My Angel

My Idol Romance

I looked over at the couch in the studio. There laid the most beautiful image I've seen in days. My fiance was finally sleeping peacefully, and without distruption from her busy life. 

There 'Snowy Wish' promotions had ended at the beginning of the New Year, and they are now promoting two tracks. One being the song 'Echo' and the other being a new song named 'Lonely'. Hilary and Maria wrote it and YG hyung liked it enough to choose it as one of their single tracks. Now, they are just waiting for Big Bang to make their comeback before starting their promotions for a new Japanese single. 

"Yo, YoungBae? How has it been living with Tori since the... you know?" asked Choice hyung.

"It's been fine. She will be paranoid when she is alone at night sometimes, but is getting better. I'm just happy that she has stopped scrubbing herself raw when she takes a shower. It's kinda hard to sit there and have to rub in that lotion while hearing her cry from the memories and the pain she caused herself."

"So, she is making progress, but probably not enough to be sent to live in Japan for their promotions, right?" asked Teddy hyung.

"We'll have to see. If needed, she can just travel back and forth between Korea and Japan for their promotions" I said, watching her continue to sleep.

The two of them noticed my attention shift and decided to drop the subject for their current project of selecting the two other tracks that will be on Morning Star's Japanese single and getting the new debutees ready for their debuts. 

Just then Song Eunhye, a trainee, walked in for her recording session, so I left Teddy hyung and Choice hyung to talk to her while I went over to Tori. I really don't want to disturb her sleep after she just finally is sleeping peacefully. I'll just carry her out to the lounge outside the studio, and we can relax there.

"Hyung, I'm going to take Tori out of here so she can sleep some more, okay?" I said, scooping Tori into my arms and resting her head on my shoulder.

"Sure. Make sure she catches up on a bunch of sleep. She has a busy day tomorrow" said Choice hyung.

"Taeyang sunbaenim, are you going to come back and listen? I'm going to record on of your songs today" said Eunhye.

This was one of the reasons that I was wanting to get out of the room too. For some reason, ever since she joined the company, she has been all over me. I couldn't go two steps without seeing her before she found out that Tori were in a REAL relationship. She apparently thought that the whole relationship was for show to get Morning Star more fame. I still remember the day she found out that Tori and I were engaged. She came in for her day of training, heard the news from another trainee, and then left for a week claiming of having an illness that had her stuck in bed. 

I put up with it at first, and would act like I did with the other trainees. Then Tori started getting some more free time since the girls started rotating their appearance schedules. I would spend as much time with Tori as possible and therefore, indirectly ignore the trainees. Besides we don't really even spend as much time with them as would before since there are a large number of them. There are a select few that we would hang out with, but not many. 

"I think I'll stay out there in case she wakes up. Besides I have some work to do on a couple new songs" I said, opening the door and walking out.

"Oppa, you know I'm awake right?" said Tori, opening her eyes and looking at me.

"I figured. Your breathing wasn't as even as it was before. Why'd you wake up?" 

"I heard that girl walk in and start going on and on about recording one of your songs today instead of something easy. You know for some reason, that girl gives me bad vibes. I feel like I've walked into a freezer when I walk past her in the building" replied Tori, resting her head on my shoulder again.

"She's just jealous. Nothing to worry about. If you're still tired, go back to sleep."

"I want to spend time with you when I get it. You are more important than sleep."

"Sure I am, but I don't want to hear you get yelled at by a coordi-noona when you walk into your schedules with bags under your eyes."

"Fine. I'll go to sleep as long as you go to sleep with me."


"If I go to Dreamland, I want you to go with me. That way its a win-win. You get what you want, me going to sleep, and I get to spend time with you."

"Fine. Your wish is my command. Now go to sleep" I said, laying down on the couch with her on top of me.

It wasn't two minutes later that Tori was asleep again. I knew that I wasn't far behind but I forced myself to stay up to watch her sleep for a little bit. She always reminded me of a painting that I saw as a kid when she slept. The painting was that of an angel, eyes closed and hands folded under her head, leaning against the arm of a bench that was in what seemed like a garden.

I reached up and ran my hand through her hair, enjoying the silky feeling it had. I rested my hand on the small of her back while I felt our breaths become one and I drifted off into Dreamland to meet my angel.

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))