Off The Record

My Idol Romance

Bae Oppa and I were sitting in his apartment watching TV while Ji Oppa was playing around on the computer. Both of them kidnapped me after another day of schedules to watch the interview that Samantha Unnie, Maria, and I had a couple days ago. 

Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with Bae Oppa and Ji Oppa, but I really just want to go to sleep right now. We had been working non-stop for the past week and my over-obsessive, perfectionist personality hasn't helped with the fact that if we weren't filming something, performing on a show, or in a car on the way to something, we were working on the repackaged album that is coming out in a couple weeks. 

I think Bae Oppa is also a little stressed too. He has been working on his solo stuff a lot lately and we haven't been able to talk as much or go out together, so I think our relationship is being a little strained since we have both been so busy. For some reason, I feel like its my fault, but I'm too tired to figure out if it is or not and why its being strained at all. 

"Welcome back to our show" said the hostess. 

All of us gathered around the TV to watch the episode. We would laugh at the funny things and I would tell them about the things they had cut out in sake of time, but I was a little out of it still. It got to the point were they focused on Morning Star and they started asking us about the group concept. 

"Right now, especially with girl groups, idols are focusing on having a certain image or concept that they are known for. Like with 2PM they are beast idols, and SNSD are the girls with good looks. What is the image Morning Star going for?" asked the interviewer.

"We aren't really going for a specific look, but more of focusing on making our group more international fan-friendly. That sounds weird, doesn't it? Why don't you explain it Samantha" said Maria, shifting the focus to me. 

"Well, we are trying to make our group less like other Kpop idols and more like international groups. Instead of having a focus on Korean fashions and custom costumes for our performances, we will use a lot of the clothes that we get from America or different places around the world. Also, our music won't follow a lot of the same trends that other idols are following, like right now... the retro theme, but will be more internationally friendly" continued Samantha. 

"So, as leader of Morning Star, do you think this is a move in the right direction?" asked the lady, writing down something. 

"I think that it is for Morning Star. It might not be for other groups, but since Morning Star is made up of so many different ethnicities that it has a huge possibility of working out for us" I said, smiling.

"Was there a reason you all decided to go in this direction, besides the fact of each member being of different ethnicities?"

"While we were going through concept ideas for the first album and with the group's image, we thought about how people would take it if we decided to forget our heritage and try to become more like Koreans. After all of the members discussing it for multiple days, we all came to the conclusion that no matter how much we change our fashion, the way we talk, our movements, or anything else.... we will never truly be Korean. So we started talking about how we all started wanting to work in Korea and be a part of the music industry, and that's when the idea of this image came up" I replied, gaining a look of seriousness on my face for a little bit. 

"Do you think this will have an effect on the Hallyu Wave that is taking over the world right now?"

"I think it might, but then, nothing is ever in stone when it comes to people. We want our image to be internationally friendly not only for our personally benefit, but also to become a group that people who aren't already into Kpop can watch and be that first group that pulls them in" said Samantha. 

"I think we will. I mean it might not be as big of an effect as our sunbaes are having, but we are a group that people all around the world can relate to. I think just having a group like that in Kpop, no matter if that group is us or not, is an effect that will help the Hallyu Wave spread a little more" inserted Maria. 

The interview went on for a little while longer before the interviewer started getting into the topics of dating and ideal guys. She was focusing a lot on Maria and Samantha at first, but had little to no mercy when it came to me. 

"I know that you are dating Big Bang's Taeyang-shii right now Tori. So, besides Taeyang-shii, what is your ideal type of guy?"

"To tell you the truth, I don't really have an ideal type of guy when it comes to looks. I don't really have a ideal personality either" I replied, thinking about it. 

"She can't tell you the looks or the personality, but she does have favorite members of boy groups" said Maria, nudging me with her elbow.

"Oh, really? Well, what about 2PM?" asked the interviewer.

"My favorite member would be either Taecyeon-shii or Wooyoung-shii" I said, looking a little more confident. 







"2 AM?"

"I don't really have a favorite member in that group."

"Okay, well how about Block B?"

"Either Zico-shii or Jaehyo-shii" I replied.

"Last group I can think of is MBLAQ. Who from that group?"

"In MBLAQ, I have to say it would be Sandara Unnie's little brother, Thunder-shii."

