Surprises happen everywhere!!!

My Idol Romance

I looked at the clock again, anxious for 11:45 pm to come. It was currently 11:27 and I was already sighing like the clock couldn't move fast enough. 

"Are you that anxious to see YoungBae?" asked Teddy, with his somehow perfect English. 

You see, Teddy had been in Korea longer than I have and speaks Korean more than Morning Star does, so I don't really get how he still has the American accent along with his Korean accent. Of course, he goes back and forth a lot to visit his girlfriend and his family, but it still gets me. But... I really shouldn't be talking about it. All the girls of Morning Star don't say that we have learnt a language until we can speak it with the correct accent, which is saying something since all of us speak at least 5 languages. (English, Japanese, and Korean are mandatory. After that we've picked different languages.)

"Kinda. I wanna see his reaction to my new hair color. I haven't told any of them about me going blonde yet" I replied, looking up a few of the recently created fan-sites for Morning Star. 

"I don't think it looks too bad. It looks really natural on you, but that's the American looks coming out so..." joked Teddy, laughing at my expression of hurt. 

"And to think you are the first person who has gotten to see it. I just got it done and had them put it up in a hat so I could surprise everyone, and this is what I get. I get made fun of because I look American with it" I said, acting hurt and mad. 

"It's a good thing. Why do you think so many idols are going blonde?" asked Teddy, turning around and working on the computer again. 

"What do you think about YG hyung's idea about realizing a Korean mini-album and a Japanese single at the same time? Will you all be able to handle going back and forth between Japan and Korea?" 

"I think we can. There aren't that many performance shows in Japan, so that makes the ones in Korea a little more mandatory. Besides, I don't think a lot of music programs will make a slot for a newly debuted group. Did you see what Inkigayo did to Block B's debut on their show? They cut it down to almost 2 minutes because of the other groups. Besides, I trust YG Oppa. If says we can do it, I'm not going to let him down" I said, going through the fan-site. 

We continued talking about what songs we should put on the Korean mini-album and also the complete feel we want. I didn't realize how much time passed while we were going through the songs. When I was about to look up at the clock, a person came and knocked on the door. 

"Tori-ah, it's time to leave and pick up the boys. Do you still want to come?"

"Neh. I'm coming. Bye Teddy, I'll be back soon" I said, running out of the room. 

It took about 15 minutes to get to the airport from the YG Building, so I was listening to the songs that were being considered for our Korean debut while talking about them with Boram Oppa. It turned out that he apparently already knew I would want to go pick up Oppa and the others, so he offered to drive me over to the airport to pick them up. 

"Boram Oppa, are you sure Oppa doesn't come to you for advise? It seems like you know more about me than I do about you" I said, joking a little bit as we walked into the airport together.

"I'm not going to answer that, because even if he does or does not, you aren't going to find out if or who he goes to" replied Boram Oppa, leading the way to their gate. 

Since it was so late at night not many people were in the airport, so I didn't wear a hat or sunglass to hide who I was. Don't ask me why YG Oppa told me to start doing it, but I think he is preparing for when we have to use disguises in public after our debut. I don't know?

Anyway, we were waiting for them to come off the flight a little distance away from everyone so people could come out. When they finally appeared on the gate, Boram Oppa stepped in front of me and started waving them over. As they started coming over and people cleared the way, I realized I was too happy to see Bae Oppa to just hide and surprise him. I came from behind Boram Oppa and ran towards Bae Oppa. 

"Oppa!" I said/shouted, coming closer to him. 

"Tori-ah" replied Bae Oppa, dropping his bag and catching me when I hugged him. 

He spun me around a couple times before setting me down. I looked up at him and smiled while he looked at my hair. He ran his fingers through it a few times before asking the question I have heard multiple times in the past two hours. 

"You dyed your hair blonde?" 

"Do you like it? It doesn't look bad, does it?" I asked. 

"It looks amazing. I just don't think I could have imagined you would turn your hair blonde, but it doesn't matter. What are you doing here?"

"I came with Boram Oppa to pick you all up. I wanted to surprise you all with my new hair and also that we are debuting within the next two months!" I said, smiling till it turned into an eye-smile too. 

"Really?" asked all the boys, looking at me and Boram Oppa.

"YG is making the announcement next week but is already starting teasers about the news" replied Boram Oppa.

Bae Oppa hugged me tighter and kept saying how proud he was of me and that he couldn't wait to see me on stage. I was laughing the entire time while I heard the guys making gagging noises and telling us to calm down with the skin-ship. 

"What? I can't hug my girlfriend?" asked Bae Oppa, joking around with the guys as we all went towards baggage. 

They all got their luggage and started towards the exit. I was hanging in the back with Bae Oppa when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw a group of three girls standing behind me. 

"We're sorry to bother you, but can we get your autograph?" asked the girls, looking at me.

"You want Taeyang-shii's autograph, you mean?" I asked, looking up at Bae Oppa confused. 

"No. I mean, of course we would love to have it, but you are Tori, right? The leader of Morning Star?" asked one of the girls. 

"Yes, that's me" I replied, looking at them surprised.

