This feels right

My Idol Romance

"Tori... Tori.... TORI! WAKE UP ALREADY!!!"

"Hilary Unnie? Why are you in my room... at 4:30 in the morning?"

"You need to get up so we can start getting ready for the wedding this afternoon" said Hilary Unnie.

"At 4:30 in the morning? The wedding isn't until 6:30 tonight. I'm going back to sleep."

"Tori, you go back to sleep, and I promise all of your appointments will be cancelled" threatened Amelia Unnie.

"Neh, neh. I'm up" I replied, sitting up in the bed.

"Good, now put on something comfortable and we will head down to get breakfast with the other girls. Then we are going to head out" said Hilary Unnie, walking out of the room with Amelia Unnie.

About five minutes later, I was walking out of the room in a white tank top and a pair of Bae Oppa's sweat pants. I had my waist-length hair down and straight and no make-up. I was about to get on the elevator when I remembered I left my sunglasses in Bae Oppa's room last night when we were hanging out. 

"Guess I have to take a detour" I said to myself, smiling.

I walked up the hall to his room, and knocked on the door. I already knew that he probably would be too tired to even remember this happening later. After knocking for the third time, his door opened and he was standing their in nothing but a pair of sweats.

"Baby? Why are you up?" asked Bae Oppa, yawning and pulling me into the room and hugging me.

"I have to get an early start today since I have to go to a bunch of appointments before the wedding tonight. I came by to get my sunglasses" I said, getting out of his embrace and walking to the desk I left them on.

"Baby, come back to bed with me. It's weird not holding you when I sleep. I will make you new appointments when we wake up later" said Oppa, pulling me to the bed with him.

"Sorry, but the girls are waiting on me. I promised to do all of the preparations with them. I'll see you when I walk down the aisle, okay?" I said, petting his head and running my fingers through his hair.

"Fine. I'm going back to sleep" said Oppa, climbing into bed again.

"Sleep tight Oppa" I said, pulling the covers over him and going out of the room.

I finally got downstairs to the girls and was pulled straight to the van to get started on all the appointments. Thank heavens Maria Unnie saved me some things to eat for breakfast. All I remember about the day is everything being a blur up until I was in the tent/ waiting/ dress room for the bride.

"Oh, Tori! You look so beautiful."

"Thank you Eomeonim."

I hugged both of Oppa's parents while his older brother stood behind them. Since I started planning the wedding, I really wanted to get his family's input on everything and make them a big part of the wedding since my family couldn't be. 

"My baby brother is a lucky man to be getting such a beautiful wife. Then again, I get a little sister, so welcome to the family, officially" said HyunBae, hugging me.

"You look so beautiful in that dress. It still takes my breathe away just like it did when you first tried it on" said Eomeonim, walking around and inspecting the dress. 


Every now and then she would move a piece of fabric or fluff it out more, but it felt like she wasn't my future husband's mother but mine. Fixing and noticing every little detail, making sure her baby is ready to meet the man of her dreams. 

"Tori, you are one of the most beautiful brides I have ever seen" said Abeoji.

"Thank you. I'm so nervous though. Were you like this on your wedding day Eomeonim?" I asked, looking at her.

"Call me Umma dear. You don't have to be so formal anymore, never had to be formal. But I was as nervous as you probably are too. It will go away as soon as you start walking down the aisle, Mother's word" said Umma, patting my hand. 

"Tori, there is someone who wants to speak to the bride out here" said Maria Unnie, smirking while mouthing that it was Oppa.

"Well, we will leave you two alone. I will see you after the ceremony" said Abeoji, "Also, call me Appa. You are family now, be comfortable with us, neh?"

"Neh Appa. I will see you all later" I said, waving as they exited the tent.

"Dong YoungBae, you aren't supposed to see the bride before the wedding! Do you know how much bad luck you could cause?" scolded Umma.

"I know, I was going to speak to her through the curtain. I just need to hear her voice" said Oppa, causing me to blush.

"Come on, Umma. He's not going to see her. By the way, just wait until you see her. She is more beautiful than in that other wedding dress from before" said HyunBae.

I heard footstep go away from the opening before Oppa called me through the door.


"Yes Oppa?"

"Are you nervous about this?"

"A little. You?"

