Breakups and injuries

My Idol Romance

It looks like Taeyang from Big Bang may be getting a girlfriend this year. According to a tip we got from one of our loyal readers, Taeyang was spotted with a girl coming out from one of their Love and Hope concerts. At first, the person thought it was a dancer until he hugged her and they got in the same car together. Other fans have been blowing up the forums asking how the girl was. Turns out their is an answer, the girl is actually the same person from this video shot for his solo concert 'Solar'. You can watch the video from this link:

What do you think? Do the two make a cute couple or not? Leave your answer in the comments below.

(from YGYBfanatics)


I reread the article a few times before finally showing it to Teddy Oppa.

"Oppa, you don't think that he is cheating on me, do you?" I asked Teddy, in english.

"Bae isn't that type of guy. He cares about you too much to cheat on you. If you want to, why don't we just call him and ask what this article is all about?" said Teddy, pulling out his phone.

I nodded and Teddy dialed his number. It rang a few times before we heard the line pick up.

"Hey, YoungBae-ah. What's up man?" said Teddy.

"I'm sorry, who is this? SOL is busy right now and can't talk on the phone. Call back later" replied a female voice in a harsh tone.

The line was cut and only the sound of the computer voice was heard.

"He's cheating on me..."

"Tori-ah, don't think like that. You don't know that for sure."

"Who was that girl then? He doesn't let anyone, and I mean anyone, touch his phone. Besides, do you know of any stylist/ make up artist/ or worker that YG Oppa would hire with an attitude like that?" I asked, looking around at the room.

"It could just be a mistake. We'll just call back in a little while like she said to, okay? YoungBae will explain it then. Trust the guy will you?" said Teddy Oppa, laughing a little before turning to work on mixing the last of the Morning Star songs.

About an hour passed by before I checked the YG Life blog. Turns out YG Oppa is already spreading the word about Morning Star thanks to his blog.

"Oppa, YG Oppa posted something about Morning Star on the blog. It says: 'Waiting for a star to shine in the sun? Hold out just a little longer and then watch magic happen.' Did he already set a debut date?"

"He hasn't told me anything. Maybe he wants people to start anticipating it. You know, just get your profiles and pictures out there a little more before we announce the date" said Teddy, going back to his computer.

"Can we call Bae Oppa back now? He should be on break or finished by now, shouldn't he?" I asked, getting a little excited but also scared.

"Okay, hold on. Let's see, ah... there's the number" said Teddy, before pressing send.

It rang about 3 or 4 times before we heard a voice pick up again.

"Hello?" said the same female voice again.

"Is YoungBae there? I need to talk to him about something important" replied Teddy, suddenly sounding a lot more serious than before.

"He's....... busy right now. Can I ask who is calling?" asked the voice, sounding like she was having fun playing with me.

"It's his older brother. Now can I talk to him or not?"

It scared me thinking that Teddy was getting a little peeved off at this girl and that Bae Oppa cheating on me was true.

"Oh, of course. Here he is......... SOL-kun, it's for you. He said he's your older brother."

"Teddy hyung, what's up?"

"YoungBae, who is that girl?" asked Teddy, straight forward as always.

"Mirai, she is just a friend that I hang out with over here. Why?" asked Bae Oppa.

"If she is just a friend, then why is she picking up your phone whenever Tori calls? Why is she refusing to let her talk to you since you went back over there? Why is there an article online talking about you and her dating?" yelled Teddy, standing up and walking around the space in front of his computer.

"What are you talking about? I haven't gotten any calls from Tori except at night when I call her, and what article?" replied Oppa, sounding confused.

"Bae Oppa, there is an article online that is going up on all the Kpop sites saying that you and that girl are dating. There are pictures of you two coming out of different places together and hugging. And to set the record straight, I have called you already five times today alone because I couldn't reach you by text, email, or anything else" I said, as I took the phone from Teddy Oppa before he exploded again.

"Tori, don't worry. She is just a friend, that's all" replied Bae Oppa, "That article is wrong. I would never cheat on you."

