That's what I call a kiss scene

My Idol Romance

It was currently 3 a.m. and the entire cast and crew of Criminal Minds was standing in the LAX airport preparing to film one of the last scenes for the episodes I'm in. Ironically, it was also the scene where I have to kiss Matthew. It was bad enough that he was sort of, kind of, freaking out about it (not that he would admit that to anyone), but that I don't even think I could do the scene now. Before, I was fine with it because I had watched Bae Oppa do kiss scenes with the girls in his music videos and relaxed when he said that as long as I don't kiss Matthew 30 times, he's okay with it.

"Tori, are you ready for the scene?" asked A.J., coming up beside me.

She and Paget have been the people I have been talking to the most since the fight with Oppa. I told them everything about our relationship from the time we meet to becoming friends because of Ji Oppa as well as what we talked about and what happened between us while I was in school in Japan to us becoming a couple and everything afterwards. They helped me figure out the things that were clouded in my mind, and they help me keep up the strength to go on with filming so I could return to Korea.

"Yeah, I'll do my best" I said, smiling a little.

"You know that you can tell them that you aren't comfortable with doing the scene. They will change it" replied Paget.

"No, that will be an inconvenience to everyone. Let's just get it over with" I replied, walking up to the set.

I joined the guys while the director was going over the basic plot of the scene and a few lines.

"Tori, you are supposed to walk away after saying goodbye, but after you get out of camera view wait for my signal to come back in and do the kiss. Got it?"

"Got it. Let's do this" I said, acting happy.

The guys looked at me with knowing gazes. They knew it was a front that I put on in front of the crew to hide the pain I had inside. We got set in our places and when the camera was ready, the director called action.

"You really have to go back?" asked Matthew, putting on his best disappointed Reid expression.

"Yeah, my company decided to let us release our album earlier than expected, so we have to start promoting it next week. After that, there is talk of an Asian tour before going international. Besides, I think it will be nice to get away for awhile" I replied, laughing a little at the end. 

"Well, anytime you are in the D.C. area, let us know. We would be happy to show you around" said Shemar, smiling.

"Sure you would" injected Paget, walking off with A.J. and Shemar.

The two started bickering back in for while I laughed. Joe came up and hugged me while saying "I wish you luck kid. Keep in touch." He let go and then went out of the shot leaving me with Matthew and Thomas. 

"Have a safe trip. Anytime you have a question or just want to call and check up, don't hesitate to" said Thomas, putting his hand on my shoulder and squeezing it a little. 

A recording of a voice calling a flight to Korea came from a little speaker signaling that was my cue to walk out of the shot. 

"Well, that's my flight. I better get going. Have a safe trip to D.C." I said, smiling and then turning and walking off set. 

I was waiting while they filmed the next scene where the team convinces Reid to come and catch me. After a few minutes of waiting, I  saw the director give me my cue to come back. Just then I heard someone shout my name as the noise became a little louder around us as some flights unloaded. I looked around to see two people running in my direction. 


I dropped the bag I was carrying and ran to meet him. Without a second thought, I jumped into his arms and held on as tight as I possibly could. We stood there for I don't know how long. He kept on whispering "I'm sorry. I was an idiot. I'm so sorry." I was crying while he held me as tight as he possibly could. After a while we both calmed down, I moved back a little to look at him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I missed you too much. Besides, I had to come see you. I had to apologize, in person, since I was such an idiot. I trust you, I do. I just lost it when I saw that picture. I'm so sorry for everything. Forgive me please. I promise that I will try to never be as jealous as I was again. Tell what you want me to do and I'll do it. Just forgive me" said Oppa, pulling me back to his chest and holding me there. 

I held him as he calmed down. I couldn't believe that he and Ji Oppa would fly to L.A. just so he could apologize to me. We held each other for another moment before he looked at me.

"Tell me what to do" he begged. 

"Kiss me."

Without a second, he puts his lips on mine and everything was right with the world. It wasn't the longest kiss we've had but it was enough for the moment. He put his forehead on mine and looked me in the eye. 

"I'm not letting you go. Not now, not ever, and especially not to another man" said Bae Oppa, pecking me on the lips again. 

"Now that is what I call a kiss scene" shouted the director, causing everyone including us to laugh. 

"How do you know what they said?" asked Thomas. 

"He translated" replied the director, pointing to Ji Oppa who was waving at us with a huge smile on his face.

I laughed and went and gave Ji Oppa a hug. 

"Thank you for coming with him" I said. 

"No problem, what are best friends for" replied Ji Oppa, speaking in English. 

After our reunion, the director got everyone's attention back and we finished filming the scene, kiss and all. Bae Oppa and Ji Oppa stood at the back of everything as I finished. I was walking back to them when I saw that they were talking to Shemar and Matthew. I hurried over in time to hear their conversation finish.

"I wanted to come apologize in person. I didn't mean anything by it, and I regret doing it. I'm really sorry for causing you and Tori to start fighting" said Shemar, looking at the floor and then back to Oppa.

I went over and hugged Bae Oppa while he was talking. Oppa put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"It's fine. I over reacted and lost control. I forgot how different America and Korea are. No harm done" said Oppa, holding out his hand for Shemar to shake. 

"So, you don't mind the scene we just shot" asked Matthew, looking worried because to tell you the truth, Oppa has more muscle than Matthew does. 

Apparently, to Matthew, height isn't an advantage when it comes to fighting. 

"Not at all. I've had to do kiss scenes before for music videos. My first kiss was actually during a filming for one of them. As long as she comes back, I'm perfectly happy" replied Bae Oppa, kissing my forehead. 

"Well, aren't you two snuggled up nice?" joked Joe, coming over and joining us.

"I see everything is fine now. You two are acting like nothing ever happened, so I'm guessing all is forgiven and forgotten" asked A.J.

"Yup. The world is back in order" I said, putting my head on Oppa's shoulder. 

"Hey, I'm the chaperon here. No acting lovey-dovey while talking to people" said Ji Oppa, causing everyone to laugh. 

"You don't have to break it up. It's cute. It's not everyday you see two people who love each other this much" said Paget.

"I see it everyday. I have to live with the guy" responded Ji Oppa, huffing a little.

We laughed and continued talking to the cast before heading back to the hotel. I let Ji Oppa and Bae Oppa stay in my room tonight since tomorrow was my last day. Ji Oppa fell asleep as soon as he laid down on the bed, so Bae Oppa and I stayed up and watched TV.

After watching about 30 minutes, I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes. I felt him wrap his arm around me and my hair. In the morning, I woke up to being held in his arms while Ji Oppa hit us with a pillow to get up for my performance shot. 

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))