Add Key and Minho to the mix

My Idol Romance

(Author's Note: I know that 'A' is by Rainbow and 'How Dare You' is by Sistar. I just couldn't think of any original songs that I could use for Morning star, the new girl group. So I'm going to disclaimer the songs I use on every chapter but us an heads up. I am going to use songs from actual Kpop girl groups in this story as Morning Star's. Sorry if you are bothered by it, but I really don't want to sit here and make up songs. Anyway, ENJOY READING! ;D )


When Bae finally pulled away from the kiss, he looked at my wide eyes and then looked around the room at everyone. I thought he would back away from me and just tell everyone that it was just a "caught in the moment" thing. It hurt when he locked eyes with Yuri for a few seconds, so I was about to walk over Ji Oppa when Bae pulled me back into his arms.

"YoungBae, can't you at least save it for when there aren't guest around?" asked Teddy Oppa, looking at us with a "just kidding" smile.

"Of course not when I have a girlfriend as hot and talented as Tori" replied Bae, giving me a back hug and holding me there against his chest.

"Taeyang Oppa, you are really dating... her?" asked Yuri with shock still in her voice.

"Yes I am, we have been dating for awhile now and I have to say that I have never been happier" said Bae, giving me a quick peck on the lips, "well, except for when I released my album."

I just stared at him for a second before hitting him on the shoulder and shouted "Yah, Bae Oppa." He ran from me over towards YG Oppa and Se7en Oppa and that started another chase between us. While we were running, I heard everyone laughing at how childish we were, but I really didn't care since I was having fun. After about 5 minutes of playing "Tom and Jerry", Bae Oppa turned around and I ran right into his arms. We looked at each other, smiled and I gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Come on you two children, let's get down to the dance studio before I have to separate you two" said Teddy Oppa as Ji Oppa pulled me apart from Bae and dragged me to the elevator.

We got to the elevator before anyone else and it closed before anyone even appeared in front of it. As the ride to the dance studio started, Ji Oppa's questions came rapid fire.

"What was that chase all about?"

"He said that his album made him more happier than me."

"When exactly did "awhile" start?"

"When I returned to Korea, time just seems to go so slow and pass by so fast when we are together."

"When did YG hyung talk to you about debuting with Morning Star?"

"He didn't. He told me when I walked into his office like two minutes before you and Teddy Oppa did."

"Did you see the look on SNSD's faces? It was priceless! And SHINee looked like they got the shock of their lives!"

"No, I didn't get to look at their faces. I was too busy having Bae Oppa lifting me up and spinning me around."

"Do you two even know how good you look together or how cute you are?"

"I don't know, I haven't ever thought about it. Ji Oppa, can we stop with the questions for now? I just want to talk to my best friend like normal right now."

"Yeah, of course" replied Ji Oppa, starting a conversation about YG Oppa telling him and TOP Oppa about their new duo album that is coming out Christmas Eve.

I can't believe that they are releasing a duo album! I know that they have always wanted to do something together since they were little and I'm happy that they are finally doing it. It was even better that Bom Unnie is going to be featured in some of the songs. I have to admit that I'm jealous of her powerful voice.

We reached the dance studio and was surprised to find Bae Oppa standing in front of the elevator waiting for us. He pulled me out of the elevator and put his arm around my waist as we walked into the dance studio.

"How the heck did you get down here so fast? You couldn't have taken the stairs since that was the top floor" said Ji Oppa, trying his hardest to figure it out.

"You took YG's private elevator didn't you?" I asked, knowing that was what happened.

"I don't know what your talking about" replied Bae Oppa, ruffling my hair a little.

In the dance studio, a bunch of chairs were lined up against the walls since there were going to be a lot of people in here today. It was supposed to be just us getting to know each other, but with the news of my group's debut, I decided that I have to practice today to get back into tip-top shape.

"You're going to practice today and leave us alone with the SM people, aren't you Rae?" asked Bae Oppa, watching me stretch for dancing.

"I wasn't until YG Oppa told me I was debuting so now I have to so I can get back into shape" I replied, doing a split and putting my forehead on my shin.

I have pretty good flexibility but not Chinese acrobat flexibility. It's fun for me and my friends to have competitions to see who is the most flexible back in Japan, but now I have no one to do that with. But it's still fun for me to shock them with it here in Korea.

"You look like you're in shape to me. Why do you have to practice?" asked Ji Oppa as Teddy Oppa, Se7en Oppa and the SM groups walked in.

"Tori's practicing today! Why? I thought we weren't allowed to perform today" said Se7en Oppa, sitting beside Ji and Bae Oppa.

"I'm debuting in less than a month. I have to get the songs down pat before the girls get her so I can teach the dances to them" I said, going over and putting a CD into the sound system.

