At Home We Aren't Idols, We're A Family

My Idol Romance

IMPORTANT Author's Note:

Before you read this chapter, I changed the chapter where I asked for help with the fan related things (Chapter 44) into the girls' debut chapter. I don't know if this site alerts readers when an author changes a chapter, but I will update again just in case! Enjoy reading~



I laughed as Bae Oppa tried his best to get Ginger to roll over, but she just would not listen to him. He had been trying to get her to do it for the past ten minutes. I thought it wouldn't be the best to show him that I taught her to do that, and I guess I was right. 

"She doesn't want to listen to you" I said, taking another spoonful of ice cream. 

"So she only listens to you?" asked Oppa, looking at me with one eyebrow raised. 


I continued eating my ice cream while he tried to get her attention. After watching for another couple minutes, I finally took pity on Oppa. 

"Gingi! Sit... down.... roll" I said, watching as she automatically went into the commands but stopped so her tummy was facing us. 

"No, all the way Ginger" I said again, getting her to roll over all the way and then howl. 

"I can't believe it. Your dog is prejudice" said Oppa, looking at me wide eyed. 

"How is she prejudice?"

"She won't listen to anyone but you. She's prejudice towards everyone that's not you" replied Oppa, pointing at Ginger while she tilted her head to the side. 

"She's not prejudice. She just knows who her mommy is" I said, watching as she decided to go and lay down on her bed. 

"So she listens to her mom but not her dad? I see how it is" said Oppa, leaning back against the couch and putting his head on my knees. 

Currently, both of us were in my dorm relaxing on the couch (or on the floor in Oppa's case) after going out to eat dinner with the YG Family to celebrate Morning Star's debut and win on Inkigayo. On the way back, we picked up some ice cream and decided to watch T.V. while we ate. 

"You see how what is?" I asked, running my fingers through his mohawk.

"All the female children love their mother more than their fathers while the male children like their fathers more than their mothers" he replied, closing his eyes and sighing.

"By children, you mean Ginger and Boss, right?" I asked.

He nodded his head while I continued playing with the hair he has. I thought about what he said for a little bit while watching the rerun episode of some drama. I also noticed that he needs to get a hair cut soon. 

"I don't think you have it right. All the children love me more than you" I said, leaning down and kissing his forehead. 

He turned around and looked at me shocked before agreeing with me. I laughed and watched as he switched it to the Arirang network channel. 

"Next up on our groups to watch is Morning Star. Morning Star is a group of 8 girls who all have an international background. These girls just had their Korean debut with their 1st full album. The title track, I Don't Know, has been getting a lot of love from fans, so much love that the girls won the Inkigayo Take 7 award on their debut. It was amazing to see the girls in action. Their company, YG Entertainment, released their official fan club information a few days ago when the album came out, and it said that the fan club has been named 'Fireflies.' The company also released Morning Star merchandise along with the album. It looks like these international girls are taking Korea by storm. Good luck on your future success Morning Star" said the host, before going on to another group.

"Look at that. You are already being mentioned on T.V." joked Bae Oppa, eating more of his ice cream.

"It's not that big a deal. I just wish we didn't have to fly to Japan when we get a break from the Korea music programs. We have to go over there and perform 'Only You' and then come straight back here to debut on Music Core" I said, sighing at the thought of how tired we all were going to be. 

"Don't worry about it too much. Let's just relax and forget about being idols for a little while. Right now, it is just you, Tori Hinatsu, and me, Dong YoungBae" replied Oppa, coming and sitting beside me on the couch. 

I moved so I was leaning against him while we continued to watch the Arirang channel. An interview was coming on with the U-KISS members Eli and Kevin. They were talking about different questions when a question from a viewer came up saying: "I love U-KISS, but I'm also a fan of a lot of the girl groups that have debuted this past year. Are you or any of the other U-KISS members fans of these girl groups and also which groups?"

"So, do you two or any of the other members have a girl group that you are interested in?" asked the host.

"Right now, all of us are interested in learning more about the girl group Morning Star. Dongho, Kevin, and AJ know a lot about them and are teaching the rest of us what they know, so slowly but surely, U-KISS are turning into Fireflies" replied Eli.

"Kevin, how long have you been a fan of Morning Star?"

"I actually started noticing them when I saw the episode of Strong Heart that had Tori-shii on it along with Taeyang Hyung. Since then, I have been looking at a lot of their fan pages on the internet to find out more about the girls" replied Kevin. 

"Wow! Have you gotten to meet them yet?"

"No, not yet. Hopefully when we have our comeback, we will be able to meet" replied Kevin, smiling.

"Well, why don't you send them a video letter in case they see this interview?" asked the host, as the screen changed. 

"Hey Morning Star. This is Kevin from U-KISS. I want to tell you congratulations on your debut in Korea and in Japan. Umm... please take care of your health while promoting and hopefully we can meet each other soon" said Kevin, acting awkward. 

The interview went on to more questions while I watched Oppa. He didn't look too upset but I could see in his eyes that he was a little flustered. 

"So... trying to get used to jealousy?" I asked, continuing to look at him. 

"Well at least now I know what you went through" he said, laughing to brush off the moment before.

We continued watching T.V. until we both started getting tired. He laid us down and pulled the blanket off the back of the couch to cover us with. About halfway through an episode of Heartstrings, we both went to dreamland. 




Chapter 44's content has been changed into their debut. Go check it out if you want to.


The image for this chapter is actually a picture of the dog I based Ginger off of. I thought it would be good to let you all see her since she is a pretty unique dog who can't really match a description well. 

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))