"We are actually members of a Morning Star fan club that is at our school. We are really big fans of yours and were wondering if you could sign this for us and take a picture with us?"

"I don't see the harm in it. Go ahead and put your stuff in the van. I'll meet you there" I said, motioning for Bae Oppa to go with the others. 

"I'll leave when you do" replied Bae Oppa, laughing and showing off his dazzling eye-smile. 

"Stop showing off Oppa. You really need to learn to control yourself" I said, joking around while I was signing their notebooks. 

I was signing the second girl's book when I heard them fan-girling over the conversation Bae Oppa and I just had. Saying things like "He is so cool," "How can she not be affected by his eye-smile?," "They are so cute together," ect. 

"So, how did your fan club start? Was it someone at your school who started it?" I asked, handing over the book and taking the last one.

"One of our friends at school started it. When all the girls at our school were still a little mad about you two dating, she was always defending you and saying that she was a really big fan of you. It's because of her that we are your fans and of course because of you. She started it when all of us and the other girls stared becoming bigger fans" replied one of them, looking shy while talking to me. 

"Don't be shy. Come on, you said you wanted to take a picture together, right? Do you want Taeyang Oppa to be in it too? I'm sure he is jealous by now because he isn't getting any attention" I said, stage whispering the last sentence. 

The girls laughed at me and nodded while Bae Oppa called Boram Oppa over to take the picture. The girls got set around Bae Oppa and I as we took the picture. They all said thank you and asked if they could get Bae Oppa's signature now. He said it was fine and started signing the notebooks under my signature. It was funny to watch him put a heart around the two of the signatures after he signed.

"So what is this friends' name?" asked Bae Oppa. 

"Her name is Park JiEun" replied one of the girls, looking really happy while hugging her notebook. 

My eyes widened at the name. The same girl who sent me that letter than encouraged me to go ahead and let Morning Star debut is the same girl who got these girl to become my fans. 

"Can I see a piece of paper? I want to write her a note real quick since I couldn't meet her" I asked, as they looked at me. 

"Oh. Of course. Here you go" said one of the girls, tearing out a page and putting it on top. 

I took the book from her and started writing the note on it. When I was finished, I gave it back and told them goodbye while Bae Oppa grabbed my hand and led us to the rest of the guys. We traveled back to YG where Bae Oppa and Ji Oppa decided to skip sleeping and work on the debut material for Morning Star with Teddy Oppa and I. 


3rd POV

Three girls came running into the classroom with smiles on their faces. The room was filled with both guys and girls who were enjoying a free period. 

"Yah, Know Heeyoung, what are you three so happy about?" asked one of the girls they sat down with. 

"You will never believe who we met when we were at the airport yesterday!" replied Heeyoung. 

"Who?" asked another girl, looking at them curiously.

"Tori Unnie and Taeyang Oppa!!" replied all three of the girls. 

"And we got their autographs and took a picture with them" replied Yeunhye. 

The three girls showed their notebooks and the copies of the picture they took. Everyone in the class came over and were gawking at the picture and the notebook while the girl who was looking at them funny was in amazement at seeing the picture. 

"Oh, JiEun-ah. Tori Unnie asked us to give this to you. She said that it was for your eyes only" said Jiyoung, handing the girl in amazement the note Tori wrote. 

JiEun opened the neatly folded note that read:

You are the Park JiEun who wrote a letter to me, aren't you? The letter about turning from an anti-fan to a big fan and then starting a fan club for Morning Star, right? I wanted to say thank you for that. It's because of encouragement from fans like you and your friends that we are able to debut. 

Love <3

Tori Unnie ^^

Tori's POV

Bae Oppa and I were currently in the dance studio, playing around until Jae Oppa came in to work on the couple's dance he has been working on with us. He was on the computer while I was stretching and getting ready for practice. 

"Tori, come look at this. It's a fan article about our little scene at the airport a few days ago" said Bae Oppa, laughing as he read it out loud. 

I was laughing as I was listening to it and came over to look at the pictures. I read some of the comments that said "I didn't even recognize her," "She looks really good with blonde hair," They look so happy together," "These two are too cute that it is making all single people jealous, all over the world."

"Well, it looks like my hair isn't going to be a surprise anymore. Unless I change it again next week before we go on TV" I said, contemplating what to do next. 

"No way. You look beautiful and to tell you the truth, you are hot as a blonde" replied Bae Oppa, coming over and giving me a back hug. 

"Are you trying to be smooth? Oh my God, you are actually trying a pick-up line on me. That is one of the most hilarious things I have ever heard" I said, laughing at Bae Oppa's failed attempt to be smooth. 

"It's the truth. I loved the way you looked before, but this color is ier. And don't deny it, you know very well that I'm smooth" said Bae Oppa, grabbing me by the waist and turning me into his chest. 

I leaned up and kissed him. He smiled into the kiss and ran his hands through my hair again. 

"Sure you are Oppa" I said, getting out of his embrace and walking to the computer. 

"Hey, I got a kiss out of it, so I'm happy" replied Bae Oppa, doing a backflip at the end to show how happy he was. 
































SURPRISE!!!!!!!!! ^^

{I said they happen everywhere. (^.^)v}

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))