A Beginning With An Unknown Ending

My Idol Romance

"Welcome to WE GOT MARRIED" shouted the hosts together, clapping and acting excited. 

"Today is a special episode, because we are getting a new couple today. And not just any couple" said one of the female host, looking at her cards and talking to the other hosts.

"We are getting the YG couple...... Big Bang's Taeyang and Morning Star's Tori" continued on a male host, clapping along with the others.

"We finally got a real couple on the show, so are there going to be a lot of skinship scenes?" asked another female host. 

"I guess we can find out with their first episode" replied the first female, as the film started. 

3rd POV

The scene opened on a nice summer day in a park. As the camera moved around, it caught on the image of a couple sitting on a bench facing the pond. In the next shot, it zoomed onto the guy's arm around the girl's shoulders and her head on his shoulder. As the camera came around to face them, a shot of their clasped hands was shown before the camera moved up to show that the couple was indeed, Taeyang and Tori. 

They were watching the pond and all the other people around them while enjoying the peace of a beautiful day. When the camera zoomed out to show them fully and also the things happening behind them, the hosts started getting excited. 

"They are like those couple you see in American movies" said the second female, covering her blushing face. 

"They seem like a very cute couple" said a second male commentator. 

All of the hosts continued watching the couple as Tori was playing with their hands and Taeyang was looking down at her with a smile. He kissed the top of her head and then pulled her into a hug while resting his head on top of her's. This, again, caused the commentators to start getting either excited or flustered at the sight of the couple. 

"Tori-ah, I love you" said Taeyang, closing his eyes and smiling as Tori wrapped her arms around his torso.

"I love you too Oppa" replied Tori, snuggling into his chest. 

The hosts were now freaking out at the amount of skinship going on. The female ones were saying how sweet that was and how romantic while the guys were actually blushing a little bit. 

After the couple separated from the hug, they got up and started walking back to the entrance of the park. As they were walking, the camera was following them and catching all the random things they talked about. When they reached the entrance, the camera man stopped and handed the couple an envelop with a mission card inside. 

"A mission card? Already?" asked Tori, looking confused as Taeyang opened it. 

"You've already been a couple for a while now, but let's see how you would react to getting married. Your mission is to create your dream wedding ceremony and reception. The deadline for this mission is September 22, in honor of the wedding anniversary of Tori's parents. Good luck" read Taeyang.

"We have to plan a wedding ceremony and reception in less than a month?"

"I guess we do. Well, let's go let everyone else know, maybe they can help out with it" said Taeyang, going over to a black SUV and getting in. 

The screen went black and then showed Tori and Taeyang walk into Teddy's recording studio. Inside were G-Dragon, TOP, and Teddy while Seungri was in the recording booth. As they entered, Teddy cut the music and said hey along with the other three guys. 

"So, we have an announcement about our first mission on the show" said Taeyang, holding Tori in a back hug.

The hosts were surprised at the lack of reaction from the other guys when the couple did skinship in front of them, but then remembered that they had been a couple for awhile now. One of the guys said: "The people in YG must have gotten used to it by now."

"Well, what is it hyung?" asked Seungri, listening from the recording booth.

"We are having a wedding" said Tori, smiling at the guys. 

"WHAT!!!!" shouted TOP, Teddy, and G-Dragon, all jumping out of their seats. 

"Huh? What is it? Why can't I hear you all? Forget it, I'm coming out" said Seungri, coming out of the booth and asking what happened. 

"We are having a wedding as our first mission on the show" replied Taeyang, as the little Seunghyun stood their shocked. 

"So, it's not a real wedding. It's just for the show" confirmed Teddy, calming down. 

"Yup, but we have less than a month to put it together. Can you guys help us?" asked Tori, pleading with her Oppas and dongsaeng. 

"Of course" shouted G-Dragon, "first, we have to get your dress and also find a place to have the ceremony. I got it why don't we go to L.A. to get your dress.... even better, let's go to New York and get it."

"Ji Oppa, we can get a dress here in Korea. We don't need to go all the way to New York" said Tori.

