I love you and I miss you.

My Idol Romance

It had been about a week or two since the "ceremony" that Bae Oppa and I had for my parents' anniversary. That also ended our run on We Got Married since we were only part of a special the show was doing for my parents. 

To tell the truth, I'm happy that I'm not being followed by a camera anymore. However, Bae Oppa had to go to Japan for 2NE1's concert and is staying over there so he doesn't have to fly back and forth inbetween performances, while Morning Star is wrapping up the "I Don't Know" promotions. After this we will take a couple weeks off for some good rest and relaxation and then we are having a comeback with another single called "Star Star Star" that was written by Melody and Hilary. 

Currently, we were backstage at the MCountdown and were waiting for our rehearsal time. Random people had been dropping off presents for us and had been coming in to check that everything was fine. I was finishing a last touch up on my eye-liner and mascara when someone knocked on our dressing room door. 

"Come in" answered Regina, continuing to look through her magazine. 

"Neh, annyeonghaseyo U-Kiss imnida" chorused the group of guys that came through the door. 

"Oh, annyeonghaseyo sunbae-nims" I said, bowing. 

The rest of the girls said hello and bowed to them and came to stand beside me. As we all got together, I could tell that the guys were thinking like... well... guys. It wasn't hard to see how their eyes got a little wider when we were all standing together, and to tell you the truth, we have gotten used to it. Being the only foreign girl group in a country where most teenage or younger guys look at foreign girls as either beautiful or y, we have gotten a lot of attention.

"Hey, I'm Kevin. Nice to meet you" said Kevin, coming out of the group and greeting us in English. 

"Nice to meet you too, Kevin. I'm Tori" I replied, shaking his hand. 

"Well... we just wanted to come by and say good luck on the show today. So... um... good luck."

"Good luck to you too" I said, smiling at him. 

He was about to turn around and walk back to the group when I got a good idea to waste time for both of our groups. 

"Hey, why don't you guys hang out with us for a little while?" I asked, switching to Korean so they all could understand me. 

"Really?" asked the guys.

"Sure. It will be fun" answered Maria, smiling at them. 

So, that was how we started getting to know U-Kiss. About 30 minutes later, my phone started going off, so I went out of the room and to a secluded hallway to answer the call. 


"Hey babe. How's your day going?"

"It's going good. I've gotten to meet U-Kiss. What about you Oppa?"

"U-Kiss? Tori, don't tell me this is going to turn into another thing like with Minho-ah and SHINee" said Bae Oppa.

"It's not. We are just getting to know them since they can relate to us. I mean two of them are from the States like us, and they are nice guys. Don't worry Oppa."

"If you say so. But I should be returning within the next couple days, so that's good news, right?"

"Yup, and guess what?"

"What?" asked Bae Oppa, laughing at me.

"We are ending our promotions this week, so we will get to spend a lot of time with each other when you get back. Just like before" I said, laughing with him. 

"That's good. Well, I have to go now and get ready to go on stage. I'll call you later."

"Okay. Bye Oppa."



"I miss you."

"I miss you too."


"Aieru, SOL-kun."

I closed the phone as the call was disconnected, and looked out the window at the scenery. It was normal to see a busy city, and thinking about ending our promotions soon made me start thinking of the places that I wanted to visit before coming back and running from dawn until dusk with a hectic schedule. 

"I really want to see the ocean" I thought out loud, sighing as I looked out and saw the Han River.

"Tori-ah. It's our rehearsal time. Let's go" shouted Amelia, standing at the end of the hallway. 

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))