"Really? Normally people would expect Lee Joon-shii or G.O.-shii" said the interview, surprised.

"Yeah, I have been watching MBLAQ activities with Dara Unnie lately, and he was the member that caught my eye. I'm sorry Unnie" I said, bowing to the camera. 

Everyone laughed and the interview went on for a couple more minutes before the show ended. I was already half asleep on the couch, when I felt Bae Oppa move. I opened my eyes to see that he had moved further away from me and that Ji Oppa went back to his game on the computer. 

"Oppa? Why did you move?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. 

"You know you could have completely avoided answering the question about your ideal type" replied Bae Oppa, looking out the window and away from me. 

"Don't tell you are upset because I told the interviewer my bias from different groups" I said, things clicking in my head. 

"According to the interview that was just shown, those are the guys that you would be willing to date" said Bae Oppa, still not looking at me. 

"Well, I'm dating you and those guys are just the people who have caught my eye while on TV. You shouldn't be acting like this" I replied, moving so he was facing me. 

"I'm still surprised you admitted to liking Dara Noona's little brother" said Bae Oppa, rubbing it in. 

"I don't like him as anything more than respect for a good performer. Why are you acting like this?" I asked, getting frustrated with his attitude.

"Why do you have to go and name off ten different guys that you would rather be with than me? And on national television at that" shouted Bae Oppa, standing up. 

I heard two doors open as Daesungie and Ji Oppa came out after hearing us fighting. Of course, I was too busy dealing with our argument to pay them any attention. 

"What's wrong with telling people who my biases are? It's not like I'm going to dump you and go running to one of them" I shouted back, standing up and looking him. 

"I don't sit there in an interview and name off people I'm a bias for. As far as people know, you are my only bias and that's because I'm dating you!"

"Oh, so big bad Taeyang doesn't like to pick favorites unless he is dating the girl. Well guess what? They cut out a good portion of that segment. The part were I was refusing to tell them my biases because I was trying to act mature and not cause this to happen. I thought that maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't freak out about hearing that there are other guys who I respect, but I guess not!"

"I don't mind that you respect them as long as you don't tell the world about it" shouted Bae Oppa, coming closer to me. 

"Come on, it's just an interview. Nothing is going to happen because Tori said who her biases were" said Ji Oppa, coming and standing beside us. 

"Watch! The headlines tomorrow are going to be all about it. I won't be surprised if by tomorrow she has those guys asking for her number" replied Bae Oppa, looking me straight in the eye. 

"Well, we will just have to wait and see, won't we? I'm sick of this argument. I'm going home and going to bed and I suggest you go to bed too before you do something you regret Oppa" I said, calming my voice and grabbing my jacket and bag. 

"You're not going anywhere until we finish this" said Bae Oppa, following me to the door.

"You want to finish this? Well, listen up. I told them my biases, yes. I respect them as sunbaes and good performers, yes. Do I want to date them? HECK NO. I have the only guy I want, and right now he is being a little a..... hole to me for saying something that I asked them to keep off the record. You hear that? I told them not to show it or even mention it, but they went behind my back and showed it anyway. Satisfied?" I said, putting on my shoes and walking out of the apartment. 

When I stopped a few feet away, I heard a bang on Bae Oppa's door and a loud string of curses. Hearing that come from his mouth didn't do anything to stop the tears that were coming down my cheeks. I thought of going back in there to fix things, but I decided against it because as much as I would love to fix it, both of us were just too tired to even think straight. 

I got back up to my apartment, on the floor about his, and opened the door to see Ginger waiting at the door. She started wagging her tail and howling in excitement. I smiled at her weakly and gave her more food and water before going and laying in bed. I looked up at the ceiling and saw the little glow-in-the-dark star and firefly shaped stickers lighting up. 

I remember when Bae Oppa had put them up for me saying that it would bring the outdoors inside and also give my room a unique feeling to it. I still have no clue where he got them from, but I was just too happy to care. Now, that I'm remembering the fight we just had, more tears were coming down my cheeks. I grabbed the little "Wedding Dress" puppy and cried. The entire time, I kept thinking the same questions. 

"Why are we fighting? How did it end up like this? Does this mean we are over?"

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))