
My Idol Romance

"We are now landing in Seoul International Airport. Please fasten your seatbelts and once again, thank you for flying Air Seoul" said the pilot.

It took about 5 minutes for us to land and get off the airplane. I had already grabbed all my stuff and was looking around at everything in the airport, looking like an idiot probably. I hadn't been to Seoul in almost 6 years and it seemed like I missed a lot around here. Taking a seat at a little cafe to the side of all the people, I ordered a hot chocolate (I can't stand coffee for some strange reason) and watched the little television they had inside of there playing commericial after commericial featuring famous Korean artists. I wasn't surprised to see Big Bang on a few of them, I just couldn't help smiling at the faces of my childhood best friend, Kwon Jiyoung aka G-Dragon, and my long time (SECRET) crush, Dong YoungBae aka Taeyang.

After another cup of hot chocolate, I took out my phone to try to contact Ji Oppa to see if I could get the address to the apartment that he found me. It felt weird that he had insisted that I let him take care of finding a place to live and the furniture and first month's rent. I mean, we were childhood friends, but that doesn't mean I can take his hard earned money. The phone rang once before I heard a voice on the other end.


"Ji Oppa, guess what?"

"Rae-ah, what? Oh, hold on, Teddy hyung and YoungBae want me to put the phone on speaker."

"Teddy Oppa, Bae Oppa! Oh, well I'm in a cafe at the airport right now. Which means that I did what you asked and finally got my over to Korea!!!"

All I heard from over the phone was Ji Oppa yelling that he needed to come pick me up, but had sooo much work to do. It was actually pretty funny, because usually nothing can take him away from his producing. Thing was, you could hear him screaming loud enough over the phone that the people around me could hear. Let's just say that I'm not in the good graces of some people right now.

"Hey, Jiyoungie. How about I just go pick Rae-ah up? It isn't that far away and we don't want her going around Seoul by herself, do we?" said YoungBae Oppa, thankfully grabbing the phone from Ji Oppa.

"Of course! That way Rae-ah will be safe from harm, I can continue to work, and you can finally..." something cut Ji Oppa off.

"Finally what Oppa?" I asked, probably looking a little curious.

"Nothing Rae-ah. I will see you in front of the airport in about 20 minutes, okay?" said Bae Oppa.

"Okay Oppa. See you soon!"

I can't believe it! My long time crush is picking me up from the airport! It seems like I'm a character from a drama! As I was walking out to meet Bae Oppa, after paying for everything, I saw a cell phone chain that had a little character on it that looked like Boss. Without another thought, I bought two of them and found one that looked like GaHo for Ji Oppa. By the time I got outside with everything, Bae Oppa was leaning against a black SUV in his signature hat and hoody. Of course, I couldn't help but be excited to see him.

"OPPA!!!" I shouted to him as I started jogging over to him.

"TORI-AH!!" shouted Bae Oppa back as he pulled me in for a hug.

"I see you haven't changed as much as I thought from your voice. Maybe a better fashion sense than last time, but other than that you are still as perfect as you were before" said Oppa as he was putting my things inside the SUV.

I couldn't help blushing at that last comment. Now I was starting to feel self-concious about my outfit. It was made up of a pair of jeans, a pair of black converse sneakers, and a SOLAR tee-shirt that Ji Oppa had sent me that just so happened to fit me like a glove.

"Come on, it is getting a little colder and I don't want Ji to get on my back if you start to catch something" said Bae Oppa, helping me into the car.

After getting on the road and sitting in silence for a while, I was trying to think of something to talk about with him. That was until I remembered the phone chains in my pocket. I pulled them out and looked at them for a little bit.

"Hey, what do you have there?" asked YoungBae Oppa, peaking over at the chains when he wasn't watching the road.

"I got them for you and Ji Oppa at the airport since I was in a rush at the one in Japan. They were shaped like Boss and GaHo so I couldn't resist to get them for you guys" I replied, holding the three of them up for him to look at while we were at a stop.

"They are cute, but why are there three if you only bought them for two people?"

I can't say that I was going to keep the second Boss one and use it on my phone. I need to make something up and fast.

"There were only three left and I got it just incase someone wanted it. It was too cute to just leave when I got the other two."

Bae Oppa nodded his head and after a few minutes pulled into a parking lot on the side of the street. I didn't know what was going on, so I asked but everytime he would shake his head.

When we were parked, he pulled the Boss chains out of my hands, and held out his other hand.

"Why are you holding out your other hand?" I asked, looking at it confusingly.

"Your phone" replied YoungBae Oppa.

"Okay" I said, handing him my phone.

I watched as he attached the Boss chain to my phone and then attached the other one to his phone. He held the two of them up and inspected them to make sure that they were on the phones tight enough. He handed me my phone back.

"Why did you do that?" I asked looking at Bae Oppa.

"Aren't you Boss' mom? That's what you were saying when we would talk to you over the phone or video chat."

"Oh, I didn't think you would actually allow me to be his mom. Since you consider yourself his dad and your girlfriend should be his mom then" I said thinking back to the rumors going around in Japan that YoungBae and JiHye were dating off stage.

"I don't have a girlfriend, Tori-ah. Besides, Boss loves you too much for you to not be his mom. He gets excited when he hears us talking about you and when we are talking to you. It is actually really weird how much he likes you even though he has never seen you in person before" said Bae Oppa, looking at me from the driver's seat.

"You talk about me? I hope you aren't insulting me Bae Oppa" I replied, crossing my arms over my chest and looking at Bae Oppa with a pout.

"Quit with the face already" said Bae Oppa, poking my forehead, "But really, whenever we talk about you. It is always good no matter what. To us, you can't do wrong. Just remember that."

After that Bae Oppa did something that I thought only happened in my dreams. He kissed me on the forehead while petting the back of my head with his hand. I was blushing after that and sat straight in my seat as he moved to back the car up and continued driving to the YG Building.

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))