"Yeah, we could get dresses here, but let's have fun and go crazy. Besides, you only get fake-married once" replied G-Dragon, starting to talk about what kind of dress Tori should get. 

"So, this is your first mission on the show. When is the wedding supposed to be?" asked TOP.

"September 22. The same day as Tori's parents' wedding anniversary" said Taeyang. 

"Oh well, that's fun. So, I guess we have to start thinking of wedding presents for you two" said Teddy, laughing along with Taeyang and TOP.

"Tori Noona, if you and Taeyang hyung move in together, there has to be a room for each Big Bang member. We will miss you two too much" said Seungri, acting cute. 

All the people in the YG studio laughed as well as the commentators that were watching. The scene switched to them going into one of the dance studios in YG. 2NE1 was practicing for their concert, but stopped as soon as they saw Tori and Taeyang. They all said hello and sat down to take a break. 

"So, why are you so happy Tori unnie?" asked Minzy, sitting on the floor in front of Tori.

"Well, we found out our first mission for We Got Married and thought we should tell you all" said Tori.

"What is it?" asked Bom.

"We are having to put together a wedding by September 22" replied Taeyang. 

The 2NE1 girls started freaking out and asking questions all at once. Tori and Taeyang just laughed while waiting for the girls to calm down. When they finally did, CL said "But you two aren't even engaged yet."

"That's right. Well, I know what I have to focus on now. Better start working on it, see you later babe" said Taeyang, kissing Tori's cheek and running out of the room. 

"What was that about?" asked Dara. 

"I think he is planning out how to propose to me now. I mean he asked me to go on the show with him, but he never officially asked me to 'marry' him" replied Tori. 

"Well, what about your dress? Do you want to get a designer dress or do you want to get a normal dress? Strapless or with straps? Do you want lace on it?" asked CL, beginning on the fashion. 

"Ji Oppa is already on it. He wants to take me to New York to pick it out, so I have no completely clue what is going to happen with that."

The girls laughed and then the scene went to Tori's apartment with her inside watching TV. A knock came on the door but when she opened it, no one was there but a box was laying in the doorway. She picked it up and read the card that was attached. 

"I hope you love the dress. Wear it tonight and meet me at the marine park at 8 p.m. Love, YoungBae."

Tori shook her head and smiled as she pulled out the red dress (L_g0015523290.jpg) that he bought her. The scene moved to show Taeyang getting ready and putting on the final touches of his suit (images). He was standing in front of a path of rose petals that had candles lighting the entire path that led to a table on a glass floor that was placed over half of the water. 

One of the black vans from YG pulled up in front of him and out stepped Tori in the red dress and her hair lightly curled and pulled to the side. His breath was taken away by the sight of her and she couldn't help but be dazzled by the way he looked. Without a word, he offered her his arm and they walked down the path of rose petals to the table. As the meal went on and they talked, Taeyang kept looking around as if waiting for something to happen.

"Oppa? What are you looking for?" asked Tori, turning to look behind her. 

"Nothing. I'm just nervous. Anyway, what I asked you here for is to ask you something really important" said Taeyang, getting up and escorting Tori closer to the middle of the tank.

He stopped a few feet away from the edge of the glass flooring and then nodded his head at someone she couldn't see. Soon, she saw something dart around in the water and realized that they were standing about the dolphin tank. Tori watched as the dolphins swam around and started playing in the water in front of them. 

"Tori, you have been the only girl I have ever imagined myself being with. You are one of the best friends I have and ever will have. So knowing that you are the most important person in my life right now... will you marry me?" asked Taeyang, getting on one knee and pulling out an engagement ring in the shape of the sun (rubidimring.jpg). 

Tori had tears running down her cheeks and a smile on her face. She nodded her head before saying "yes." Taeyang slipped the ring on her left ring finger and then got up to face her. As they embraced each other, the dolphins did a flip out of the water and started putting on a show for the couple. 

"I guess they are happy for us" said Tori, watching as the show went on. 

"I think so" replied Taeyang, giving Tori a sweet kiss as the scene faded to black and the episode ended. 

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))