Look to the future

My Idol Romance

"Ji Oppa, as much as I love you.... you are insane for shaving off your hair! Seeing you like this scares me! It's like you are getting ready to go into the army right now" I shouted, clutching onto Ji Oppa and pretended to cry. 

"Why are you surprised I shaved it off? You should have known that if I've shaved half my hair off before then I have to shave all of it off at some point" replied Ji Oppa, trying to gently pry me off him. 

"But you are making me think you are going into the army soon" I replied, making my voice sound soft and weak. 

He got out of the bear hug and made me stand in front of him. 

"I am not going into the army soon. If it makes you feel better, you will be one of the first people who know, okay?" 

"Okay, Ji Oppa. Now, where's Bae Oppa?" I asked, smiling and changing the subject. 

He and Teddy Oppa laughed as they continued playing video games in the lounge in the YG Building. I was previously at my dorm watching TV when I heard what happened to Ji Oppa's hair, so I rushed over here to see if it was true. 

"I think he might have actually went to your dorm to surprise you, but seeing as you are here... that's a bust" replied TOP Oppa, coming in the lounge. 

"Well, you all are scaring me with the new buzz cut and Bae Oppa saying in that interview that in the next five years you all are joining the army" I said, pouting and walking out of the lounge as the guys laughed. 

I made it all the way to the elevators before Ji Oppa caught up to me. He was apologizing and kept on saying random stuff to make me laugh as we went down to the main floor. 

"How about we go out for a meal or something? Like old times?" asked Ji Oppa, as the doors opened. 

"That sounds good. What do you want?" I asked walking out of the elevator. 

When we walked into the main lobby, I heard the voices of two children call out to Ji Oppa. 

"Hey, look it's Sean hyung and the little ones! How are you doing?" asked Ji Oppa, bending down and hugging HaRang and HaEum. 

"Good. I was coming over here to see if someone could watch over these three while we take HaEl to get some pictures done" replied Sean Oppa, letting me hold on to Hayul.

"Of course! We love hanging with the little ones. Have you eaten yet?" asked Ji Oppa, pointing the question at HaEum and HaRang. 

They both nodded "no" and started patting their tummies. 

"Do you want to come eat with us? Do you mind? We were on our way to meet YoungBae and get something."

"Here. Let me get you some cash and their car seats and then you can be on your way" replied Sean Oppa, going out to his car while the rest of us followed. 

He handed me all of Hayul's things while he and Ji Oppa moved the car seats into Ji Oppa's back seat. I held hands with HaEum while she was holding HaRang's hand. They kept on asking me if Bae Oppa was meeting us and where are we going. It was cute!

"Okay, all set. Here's some cash for their food" said Sean Oppa, as I started getting the kids buckled in. 

"It's fine. Keep it. This will be my treat" I said, helping HaRang into the car. 

After that, I heard him and Ji Oppa whispering and then Sean Oppa saying bye to the kids. 

"Are they all set?"

"Yup, let's head out" I said, sitting down in the front seat. 

We the radio while we were driving so the kids wouldn't get bored on the way to the mall. Ji Oppa and I continued talking about random things. When we parked, I took Hayul and HaRang out while Ji Oppa got HaEum. 

"YoungBae said that he would meet us at the restaurant, so how about we go shopping for a little bit?" 

"Okay, I'll take the kids, if you want to go shopping for a little bit" I said, grabbing hold of the backpack that was holding my things along with Hayul's diaper bag. 

"Are you sure you can handle three kids on your own?" 

"I can do it better than you can. Just walk around for a few minutes and then we'll separate, is that better?"

"Yes, yes it is."

All of us walked into the mall to find that it wasn't as crowded as we first thought it would be. I kept on backing sure that neither of the two kids walking got away from us while Ji Oppa was looking around the stores. 

"Tori-ah, in celebration of your upcoming debut.... I'm going to style you an entire outfit free of charge" said Ji Oppa, copying the Harry Potter movie we had watched a couple days ago. 

I laughed and nodded as he led us into a store. We spent a good half hour in there with me being in the dressing room the entire time. By the end of it, I ended up with this:  http://image.itsme.co.kr/goods/SN-00245/RP1.JPG

"Thank you oh mighty fashion god G-Dragon. Now if you don't mind excusing us from your sight, I am going to take the kids to a toy store" I said, walking out of the store with all three of the kids while Ji Oppa went on shopping. 

I held Hayul on one side while I was holding hands with HaRang who was holding hands with HaEum. We got to the second floor of the mall before I realized that people had their phones out and were taking pictures of us together. 

"Well, I guess people were right when they said that Sean Oppa's babies were as popular as idols" I mumbled as we walked into the toy store. 

I walked around with them, going through every isle as they all found a toy to play with. After they were all content with their toys, I grabbed a little toy to get for baby HaEl before checking out. 

"So, are you all happy?" I asked, smiling while playing with Hayul and his toy. 

HaRang and HaEum came over and hugged my legs. 

"Thank you Tori Unnie" said HaEum while HaRang said "Thank you Tori Noona."

"Hey, what a surprise! What are you doing here?" 

I looked over and saw Bae Oppa along with Se7en Oppa and Han Byul Unnie. 

"Oppas! Unnie! What are you doing here?" I asked, as Bae Oppa came over and picked up HaRang and HaEum. 

"We came to eat with you and Jiyongie. He said that we would find you up here and to bring you all to the restaurant" replied Bae Oppa. 

"Let's go, I'm starving after all that running around" complained Se7en Oppa, grabbing hold of HaEum after Bae Oppa set her back on the ground with HaRang. 

We all started walking to the restaurant that was attacked to the mall. HaEum was inbetween Se7en Oppa and Han Byul Unnie, showing off her new toy while HaRang was inbetween Bae Oppa and I, holding both of our hands. 

As we got closer to the restaurant, we saw Ji Oppa and HaRang and HaEum went to go show Ji Oppa their toys while Se7en Oppa and Han Byul Unnie ran to catch them. 

"So, have you ever imagined what it would be like to have kids of your own?" asked Bae Oppa, standing back a little and putting his arm around my waist. 

I looked down at the sleeping Hayul and then at the other two who were playing with the three adults. 

"I have, but I think the reality of it will be much better" I replied, leaning up and kissing Bae Oppa real quick. 

"Also, the question shouldn't be 'What it would be like to have kids of MY own,' it should be 'OUR own'" I said, walking to the restaurant as Bae Oppa started laughing. 

"You have all this figured out don't you?" 

"Hey, you are the one who gave me a promise ring, so you are the one who started it and that means you have to finish it" I said, turning to face him. 

He leaned forward and gave me another quick kiss before saying "That's my plan."

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Chapter 37: OMG!!!! I loooooove criminal minds! This chapter was epic <3 <3 <3
I love your story. What surprised me the most was you mentioning Flowsik from Aziatix. Unless your a fan of them you wouldn't really know about him.
Great Story! :D
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
oh my gosh! keep making stories like these!
omgawd...i've been away for too long and this is finish already o.o

waiting for the sequel~
BigBang_VIP #6
AHHHH it sounded so perfect. XD YAY SEQUEL!! :)
Yeay sequel!
Hope her dreams come true
clytieayamenlee #8
ohhhh so sweet and I really love the story:)))