up at him. I wiped the tears away with the back of my hand, and gave him a small smile. He replied with his bright eye smile that almost literally took my breath away. It was just the two of us looking at each other for a minute after that and it seemed like the entire world faded away.

Looking in his eyes, it was hard to not get pulled in and then lost for awhile. I didn't realize that we were getting closer and closer to each other every second until Bae Oppa stopped about half an inch from my face. I could feel his heated exhales against my skin and realized that he was waiting to see if I wanted this, to kiss him. I already knew the answer for the past who-knows-how-many years, and lifted my arms around his shoulders to help steady myself as I stretched up a little bit.

Bae Oppa got the answer he wanted and finally, put his lips on mine. It was like fireworks going off in the background and I felt a spark of electricity come from him and go through my entire body. I never wanted this to end, but as he pulled away for air, something reminded me (well, us) why we came down here in the first place.



Thank you stomach so much for turning into a hungry beast that just has to ruin a good, romantic moment.

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))