I grabbed a headset microphone and hooked it up while everyone started talking to each other. I watched as SHINee started talking to the YG guys and SNSD just kept to themselves. Ji Oppa and Key-shi were talking about the latest in fashion while Jonghyun-shi and Taemin-shi were talking to Bae Oppa. Teddy Oppa was giving Minho-shi pointers on rapping "hip hop or YG" style and Onew-shi and Se7en Oppa were talking about his new chicken restaurant.

"Hey, Tori-ah. Are you ready yet?" asked Teddy Oppa.

"Yup, just let me press play" I replied as I pressed play and ran to the center of the room.

A few seconds later the music started and everything disappeared. Even when I was little and helping Ji Oppa learn different dances, I would go into my own world and forget about everything around me.

When the music stopped, I looked in the mirror and realized that everyone was watching me.

"So... how was it?" I asked, looking at everyone.

"You have to teach me that dance. Is it for your debut?" asked Key-shi, jumping up and coming over to me.

"It might be, if YG Oppa agrees to it" I said, looking at Ji Oppa and Teddy Oppa.

"What's the song called?" asked Minho-shi.

"A. The girls and I made it before I moved over here" I said, watching for their reactions.

"Can't wait to see the choreography with the other girls in it, but for now, how about you help me practice something?" said Bae Oppa, coming up behind me.

"Of course Oppa" I said, as his song 'I Need A Girl' started.

For the rest of the day, all of us just got to know each other better. I learned that I'm older than all of the SHINee members, even if I'm only older than Onew-ah by a few months. The SNSD girls became friendlier and I'm guessing they got over Bae Oppa and I dating. When it came time for SNSD to leave because of their schedule, Jonghyun-ah, Taemin-ah, and Onew-ah left. Minho-ah and Key-ah said that they wanted to stay and get know us some more. I have to say that I was surprised since Minho-ah hasn't said a lot since he has been here.

Teddy Oppa made us move up to the recording studio to start working on Morning Star's debut album list. Ji Oppa started putting in suggestions of what songs he would want to put in out of the ones I have sent him over the past years. Bae Oppa sat beside me and would put in his thoughts every now and then, but kept up a conversation with Minho-ah and Key-ah along with Se7en Oppa.

"How about we put in 'How Dare You'? I liked hearing you and Regina noona do that one" said Ji Oppa.

"I think that's a good idea. We could also put in these songs as well. It shows a good variety of styles and we will be able to show a variety of dances along with them" I said, handing them a song list I had been working on.

"Okay, we will work through these tomorrow since it's getting late. SM will probably not like it if two of its idols are home at 3 am because of us. YoungBae, why don't you and Tori walk them out?" said Teddy Oppa, trying to hold in a yawn.

"Will do hyung. Come on Tori-ah" said Bae, grabbing my hands and pulling me so I hit his chest.

"Yah, Oppa. What was that for?"

"I wanted a hug" said Bae Oppa, giving me his lethal eye smile.

"Well, you could have just asked" I replied, giving him a hug while the others said goodbye.

On the way down the elevator, Key-ah was talking about how he was excited to be working with us now that he knows us. Also, how he was expecting YG artists to act like according to the things he has seen. As we got to the door, I saw a white van pull up and the door open.

"Well, there is our ride. We will be back in a couple days Tori noona. Don't forget about us, promise" said Key ah, holding out his pinky.

"How could I forget the Almighty Key?" I joked, wrapping my pinky around his.

"Ne, Tori noona? Do you think we could get a hug since you gave one to SNSD noonas and Taeminnie?" said Key ah, holding out his arms with a pout.

"Of course" I said hugging Key-ah.

Key-ah walked out of the building and to the van. Minho-ah was about to follow him until I stopped him.

"I specifically heard Key ask if 'we' could get a hug. That's means you too Minho-ah" I said, giving Minho a hug.

"Ne, thank you Tori noona. We will see you in a few days" said Minho-ah, going out to the van.

We watching the van disappear from view and Bae was holding me close to his side. I put my head on his shoulder and sighed. Just as we were about to walk back to get our bags, snow started falling.

"Bae Oppa, snow! It's snowing" I shouted, not really caring how childish I sounded.

"Yes it is. Do you know what they say about couples kissing in the snowfall?" asked Bae as he pulled me closer to him.

"That they will be together for a very long time" I said, looking at him.

He leaned down and kissed me as it was snowing around us. I could just imagine a scene like this in a romance movie or something. We pulled apart and tried to go inside again when Ji Oppa appeared with our bags.

"IT'S SNOWING!!!! COME ON, WE HAVE TO GO HOME AND GET CHANGED SO WE CAN PLAY IT IN! LET'S MOVE" shouted Ji Oppa, running to the already started van.

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))