Sticks and stones

My Idol Romance

"Yeah, we're all fine Oppa. Okay.... Have fun shopping.... Neh, talk to you later. Bye Oppa" I said, ending my call with Bae Oppa.

"So, how are they over there?" asked Teddy, switching to English since we were the only ones in the studio.

"They are fine. Missing all of us over here, but they are enjoying their little vacation" I said, laughing as I saw photos of them on one of the Big Bang fansites.

"I can imagine. Oh, a package came here for you before you got here. I put it on the couch" said Teddy, pointing to the box on the couch.

I went over and picked it up. Looking at the tag on it, I knew that it wasn't someone I knew personally because it was from Brazil. 

"Teddy, it's from Brazil. Are you sure this isn't for Big Bang or 2NE1?"

"When they dropped it off, it was addressed to you. Maybe Morning Star is starting to get fanmail? Go ahead and open it" goated Teddy, turning around and watching me.

I opened the package to see that inside was a scrapbook that had Bae Oppa's picture on it. For a second, I thought it could be a mistake and that it was for Bae Oppa, but then I opened it. The entire album was filled with pictures of Bae Oppa's kiss scenes from his MVs, photos of him and other girls dancing, photoshopped pictures of him and other idols who have said that they liked him, and worse of all, the last half of the album was full of pictures of SNSD's Yuri looking like a goddess with captions to go along with each picture. 

I guess Teddy saw my face when I got to the end, because he got up and took the album from me to look at it. Every single picture was stuck in my head as I looked at the ground. I saw that there was a letter in the box, so I picked it up and opened it. I could feel tears beginning to build as I read the note:

I heard that in a lot of mythology that gods liked to play with the feelings of mortals, but in the end, always end up going back to be with goddesses. I wonder when Taeyang will open his eyes, break up with you, and go to the goddess in front of him.

Yuyang forever <3

"Tori.... I should have opened it and checked. Don't worry about what this person says, because there are still a lot of people that support you and YoungBae as a couple. This person is just jealous because they didn't get the couple they wanted to see. But this? I can't believe someone would actually stoop low enough to make this and send it to you. Just wait till YoungBae hears about this" ranted Teddy, throwing the album on the table and pacing around the studio.

"NO! You can't tell Bae. He would freak out because of it. I don't want to cause him more stress than he already has" I said, putting the letter on the table.

"Tori, he has the right to know that people are sending this stuff to you and upsetting you. And you should be willing to tell him........ unless this isn't the first time you have gotten something like this. Oh God! Please tell me this is the first package you have gotten like this" said Teddy, sitting down on the chair in front of me and looking me straight in the eye.

"I wish I could" I responded, looking towards the door.

"How many more are there? And what were they?" 

"I've gotten about 3 others. They were photos that had been photo shopped to make it seem like he was kissing Yuri or they were together. One of them was a letter saying that I don't deserve to be his girlfriend and that I should save him the trouble of staying with me by breaking up with him. When I first started getting them, I thought about telling him, but I saw how much stress he had and knew that if he knew about it then he would stress about it even more. I couldn't do that to him, so I've kept them a secret but this one has to be the worst."

I was already crying and could tell that Teddy was debating over whether to tell Bae or not. For about a month I've kept this a secret and now that someone knows, I can't stop speaking my thoughts. 

"How can I compete with Yuri? You saw all of those pictures. Even before she was on that diet, she was better looking than me. I don't see how Bae could choose me over her. She's perfect while I'm..... me."

"Maybe he doesn't like perfect. Maybe he never wanted perfected, maybe he always wanted just you."

"He couldn't have. I can't cook a lot of Korean food. I can't make people laugh. I'm not as talented as she is nor am I even as pretty as she is."

"No, you're not talented. You are a musical genius who can do anything with or without talent. No, you're not pretty. You are gorgeous and are more beautiful than her, and I'm not saying that based on looks. You have something that YoungBae has loved since he first met you. He loves you for your heart. How you love those around you more than anyone else. How you are so loyal to those you trust that we all know that you would do anything you could to help us. He loves the way that you put other before yourself without a second thought even if it means ripping your own heart out."

I sat there and cried as I listened to him. After he stopped talking, I laid down on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling. 

"Yuri may seem perfect, but all of us know that you ARE perfect. I'm not going to tell him about this, but I have to tell YG about it. He needs to know incase it escalates into something else. I will be back after we finish" said Teddy, grabbing the box with the scrapbook and letter while walking out of the room. 

3rd POV


Teddy walked into YG's Office holding the box. He went straight to the sitting area and sat while putting the box on the table in the middle.

"Hey, what's in the box?" asked YG, getting up from his desk and sitting on the sofa facing Teddy.

"Take a look for yourself" said Teddy, pushing the box to YG.

He took out the letter on top and read it while his eyes went wide. When he finished, he took out the album and went through each page. 

"I knew something like this would happen but not like this. I expected letters or even complaints to us, but nothing like this" said YG, sighing as he put the things back in the box. 

"Apparently, she has already gotten the letters and even pictures in frames with photo shopped images to make it seem like YoungBae-ah and Yuri-shii were dating. She has kept it a secret from all of us for the past month, and refuses to tell YoungBae-ah about it. She thinks it will put more stress on him, and we all know it will" replied Teddy, looking at YG. 

"She's stronger than all of us to keep this in. I can't imagine how it must feel to be in her position right now. Is she still in the studio? I need to talk to her about this."

"Yeah, she was laying down when I left" replied Teddy, getting up with YG. 

"What are we going to do with the box?"

"I'm keeping it until she tells YoungBae-ah about what is going on. I know I can't protect her from everything, but I can at least keep it out of her sight" replied YG, walking towards the studio after getting off the elevator. 

The two men walked closer to the studio, only to hear Tori talking to someone on speakerphone. 

"Oppa, I'm sorry to call again so soon, but I needed to tell you something."

"What is it? You aren't sick again, are you?"

"No, but just don't flip out when I tell you, promise?"

"I promise besides I'm in the hotel room with Ji. No one could see me if I do" laughed YoungBae.

"I got a package today from a fan."

"That's great. What was it?"

"It was a photo album of you.... and other girls..... and Yuri. There was a letter with it saying that I should break up with you so you and Yuri-shii could get together."

"What? You're joking, right? What was it? Really?" 

"This isn't the first one I've gotten. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to stress you out, but I don't think I could hide it anymore. Oppa, you're not mad at me for keeping it from you, are you?"

"No, I just wish you would have told me, so I could do my best to protect you from it."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. I'll be back in the next couple of days with the guys, and when I do, we will figure this out. Until then, tell YG hyung about this and let him handle it from there."

"Teddy Oppa already went to tell him. He saw it too."

"Good...... Tori?"


"I love you."

"I love you too. I will meet you at the airport when you come back."

"Can't wait. Talk to you soon."

"Okay. Bye Oppa."

The two men outside the door smiled when the conversation ended. 

"Nothing is going to get between those two" whispered YG.

"I don't think their fans realize how perfect they are for each other" replied Teddy, smiling.

"I don't think even we know that, and we are around them all the time" said YG, opening the door and walking in.

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))