A SHINee revelation

My Idol Romance

"Tori noona, can you help me with the frosting?"

I walked over to Taeminnie and gave him the spoon instead of the whisk that he was using.

"That might work better for stirring it, Taeminnie" I said, patting his head.

"Okay noona" replied Taemin, stirring the frosting again.

"I'm happy we finally have a day with Tori noona all to ourselves. Since Big Bang hyungs have to film their MV, you get to have an entire day with SHINee alone" said Key, acting a little snobby at the end.

I just laughed and pulled the cake out of the oven. The guys had come over this morning saying that they wanted to spend the day together since I would be alone while Big Bang filmed their MV for "Love Song." Of course, they got hungry and wouldn't agree to anything but a cake.

"Taeminnie, is that icing ready yet?" I asked, putting the cake on the cooling rack.

"I think so Tori noona."

I took the bowl he passed me and looked at it. I grabbed a little spoon and tried some. It tasted okay, but it needed to be stirred a little more for the right texture. I continued to stir it while the guys continued to talk about recent movies, music, and video games.

"Tori noona, did you know that Morning Star is already a big topic in the music industry?" asked Jjong.

"No, we haven't debuted yet so how would I know what's going on in variety shows?" I questioned back, finally happy with the icing.

"It's really cool being able to say that we know you since you and the other noonas are stilling all the celebrity fanboys from SNSD noonas. Can we put the icing on it now?" asked Taeminnie.

"Not yet, we have to let it cool first. Let's go in the living room while it does its thing" I said, ushering everyone out.

Key, Jjong, and Taeminnie continued to talk about Morning Star's rising popularity while Onew ate the chicken I had delivered and Minho sat and watched the game on.

"Noona, you don't mind us talking about you, do you?" asked Minho out of the blue.

"No... I don't think so... as long as you don't tell anything really personal, like me dating Bae Oppa or anything like that. Other than that I don't mind" I said, thinking about it a little more now.

The conversation grew a little bit as Key, Jjong, Taeminnie, and Onew started talking about what they could and could not say about me and Morning Star when in public. I went into the kitchen to check on the cake and start frosting it. I wonder how Bae Oppa is doing? He hasn't called much today, but that's probably because he knows that SHINee is over right now. Probably doesn't want to interrupt my time with some of my favorite dongsangs.

"Hey noona, want some help?" asked Minho, coming in the kitchen.

"Sure, can you grab that cake stand over there?"

He brought me the stand and watched as I set it up and started on the frosting. We stayed in silence for a few minutes until he asked a question I never thought I would here.

"Do you think I could have a chance at getting an older girl?"


"I'm asking your opinion on if you think if I could have a chance with an older girl."

"Of course, anyone would be crazy to not like you if your chasing after them" I said, smiling at the thought of Minho liking someone.

"But what if she's taken already? Do I still have a chance?"

"Depends on the relationship I guess. If she is happy in her relationship, be happy for her and be there for her. If it's bad, just become the person she can run to for anything. That's what I think would work. But I'm sure you would have a chance with any girl you try to get."

"What if I was going after you? Would I have a chance?"

"What are you saying Minho?" I asked, stopping what I was doing to look at him.

"I'm saying that I like you noona, and I know that you are happy with Taeyang hyung but I can't help but to continue to liking you" replied Minho, looking me straight in the eyes.


"Noona, believe me when I say that I have tried to stop it and just think of you like a sister but I can't. Every single time that I almost get to the point of stopping to like you for a second, I find something new that pulls me back in. I can't stop it and I have been trying my hardest to get over you because I know you are happy with Taeyang hyung. But, I have finally come to terms with myself and made the decision to either fight for you or just let it go and get over it. Noona, I know I'm going to sound crazy when I tell you my decision but I have never felt this way before in my entire life. I want to fight for you love Tori noona. I don't care if I have to snatch you away from Taeyang hyung; I will do whatever it takes to get you to love me the way you love him."

"Minho... please, just stop, okay? I'm very happy with Bae Oppa and he's happy with me. I know you, you aren't going to stop trying when you have made up your mind to do something, but know that things probably aren't going to go the way you want them to. Oh, by the way, Bae Oppa and I have been asked to go on 'We Got Married' as one of the new couples. You will have to fight while we are a real couple and a couple on that show, are you okay with that?" I asked, trying to get him to change his mind.

"I will do anything. I'm not changing my mind no matter how many obstacles you put in my way. You forget how competitive I am" replied Minho.

"I didn't forget. I'm just warning you because I don't want you to have any surprises. I may not love you the way I love Bae Oppa but I still care about you" I said, going back to the cake.

Minho went silent for a little bit while I finished with the cake and put the lid on the stand. While I was washing the dishes in the sink, I felt Minho come behind me and put his arms on the sink, trapping me. I turned around to look at him and saw the "Flaming Charisma" in his eyes.

"Noona, I thought about everything you said and I'm still not going to give up. You're too precious to me to just give up that easily. I'm sorry I'm putting you through more stress while you debuting and everything but you needed to know" said Minho, pulling me into a hug. 

I hugged him back but got out of his grip as soon as my cell phone rang.

"Hey Bae Oppa, how is the MV going?" I said, as I watched Minho leave the kitchen.

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))