Paparazzi and fans

My Idol Romance

"Okay, okay. We will be down in a minute."

"Who was it?" I asked.

"Jiyongie. He said that we need to be downstairs to go to the salon before we got to the press conference. Apparently, all of YG Entertainment and Morning Star are going to be at the announcement. So, that means... time to get up" said Bae Oppa, sitting both of us up. 

"I don't wanna. Let me sleep for a few more minutes. I stayed up later than you, remember" I said, snuggling into Bae's chest.

"Who fault is that?"

"SHINee called. What did you want me to say? Sorry, can't talk right now because I have to go to bed and get ready to be torn apart by VIPs at a press conference. Do we have to go?" I asked again, still half awake. 

Bae Oppa laughed and picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. He sat me down on the toilet seat before bending down to face me. 

"Now, get ready. You don't have to do hair or make up, but at least look okay to walk out of the building. I'm going to go get dressed. You better be ready when I get back" commanded Bae Oppa before stealing a kiss and walking out of the room.

I started brushing my teeth and combing my hair. I thank God for telling me to get a shower last night, because I probably will fall if I go anywhere near water right now. After that, I went to my closet and selected some very comfy but fashion forward clothes. 

I was wearing a pair of jeans with the Big Bang skull on them along with a loose black shirt. I grabbed a pair of black, open toed, combat "boot" heels and a pair of black aviators. On the way out the door, I grabbed the black backpack/ purse that CL had gotten me while they were in the Philippines for their concert.

Bae Oppa was waiting at the door for me. He looked at me and whistled.

"I said to not dress up. What's this?" he asked before grabbing me and pulling me to him.

"Not dressing up. Let's go, you need a hair cut and I want to dye my hair again" I said, before pulling him out the door.

 We got downstairs and saw that there were two vans outside the dorms as well as Bae Oppa's SUV. I met up with Ji Oppa before going outside and was happy I did. There were reporters outside trying to get shots of Bae Oppa and I before the press conference. I wasn't surprised to see a few, well not a few more like a lot of, fans out there with them. 

I felt Bae Oppa grab my hand as I fixed my glasses. He led me to his SUV and got me settled before going to the driver's side and heading off to the salon. 

"So, back there was just the beginning. We will have to face that again at the salon. You ready?" asked Ji Oppa, from the back seat.

"As I'll ever be" I answered before we got to the place. 

When we got there, it was even more chaos. There were more fans than reporters at this place, so Bae Oppa had to actually park and wait for Boram Oppa to help clear the way with the help of the other managers. The entire time, we never let go of our hands. It was when we got inside and calmed down a little that we realized that all of the blinds and windows were closed and covered. 

"We have been getting more and more people trying to come in and take photos or hide to get a picture of you two. Who knew that you two would be such a hot topic?" joked the manager of the salon, shaking Bae Oppa's hand and then mine.

"So, I'm guessing a touch up for Taeyang-shii, and for you? What would you like done?" 

"I want to get blonde highlights again, faint red highlights, and I was wondering something if we could do something a little crazy with the blonde. I was thinking of maybe getting the blonde to fade into a teal/ green color" I asked, showing them a picture I had taken when I was at the beach with the Morning Star girls a couple weeks ago. 

They looked at it, and were saying how shocking it was that it looked good. They looked at me and one of them said to let them take care of it. That was basically our first half of the day, sitting in chairs getting hair, make up, and having our press conference outfits brought to us as more and more members of YG Entertainment and Morning Star arrived at the salon. 

It was now time for the press conference to start, and I was getting more nervous than when I performed on stage. I was in a dress that Samantha had come up with, and it was becoming a hit with the reporters. There were reporters talking about our different fashions and also how we all interacted with each other. It wasn't until YG Oppa came in did the room become silent. 

"As you all know, we have gathered you all here today to explain the pictures that have been circling around the internet with Taeyang-shii and Tori-shii in them. To make the explanation brief, we have decided to just make an announcement on whether or not the two are dating. I will let them take it from here" prompted YG Oppa, after sitting down on the other side of Bae Oppa.

"As President Yang said, we would like to make an announcement. I would like to announce that Tori-shii and I are officially dating and have been for close to half a year now" said Bae Oppa, grabbing my hand that was on the table.