"Oppa.... we never said anything about you cheating on me. But, now that I'm thinking about it. I think we need to just take a break for awhile. Just to let you clear your head and make sure you don't regret tying yourself down to me" I said, holding back the tears in my eyes.

"Tori... don't do this" warned Bae Oppa.

"Oppa, you need to take a break.... from us. How about while you are in Japan, you forget you ever had a girlfriend and when you get back, you can either break up with me or we can forget that this thing ever happened. Does that sound okay to you?"

"Of course not! Tori, I'm not going to break up with you!" yelled Bae Oppa through the phone.

"YoungBae Oppa, can we talk about the later when you have the time? I don't want to take away from your practice time. We will talk later, okay?" I said, tears coming down my face.

"Tori, don't you dare hang up this pho..." I cut the line.

I looked at the phone for a few minutes before I broke down. It took everything I had not to start screaming along with my sobs. The first guy I loved probably has cheated on me. Scratch that, the first guy I'm in love with has probably cheated on me.

"I'm so stupid. He has probably cheated on me and here I am, still in love with him. Oppa, am I stupid for still loving him?" I asked, Teddy after I calmed down a little.

"No, because I know you two. The two of you are meant to be together, and this is just a bump in the road. You two will be together again, I don't know how but you will" replied Teddy Oppa, hugging me while I continued to cry.

I stopped sobbing and starting focusing on work to make myself forget about what happened. After another few hours and Bae Oppa calling or texting my phone at least once every 10 minutes, I got up from my chair to get ready to do a demo of a new song I wrote for Morning Star's follow up. As I started walking, Teddy Oppa looked at me weird.

"Are you still limping from falling a couple days ago?"

"Yeah, I guess I bruised it pretty bad. It's probably nothing, if YG Oppa says anything about it, I will just go to the clinic after work" I said, walking towards the booth.

"Tori, I think we need to get it checked out. I'm worried since you are still limping and it looks like not just your knee is swollen. Come on, I'm taking you to the doctor" said Teddy, grabbing his phone and keys before leading me out with my things in his hand.

We got to the orthopedic office about ten minutes later and had me x-rayed and examined.

"From what she is telling me with the locations of pain and from how she is reacting to different spot with pain, there is a possibility of a blood clot being in her leg. Right now, its a little too late for an ultrasound, so I will have my nurse call you tomorrow and set up a time for it to see if its there. If it is, she will have to be put in the hospital right away. If not, come see me the day after and we will take it from there. I will go tell a nurse to bring her a brace and some crutches" said the doctor before leaving the room.

"A... blood..clot. Oppa, will this effect our debut?" I asked.

We were finally getting our chance to live our dream and now it might be lost because of me.

"Let me telling YG Hyung about this" replied Teddy Oppa, going out of the room to make the call.

After a few minutes, a nurse came in and taught me how to put my brace on and take it off. She gave the crutches and led me to where Teddy Oppa was. I looked beside him and saw YG Oppa.

"Tori, are you okay? Teddy told me what the doctor said, and I'm sorry but we will have to push your debut back until you get better and are able to go without the brace. Other than that, you are alright, right?" said YG Oppa.

"Neh Oppa. I'm just praying its not a blood clot like they think it might be" I said.

"I called Big Bang already and told them what happened. I was surprised to hear that YoungBae-ah didn't know about your fall" said YG Oppa.

Tears starting welling up in my eyes again.

"Hyung, we think YoungBae might be cheating on Tori. He and Tori are taking an un-optional break on his part while we find out if he is cheating or not" said Teddy, helping into the car.

"Oh, well. We will find out about that soon, I guess" said YG Oppa, getting in the passenger seat.


Author's Note:

I know that is Yoo In Na in the video, but I had to have something to go with the article (which is fake!!). I'm thinking I might do the next chapter in a different point of view. Maybe... Taeyang's point of view? I don't know, but I'll try it out.

Don't forget to comment about the breakup, injury, and who's point of view I should do for the next chapter. ^^

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))