My Boys!!

My Idol Romance

We got to the YG Building about 10 minutes later, and the only sound in the car was the radio that I had a few minutes after we pulled out of the parking lot. I'm still in shock over the pure fact that Bae Oppa would do something like that to me, but now, I'm in shock over the size of the YG Building. I was getting out of the car when I was attacked my none other than my childhood friend, Ji Oppa.

"Rae-ah! Rae-ah! RAE-AH!!!!!" shouted Ji Oppa as he picked me up and spun me around a few times.

"Jiyoungie, don't make her sick before she even gets time to get over being on the plane" said Bae Oppa, setting me down and letting me lean back against him as my head stopped spinning.

"I'm just soo happy that you are finally here. I mean I haven't seen you in person for what 6 years except those few times we met up in Japan. Other than that, you are going to be working with YG Entertainment too, so we get to see each other even more than before" said Ji Oppa, taking my hand and almost spinning me again.

Thank heavens, this time YoungBae Oppa grabbed my hands before Ji Oppa and crossed them around me and he held me close to him. I was trying to hide my blush with my long brown hair, but I don't think it was working.

"Not this time Ji. Rae-ah needs to rest and relax before I let you get a hold of her. Until then, she isn't leaving my side, do you understand?" said Bae Oppa, holding me protectively away from Ji Oppa.

I started giggling and walked inside with Bae Oppa as Ji Oppa followed along behind us. No matter what, he was still talking about how we would have to work double time today and probably tonight, so he could take me shopping tomorrow. By the time we got to the studio, Ji had gotten the bright idea that I needed to dye my hair (which I actually agreed on doing) and Bae was disagreeing with the idea everytime it was mentioned.

"Ji, she is fine the way she is. Just because all the YG girls dye their hair at some point doesn't mean that she needs to as well" said Bae Oppa, leading me into the studio.

"What's going on? All I heard was 'needs to as well'" said Teddy Oppa as we walked in.

I ran from Bae Oppa and gave Teddy a hug since I missed the big Teddy Bear. He hugged me back and picked me up off the ground, earning a squeak from me.

"So care to explain?" asked Teddy as he loosened his hold but didn't removed from the hug all the way.

"Ji Oppa wants me to dye my hair, to become a new me since I moved to Korea for awhile. Bae Oppa doesn't want me to do it because he says I'm fine the way I am even though he said that he wanted to change his hairstyle awhile ago. Also, Bae Oppa had to protect me from the massive explosion of Ji Oppa's hyperness so that was why when we walked he had his arm around me" I explained with a childish look on my face.

"Now I see, well, do what you want Tori. Just don't make it look bad, or else YG himself will come after us for letting you do it" said Teddy as he finally let go of me and sat down in the rolling chair.

Bae Oppa was at my side in a second to keep Ji Oppa away from kidnapping me and took out his phone. It reminded me of the GaHo chain that was still in my pocket.

"Ji Oppa! Here I got this for you" I said, holding out the chain for Ji Oppa.

He grabbed it and immediently put it on his phone without even looking at it. When he finally looked at it, he got a smile on his face.

"Awww, its GaHo where ever I go now! Thank you Rae-ah" said Ji Oppa.

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))