"Yeah. I've been thinking. Before we go on our honeymoon, why don't we stop by Tokyo for a day or two?"

"Why Tokyo?"

"So I can finally greet my father and mother in law properly, and you can introduce all your friends from Johnny's Entertainment to your husband."

"Of course Oppa. Can I ask you something?"

"Anything baby."

"Do you think you will regret it in the future if you go through with this marriage?"

"No, baby, I love you. You are the only girl I've ever truely loved. This has to be the nerves talking, you know I love you."

"I know, I know. I'm just worried that we will end up like those couple that end up getting divorced after a year or two."

"We'll get into fights and we will run into problem and obsticles, but as long as you are by my side, I'm never going to let you go."

"I love you YoungBae."

"I love you too RaeJi. I'll see you at the alter."

"I'll be the one in white."

"No, you will be the one with angel wings on her back. I'll see you soon, love you."

"Love you too."

I heard him walk away from the door, and a couple minutes later, I got the call that I needed to head on down to get ready to walk down the aisle. I fixed my veil and did a last minute touch up for my make up before walking down to the tent that was set up at the entrance of the ceremony place.

The entire thing was beautiful. We had an tent set up that was facing the ocean and between it and the ocean were chairs for the guest and an archway where the ceremony would be held. Inside the tent, we had a piano set up, so music could be played and it wouldn't get ruined by sand or water. All of our close friends were there, but then again, most of them were either idols, actors/ actresses, or staff/ managers. 

I got in and went to the side of the tent so I wouldn't be seen before the wedding march started. Ji Oppa was standing there waiting for me with my bouquet of white roses. I hugged him and heard him laugh a little.

"Who would have thought that you would ask the best man to walk you down the aisle?"

"You are my best friend. No, you are our best friend, and besides, I can't have all the eyes looking at the best man while the bride is walking down the aisle."

"Stop kidding yourself. YoungBae is going to be speechless when you walk down the aisle. If you weren't going to marry him, I would marry you myself."

"Ji Oppa... thank you, for everything. I don't know what I could have done without you. Without you, I don't know where I would be right now."

"Thank you for being my friend and never doubting me even when I doubted myself. Also, thank you for making my brother the happiest man in the world today" said Ji Oppa, pulling the veil over my face and adjusting it.

The wedding party had just finished walking out of the tent and the curtain closed again while the end of the song played. Ji Oppa led me over to the entrance way, and handed me the roses before putting my hand on his arm. As the curtains opened, I looked out and my eyes locked right onto YoungBae's.

You could see his breath be taken away before Daesungie put his hand on his shoulder and, probably, reminded him to breathe. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, and just like that, every bad thought and worry I had went away. I knew and felt that this was the right thing to do. This is my soulmate, this is the man I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with.

"Who gives away this woman?"

"I do" said Ji Oppa.

He placed my hand in Oppa's before taking Daesungie's place beside YoungBae while Daesungie took a step to the side, joining TOP Oppa and Seungri-ah. I handed my bouquet to Samantha Unnie, the maid-of-honor. The rest of the ceremony was spent with me looking into YoungBae's eyes and waiting for the final words of the ceremony.

"I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

YoungBae lifted the veil over my head, and put his hand on my cheek before kissing me. It was a sweet kiss, but I felt all the love he had for me. I only hope I will be able to show him just as much.

"It is my honor, no, pleasure to present to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Dong YoungBae."

The crowd cheered as we walked down the aisle together. I looked at the people in the crowd and saw a lot of the celebrities that I've met. Some of the SNSD girls were there with a few Super Junior members and the SHINee guys. I could have sworn I saw that Yuri, Sooyoung, and Taeyeon had tears in their eyes. The members of U-KISS were there as well as the Block B guys. I heard a shout in Japanese and saw that the Hey! Say! JUMP boys and KAT-TUN had come along with Johnny papa to witness the ceremony.

We went through the tent and back to the dress rooms to wait on the rest of the people before going back and taking pictures while the reception was beginning.

"So, how does it feel to be married, Mrs. YoungBae?"

"Amazing! How does it feel to have a wife, Mr. YoungBae?"

"Like I'm on top of the world" said Oppa, kissing me again.

"I love you Dong RaeJi."

"I love you too Dong YoungBae."


Warning: only one chapter left in this story and then sequel will begin

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))