A roar was heard across the room as people started asking questions and also started talking amongst each other about what was just said. 

"I can speak for both of us when I say that we are sorry for not announcing it to the fans earlier, but that we would appreciate it if you would support us being together. As most of you know, I have never had a girlfriend before Tori-shii and she has never had a boyfriend before me, so we are both learning along the way but hope that as we grow in our relationship together that our fans will support us and stand beside us. Now, are there any questions, since there is a little time left?" asked Bae Oppa, hoping to get some of the attention off of him.

YG Oppa pointed to a man in the second row and allowed him to ask his question.

"Tori-shii, is Morning Star's debut going to be affected by this news coming out? Aren't you, as leader, worried that this will cause an increased number of anti-fans even before your group debuts?"

"I have thought about that same question a million times in a million different ways and I have talked about it with the other members.  They are the ones who said that its wrong to put the news about Taeyang-shii and I dating off until after the debut because in the end, I would end up feeling guilty for lying during our debut. I know we will be affected by this news and that I will get a big number of anti-fans, but as long as I have my friends and Taeyang-shii by my side, I will keep on trying to make them see that I'm not someone to hate."

"Taeyang-shii, do you feel the same way?" asked the same man.

"I stand by Tori-shii in all her decisions. If there is an increase in her anti-fans, than we will be standing there together trying to show the world that she isn't a person who you can hate. All of us have a hard time staying mad at her much less hating her" joked Bae Oppa, before pointing to another reporter.

It continued like this for about another 15 minutes before the press conference ended and all the reporters were herded out of the room.

"We survived it. I'm surprised that none of the VIPs tried to attack" joked Seungri, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Don't count on it just yet. We still have to go back to the dorms. I think I will stay there tonight, just to be on the safe side" said TOP Oppa before walking over to Teddy Oppa. 

All of us continued talking and joking around until it was declared safe to exit the building. When everyone had gone out before us, I held Bae Oppa's hand as we walked out to the SUV. Both of us weren't expecting to see fans on the sidewalk shouting "Tae-ri" and holding up signs saying "We support you," "Cute Couple," etc. Before we got to the SUV, a little girl got from under the officers holding back the crowd. 

"Taeyang shii, hold on a second. Hello, sweety. What's your name?" I asked, bending down to her. 

"My name is Choi Eun-ju. I wanted to ask if I could get your autograph for my book?" asked Eun-ju, holding out her book to me and a pen in her other hand. 

"Of course. Do you want Taeyang-shii to sign it too?" I asked, signing the book while talking. 

I saw her nod her head and blush a little. I gave Bae Oppa the book and took her hands. 

"Where's your parents? Are they in the crowd over there? I will walk you over to them if you point them out" I said, as Bae Oppa handed her the book back. 

"I'm here with my Unnie. She said that you are the prettiest person she has ever seen and that Taeyang Oppa was lucky to get you as a first girlfriend. I wanted to come see Taeyang Oppa because I saw him on TV and he is my favorite singer and I wanted to come see how pretty you are. Now, I want to become just like you when I grow up" replied Eun-ju, as she clutched the book to her chest.

"And what is it that you want to be like Tori-shii?" asked Bae Oppa.

"She is really pretty, and smart, and sweet, and can sing really pretty too. I wanna be a singer one day too."

"Well, keep on practicing and maybe one day you can audition for YG Entertainment. How about we take you to your Unnie now?" said Bae Oppa, grabbing one hand while I followed behind. 

As we got closer to the crowd, I saw a girl at the front look at Eun-ju with relief and then noticed us and start looking shy. 

"Unnie!" shouted Eun-ju when she saw the girl.

"Thank you for taking care of my sister. She ran off without me and I couldn't find her. Thank you so much."

"It's no problem. We had a nice talk, didn't we? Don't forget to practice. Hope to see you again, okay?" I asked, tapping her nose.

She let out a giggle before nodding back at me. Bae Oppa said goodbye and then put his arm around my waist and walk back to the car. We got in and started off to the dorms. Halfway back, he grabbed my hand and kissed the back before just holding it. Surprisingly, I'm not as scared of anti-fans anymore. 

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))